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Learning React.js: Getting Started and Concepts ― Scotch

Learning React.js: Getting Started and Concepts ― Scotch
Introduction Today we are going to kick off the first installment in a new series of tutorials, Learning React, that will focus on becoming proficient and effective with Facebook's React library. Before we start building anything meaningful, its important that we cover some base concepts first, so lets get this party started. What is React? React is a UI library developed at Facebook to facilitate the creation of interactive, stateful & reusable UI components. One of it's unique selling points is that not only does it perform on the client side, but it can also be rendered server side, and they can work together inter-operably. It also uses a concept called the Virtual DOM that selectively renders subtrees of nodes based upon state changes. How does the Virtual DOM work? Imagine you had an object that you modeled around a person. Now think about if you took that object and made some changes. Because React is using a fake DOM and not a real one, it also opens up a fun new possibility. <!

Build A Real-Time Twitter Stream with Node and React.js ― Scotch Introduction Welcome to the second installation of Learning React, a series of articles focused on becoming proficient and effective with Facebook's React library. If you haven't read the first installation, Getting Started and Concepts, it is highly recommended that you do so before proceeding. Today we are going to build an application in React using Isomorphic Javascript. Iso-what? Isomorphic. This is the concept behind frameworks like Rendr, Meteor & Derby. Why is this awesome? I'm an Angular fan just like everybody else, but one pain point is the potential SEO impact. But I thought Google executes and indexes javascript? Yeah, not really. Enter React. React is amazing on the client side, but it's ability to be rendered on the server side makes it truly special. Getting Started Alright gang, lets get down to brass tacks. Here is a quick look at what we'll be building. Let's take a look at some of the tools we are going to use besides React: Server Side Directory Structure package.json server.js

Comment bien débuter en ReactJS On vous a parlé de cette technologie et vous voulez vous y frotter ? Vous ne savez pas comment commencer avec toutes les technologies qui gravitent autour : React, Flux, Redux, Webpack, JSX, Babel, etc. ? Bref, vous êtes perdus. Mais, vous êtes au bon endroit ! Nous allons voir dans ce premier article les principes de ReactJs ainsi que la partie routing. ReactJs ReactJS est une librairie JavaScript, créée par Facebook, utilisée uniquement pour le côté “vue” dans le paradigme MVC. Intérêt de React face aux autres frameworks La compétition est rude dans les frameworks JavaScript, notamment entre Angular (1 et 2), Ember et ReactJS. L’intérêt de React réside tout d’abord dans son approche composant, complètement différente des autres, et qui, au lieu de laisser notre JavaScript modifier le DOM, écrit du HTML dans ses composants JavaScript en interne. Concernant les webcomponents (avec le framework Polymer par exemple), ceux-ci ont un but différent de React. Le fonctionnement de ReactJS “Bon !

Reapp - Hybrid apps, fast What is it? Reapp is everything you need to build amazing hybrid apps with React: a collection of modules that work together, a UI kit, and our CLI that bootstraps your app and has a pre-configured build server. Examples We have two example apps you can check the source to: Installation Installation is done through npm, though you can pick and choose any pieces you'd like and roll your own stack. npm install -g reapp Once that's done you can generate a new base reapp stack with: reapp new [name] Where [name] is the name you'd like to give your new stack. The CLI has two main functions that it helps you with. It also lets you run your app, using reapp-server, a simple express server that works well with the default app structure. CLI Usage: Usage: reapp [options] [command] Commands: new [name] creates a directory with a new reapp-starter scaffold run runs a reapp application with express/webpack-dev-server build builds a reapp application to a bundle in . Running & Building Reapp Your First App Why

