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New police radars can 'see' inside homes

New police radars can 'see' inside homes
Radar devices allowing officers to detect movement through walls have been secretly used by at least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies over the last two years. VPC WASHINGTON — At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies have secretly equipped their officers with radar devices that allow them to effectively peer through the walls of houses to see whether anyone is inside, a practice raising new concerns about the extent of government surveillance. Those agencies, including the FBI and the U.S. Marshals Service, began deploying the radar systems more than two years ago with little notice to the courts and no public disclosure of when or how they would be used. The radars work like finely tuned motion detectors, using radio waves to zero in on movements as slight as human breathing from a distance of more than 50 feet. The RANGE-R handheld radar is used by dozens of U.S. law enforcement agencies to help detect movement inside buildings. By then, however, the technology was hardly new. Imgur Related:  Emerging Technologies

Google and Johnson & Johnson are teaming up to make robots that perform surgery - Futurism | Futurism Synopsis The companies say they are developing a "platform" to make robotic assistants to help doctors during surgery. Financial terms were not disclosed. Summary Territoire - Territoires d'Auvergne : un tableau de bord pour connaître, partager et décider Anna MESPOULHÈS, Insee Sommaire Publication Mis en place en 2007, le Tableau de bord des territoires d'Auvergne est un outil de connaissance et de comparaison des Pays, des communautés d'agglomération et des zones d'emploi. L'information sur les territoires d'Auvergne méritant d'être enrichie et suivie, cet outil de veille statistique localisée a fait l'objet d'une mise à jour en février 2010. Les données déjà en ligne ont été actualisées et de nouveaux zonages sont aujourd'hui proposés à l'internaute : les bassins de vie, les arrondissements et les parcs naturels régionaux. Retour au sommaire Pourquoi un tableau de bord ? Dans le cadre de l'action menée pour accompagner les politiques territoriales, la Préfecture de région Auvergne et l'Insee ont souhaité faciliter la concertation entre acteurs locaux autour de données objectives nécessaires à la connaissance des territoires. Un outil synthétique de suivi des territoires Un accès simple et rapide Cartes des territoires d'Auvergne

10 Ways the World Will Change by 2025 Teleportation, cures for disease, and no more plastic? It may sound impossible, but Reuters has predicted differently - and all by 2025. By: Amanda Froelich, True Activist. Teleportation, food equality, successful disease treatment – sound too good to be true? After analyzing huge volumes of data regarding the scientific studies and patent applications, the child agency of Reuters created a list of the top 10 innovations that promise to dramatically change the planet by 2025. Credit: Learning-Mind While some of the following may be perceived as debatable (pending the ethics and public acceptance of genetically modified foods, for example), the Intellectual Property and Science Department of the company is optimistic that these ten identified areas will no doubt change the world. 1. Thanks to the advancements made in photovoltaic technology, the photocatalysts, distribution networks, and energy storage batteries, solar energy will become the main source of energy on the planet. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rongo rongo Se conoce con el nombre de rongorongo a un sistema de escritura descubierto en la isla de Pascua en el s. XIX, tallado primordialmente con puntas de obsidiana y elaborado a partir de dientes de tiburón, en su mayoría sobre tablillas de madera. Hay autores que dicen que esta forma de escritura es la única escritura estructurada en toda Oceanía, aunque falta todavía un desciframiento fiable para comprobarlo. Los símbolos o los glifos vienen tallados a lo largo de ranuras hechas con antelación al grabado en los artefactos y son de una altura media entre 9 y 14 mm. Descripción[editar] Análisis de la escritura, posiblemente un calendario. Cuando Jacques B.M. Mencionamos de nuevo que el material utilizado para el grabado de los signos rongo-rongo, el soporte en otros términos, es madera. Primer documento rongo rongo conocido. Identificación botánica y antigüedad[editar] Historia[editar]

“Special Forces” Innovation: How DARPA Attacks Problems Artwork: Monika Grzymala, The River, 2012, Handmade cotton rag paper, fishing line and wire, weaving material of local plants Over the past 50 years, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has produced an unparalleled number of breakthroughs. Arguably, it has the longest-standing, most consistent track record of radical invention in history. Its innovations include the internet; RISC computing; global positioning satellites; stealth technology; unmanned aerial vehicles, or “drones”; and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), which are now used in everything from air bags to ink-jet printers to video games like the Wii. Though the U.S. military was the original customer for DARPA’s applications, the agency’s advances have played a central role in creating a host of multibillion-dollar industries. What makes DARPA’s long list of accomplishments even more impressive is the agency’s swiftness, relatively tiny organization, and comparatively modest budget.

