Landscape – L’homme paysage – par Levi Van Veluw L’artiste Levi Van Veluw revisite l’art de peindre des paysages en le transposant en trois dimensions sur son propre visage. via Behance DATA GUEULE DATA GUEULE remporte le prix du public dans la catégorie web-actu/mag/politique au WebProgram-Festival 2016 DATA GUEULE remporte le prix du public aux Data journalism awards 2015 Le jury des Data Journalism Awards, réuni le jeudi 18 juin, a décerné le prix du public à Datagueule. Ce programme court en data visualisation diffusé sur le web et coproduit par francetv nouvelles écritures, Premières Lignes Télévision et StoryCircus a recueilli plus de 5 300 votes du public. Data Gueule : jouons avec les chiffres, allons-y franchement Chaque jour, nous sommes bombardés par des milliers de molécules d’information. Plus 50 épisodes Lancé en 2014, ce programme court en data visualisation, diffusé uniquement sur le Web et sur France 4, a enregistré plus de 14 millions de vues au travers de ses 50 épisodes. Au cœur de l’offre éditoriale d’IRL, la nouvelle plateforme du réel Ce sont des vidéos qui traitent de l’actualité. Voici les #DTG les plus partagés, les plus polémiques, les plus commentés…
There are almost 100 active startup accelerators in Europe today Hang up a map of Europe on the wall. Throw a dart at it. If you’ve managed to hit land, chances are pretty high that you’ve hit upon a region where there’s an active startup business accelerator. To wit, there’s an ever-growing number of seed acceleration programs popping up across Europe, to the extent where it’s getting difficult to keep track of all of them. In fact, even doing a headcount is a challenge. It doesn’t help that there are different types of business accelerators, and even the definition of an ‘accelerator’ isn’t set in stone. Y Combinator blazed a trail that has been walked by many, including in Europe Inarguably, Y Combinator was the first of its kind when it started in March 2005, and its success has inspired many to follow into its footsteps, often by outright copying its modi operandi. In Europe, the biggest names are international startup accelerators like Seedcamp, TechStars London (formerly Springboard), Founder Institute and Startupbootcamp.
Online music lessons with private music teachers. Learn piano, guitar, singing, saxophone and more. | ZOEN HeadBox Is An Online Marketplace In The U.K. For ‘Inspiring Spaces’ HeadBox is a newly-launched marketplace in the U.K. for ‘creative, inspiring and off-site spaces’. It enables corporate, SME, and private bookers to find and book spaces for things like launch events and parties, off-site meetings, workshops or basically any kind of occasion that requires a setting that moves slightly beyond the everyday. “The process of trying to book creative, inspiring, off-site spaces is very time consuming and painful. It involves lots of phone calls, emails, filling in forms and contracts and is very paper based,” Andrew Needham, CEO and founder of HeadBox, says when asked to describe the problem the London-based startup solves. “The reason for this is the market is currently dominated by traditional venue listing sites who act as a middle-man between the space booker and the space owner. In addition, HeadBox is making it easier for hosts to unlock their under-utilised space and drive additional revenue.
Outsider art Anna Zemánková, No title, 1960s Outsider art is art by self-taught or naïve art makers. Typically, those labeled as outsider artists have little or no contact with the mainstream art world or art institutions. In many cases, their work is discovered only after their deaths. Often, outsider art illustrates extreme mental states, unconventional ideas, or elaborate fantasy worlds. The term outsider art was coined by art critic Roger Cardinal in 1972 as an English synonym for art brut (French: [aʁ bʁyt], "raw art" or "rough art"), a label created by French artist Jean Dubuffet to describe art created outside the boundaries of official culture; Dubuffet focused particularly on art by those on the outside of the established art scene, using as examples psychiatric hospital patients and children.[1][2] Art of the mentally ill[edit] Interest in the art of insane asylum inmates continued to grow in the 1920s. Jean Dubuffet and art brut[edit] Dubuffet characterized art brut as: Cultural context[edit]
Bibliolingus PitchFuse Capsule - An Innovative Wedding Photo App & Photo Sharing Tool for Events Snow Drawings, Rabbit Ears Pass, CO, Sunday Jan. 29, 2012 | Artwork by Sonja Hinrichsen This large-scale Snow Drawing piece was created with the generous assistance of 5 volunteers from Steambaot Springs and Hayden, Colorado. The photos were taken during a flyover in local pilot Jack Dysart’s Cessna aircraft. All images on this blog © Sonja Hinrichsen – reproduction of images only with permission contact: sonja[at] Additional photos and video were taken by Cedar Beauregard during the creation of this piece with a camera mounted on a remote-controlled helicopter. All photos are available as editioned fine art prints. Like this: Like Loading...
Où acheter ses vêtements (via thetruecost) #1 Will you wear it 30 times? The rapid turnover of trends characterising Fast Fashion means clothes are disposable. Along with the deflation of clothing prices this has put the supply chain under unprecedented pressure leading directly to outrages like Rana Plaza and Tazreen (the 2012 Dhaka fashion factory fire that killed over 100). Just asking yourself if you will wear a prospective item 30 times is a great place to start shopping smarter and more intentional. #2 Break the cycle: The traditional spring/summer autumn/winter of international fashion weeks is just for show. #3 Spread your fashion $: The global fashion industry is worth $2.5 trillion. #4 Detox your wardrobe: Fashion is the world’s second most polluting industry after oil. #5 Join the Fashion Revolution: Be the change you want to see in your wardrobe (to paraphrase Gandhi).
7 crowdsourcing websites that you should keep an eye 2011 Das Jahr 2010 war für Online-Crowdsourcing-Plattformen durchaus ein erfolgreiches und auch 2011 könnte noch die ein oder andere Überraschung in diesem Segment bereit halten. Gründerszene hat sich daher den Jahreswechsel einmal zum Anlass genommen, um einen Überblick über sieben sehenswerte europäische Crowdsourcing-Plattformen zusammen zu stellen. Crowdsourcing meint die Auslagerung von Arbeitsinhalten auf die Intelligenz und die Arbeitskraft einer Masse von Freizeitarbeitern im Web, was von der Erstellung von Logos über Modedesigns bis hin zur Finanzierung von Geschäftsideen reichen kann. Das Konzept Crowdsourcing hat zuletzt weiter deutlich an Größe gewonnen. Garmz zur Vermarktung von Fashion Garmz ist ein innovatives Portal, welches jungen und unabhängigen Modedesignern eine Plattform zur Vermarktung ihrer Produkte bietet. Wooshii richtet sich an Video-Artists Wooshii ist eine neue Website, die Kunden mit Video-Artists verbindet. Red Bubble für Creative-Production
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