Getting To Know Flux, the React.js Architecture ― Scotch Introduction Welcome to the third installment of the Learning React series. Today we will be learning about how Facebook's Flux Architecture works, and how to use it in your own projects! If you haven't already, I strongly recommend you check out the first two installments in this series, Getting Started & Concepts and Building a Real Time Twitter Stream with Node and React. What is Flux? Flux is an architecture that Facebook uses internally when working with React. That said, Facebook does provide a repo that includes a Dispatcher library. A typical Flux architecture will leverage this Dispatcher library, along with NodeJS's EventEmitter module in order to set up an event system that helps manage an applications state. Flux is probably better explained by explaining its individual components: Lets take a look at what this process looks like graphically: How does the API relate to this? The Dispatcher So what's this Dispatcher all about? So it's essentially pub/sub? Not exactly. Dependencies

ReactJS For Stupid People TL;DR I struggled for a long time trying to understand what React is and how it fits in the application architecture. This post is what I wish someone had told me. What is React? How does React compare to Angular, Ember, Backbone, et al? How do you handle data? How do you contact the server? Stop. Stop it right now. React is ONLY THE VIEW LAYER. React is often mentioned in the same breath as other Javascript frameworks, but "React vs Angular" doesn't make sense because they aren't directly comparable things. React gives you a template language and some function hooks to essentially render HTML. You absolutely cannot build a fully functional dynamic application with React alone. The Good After working with React for a while, I've seen three very important benefits surface. 1. This may be the most important benefit, even though it is not different from Angular templates. Say you have to update your site's header with the user's name upon log in. Here's how you might do it in React: 2. 3. The Bad

5 Practical Examples For Learning The React Framework Martin Angelov You’ve probably heard about the popular JavaScript framework by Facebook – React. It is used by many popular websites, including Facebook itself and Instagram. What is special about React? React is built around the concept of components. However, the flip side is that it takes a bit more code in React to achieve the same things that can be easily done with a data binding, as you can see from the examples below. How to use it? To use React, you need to include a single JavaScript file in your page. This gives you access to the global React object, which holds a number of useful methods, some of which you can see in these examples. But enough talk, let’s see some code! 1. As I mentioned, the building blocks of react apps are components. (Click the JavaScript 1.7 link to see the JSX source code.) You can embed any JavaScript expression within braces {} when creating a component. 2. Let’s see how we can handle click events in React by building a navigation menu: 3. 4. 5.

Creating A Simple Shopping Cart with React.js and Flux Introduction Welcome to the fourth and final installment of the Learning React series! Up to this point, we've learned how React's API allows us to create rich stateful components, how to use them in practice & how Facebook's Flux architecture works. Today we are going to put all of it together to create a basic shopping cart application. If you haven't already, I highly recommend checking out the first three parts of this series: ReactJS 0.12 During the writing of this series, React released version 0.12 which made some fairly significant changes. The /** @jsx React.DOM */ header is no longer required when writing JSX syntaxrenderComponent is now renderrenderComponentToString is now renderToString You can check out the entire changelog on the official blog post. Getting Started Our first step to architecting an application is defining what it should do. This is what our finished product should look like: This app is going to be purely client side, so we aren't going to need a server. app.js

Introduction à ReactJS Cela fait maintenant un an que React est open-sourced. C'est l'occasion de présenter le petit dernier de la vague MV*. #Les différentes approches d'UI #Backbone Backbone apporte une simplification dans la déclaration d'évenements, il reste cependant très peu impliqué dans le rendering. Pour faire du data-binding, Backbone ne propose naturellement rien, et l'on doit faire appel à des mixins supplémentaires pour le mettre en place sans s'arracher les cheveux. De plus, c'est souvent un moteur de templating comme Handlebars ou Jade qui génére la vue originale. En somme, Backbone est très sympathique pour structurer son code proprement, mais concernant l'UI, n'aide absolument pas à réduire la compléxité liée aux états du DOM. #Angular Angular propose une approche beaucoup plus travaillée, en imposant un moteur de templating HTML (on peut utiliser du preprocessing) et on déclare ses bindings très simplement avec une syntaxe {{mustache}}. #Ember #React React change complètement d'approche.

javascript - Pros and Cons of Facebook's React vs. Web Components (Polymer)