Règles Depuis des millénaires, le mah-jong est joué en Chine, même si durant des années, il a été un jeu interdit par le gouvernement. En 1998, l'équivalent de notre ministère de la jeunesse et des sports a reconnu le mah-jong comme le 255ème sport Chinois. Traditionnellement, les règles du mah-jong variaient à travers le pays, essentiellement dues à la taille de ce pays : Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo et Guangzhou sont des endroits très différents et avaient leur propre forme de jeu. Cependant, après que le mah-jong soit reconnu comme un sport officiel, il devint nécessaire de définir des règles officielles qui seront jouées en Chine ou lors de tournois internationaux. Dans ce but, un certain nombre de chercheurs en mah-jong furent réunis et divisés en groupe de neuf afin de constituer ces premières règles officielles. Ces 81 combinaisons sont devenues la référence mondiale. Le premier Championnat d'Europe a eu lieu en Juin 2005 aux Pays-Bas. Déroulement du jeu : Côté arbitrage :

Emerging technologies An emerging technology (as distinguished from a conventional technology) is a field of technology that broaches new territory in some significant way, with new technological developments. Examples of currently emerging technologies include educational technology, information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, robotics, and artificial intelligence.[1] New technological fields may result from the technological convergence of different systems evolving towards similar goals. Convergence brings previously separate technologies such as voice (and telephony features), data (and productivity applications) and video together so that they share resources and interact with each other, creating new efficiencies. History of emerging technologies[edit] In the history of technology, emerging technologies[3][4] are contemporary advances and innovation in various fields of technology. Over centuries, innovative methods and new technologies are developed and opened up. General

Les Bases There are no translations available. Le Mah-jong possède des règles de base extrêmement simples, ce qui permet à des enfants de 5 ans d'apprendre à jouer. Une paire, c'est deux tuiles identiques. Un chow est une suite de trois tuiles qui se suivent. Les chows ne peuvent se réaliser qu'avec des tuiles ordinaires. Un pung est une série de trois tuiles identiques. Un kong est une série de quatre tuiles identiques. Une main gagnante est dans la plupart des cas composée de 14 tuiles réparties en 4 sets de base (chow, pung, kong) et une paire. Of Time Machines and Foresight Garages: About the September-October FUTURIST One of the most frequently asked questions here at the World Future Society is How do I become a futurist? The first step, of course, is to be interested, but the second, as with any profession, is to learn the required skills. So the next question is Where? There are no better experts on this subject than futurists themselves, so we invited essays from anyone who has participated in a futures-education program—as a learner, as a teacher, or as an administrator. And we didn’t rule out self-learners! The range of approaches described in the special report in this issue is truly inspiring. It is not surprising that a very large percentage of contributions came from people who have participated in the University of Houston’s futurist-training program, including three of its leaders—Oliver Markley, Peter Bishop, and Andy Hines. The Futures Education special report is not a comprehensive survey of the foresight-learning opportunities out there. Cynthia G.

Fundamentalismo e a modernidade líquida: a nova forma da religião | Colunas Tortas “Há, porém, uma forma especificamente moderna de religião, nascida das contradições internas da vida pós-moderna, da forma especificamente pós-moderna em que se revelam a insuficiência do homem e a futilidade dos sonhos de ter o destino humano sob controle do homem. Essa forma veio a ser conhecida sob o nome inglês de fundamentalism [fundamentalismo] ou sob o nome francês de intégrisme, exibindo sua presença cada vez mais influente em toda a parte do mundo outrora dominada pelas religiões cristã, islâmica e judaica” (Mal Estar na Pós-Modernidade, Zygmunt Bauman) Fundamentalismo como medida totalitária. Imagem: Outras Palavras E assim começa a digressão de Bauman sobre a emergência do fundamentalismo. Este é um fenômeno, portanto, que visa absorver o desenvolvimento técnico e tecnológico, mas evitar todas as suas consequências desagregadoras. A solução do fundamentalismo para a modernidade líquida Uma moeda de duas faces. Curtir isso: Curtir Carregando... Relacionado Em "Modernidade Líquida"

How to see into the future Billions of dollars are spent on experts who claim they can forecast what’s around the corner, in business, finance and economics. Most of them get it wrong. Now a groundbreaking study has unlocked the secret: it IS possible to predict the future – and a new breed of ‘superforecasters’ knows how to do it Irving Fisher was once the most famous economist in the world. In the 1920s, Fisher had two great rivals. Fisher’s rivals fared better than he did. If Fisher and Babson could see the modern forecasting industry, it would have astonished them in its scale, range and hyperactivity. It is true that forecasting now seems ubiquitous. Real breakthroughs have been achieved in certain areas, especially where rich datasets have become available – for example, weather forecasting, online retailing and supply-chain management. So why is forecasting so difficult – and is there hope for improvement? Tetlock’s response was patient, painstaking and quietly brilliant.

Valls : «La France est plus que jamais ouverte à la Chine» Dans un entretien à l'agence Chine nouvelle, le premier ministre français, qui s'envolera mercredi soir pour la Chine, invite entreprises, touristes et étudiants chinois à venir dans l'hexagone. Envoyée spéciale à Pékin Alors qu'il débute jeudi une visite officielle de trois jours en République populaire de Chine, Manuel Valls souhaite que les dirigeants chinois aient un autre regard sur la France. «Je veux vous dire que la France est plus que jamais ouverte à la Chine, à ses investisseurs, à ses étudiants et à ses touristes», déclare le chef du gouvernement français dans un entretien à l'agence Chine nouvelle publié mercredi matin. Disant cela, le premier ministre souhaite peut être aussi faire oublier cette une récente de Fluide glacial consacrée au «péril jaune» et qui a fait des vagues en Chine. Valls plaide par ailleurs pour des «investissements croisés, des partenariats technologiques et industriels», des «entreprises communes».

Ray Kurzweil’s Mind-Boggling Predictions for the Next 25 Years In my new book BOLD, one of the interviews that I’m most excited about is with my good friend Ray Kurzweil. Bill Gates calls Ray, “the best person I know at predicting the future of artificial intelligence.” Ray is also amazing at predicting a lot more beyond just AI. This post looks at his very incredible predictions for the next 20+ years. Ray Kurzweil. So who is Ray Kurzweil? He has received 20 honorary doctorates, has been awarded honors from three U.S. presidents, and has authored 7 books (5 of which have been national bestsellers). He is the principal inventor of many technologies ranging from the first CCD flatbed scanner to the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind. In short, Ray’s pretty smart… and his predictions are amazing, mind-boggling, and important reminders that we are living in the most exciting time in human history. But, first let’s look back at some of the predictions Ray got right. Predictions Ray has gotten right over the last 25 years In 1999, he predicted…

Automatiser la vérification de l’information avec un algorithme | L'Atelier : Accelerating Business Des chercheurs de l’Indiana et du Portugal veulent mettre au point un algorithme capable de vérifier la véracité des informations disponibles sur le net. Et si l’algorithme devenait le meilleur allié du journaliste à l’heure où la course au scoop et l’information en continu grandissent ? Dans ce contexte, un algorithme qui vérifierait automatiquement les faits semble tentant. Cela serait loin d’être complètement irréaliste selon un article de l’université d’Indiana aux États-Unis associée à l’Institut Gulbenkian de Ciencia au Portugal. Une équipe de six chercheurs a tenté de mettre au point un tel outil. Car face à la masse des informations fournies par le net, distinguer le vrai du faux devient une tâche de plus en plus ardue. Le principe de l’algorithme créé par l’équipe de chercheurs est a priori simple : il s’agit de reprendre les “graphiques de connaissances” (ou “knowledge graph” un peu à la manière de celui de Google).
