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Practical Ethics

Practical Ethics
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Experimental Philosophy I've been thinking a great deal lately about how best to study moral judgment. Let me say a few things myself, but I hope others will be able to chime in and share ideas, especially since I'm in the process of designing some studies. What's best to measure? So far it seems most researchers focus on measuring something other than what we might call purely "evaluative judgments," such as whether someone did something good or bad. This seems right to me since these don't necessarily constitute judgments about whether an action is right or wrong, which is paradigmatically a moral verdict. So I think rightly the focus has been instead on what we might call "deontic judgments" such as whether an act is right/wrong, permissible/impermissible, etc. How best to measure it? Some researchers present participants with a forced, dichotomous choice. One potential problem with this, however, is that the forced-choice situation provides no option for participants to register uncertainty. Another Tack?

orsakverkan. Your favourite philosophy web sites! Solipsism OnlineFrom the site: "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?" (Queen 'Bohemian Rhapsody')Nominated by Geoffrey KlempnerAgainst Professional PhilosophyFrom the site: "We are here to tell about the the ups-and-downs of being a professional philosopher, to provide a serious critique of contemporary professional philosophy, and to look towards the real philosophy of the future. Join us!"

Intro Study Guide Prepared by Michael J. Cummings ... 2003 Revised in 2010 . About 1608. 1623 as part of the First Folio, the first authorized collection of Shakespeare's plays. ....... ....... : Coriolanus : (1) Common People of Rome, (2) the Volscians : Virgilia Ambitious, meddlesome mother of Coriolanus who exercises considerable control over his character formation. Gentle and soft-spoken wife of Coriolanus. Sensible patrician politician and friend of Coriolanus. Generals against the Volscians. Tribunes of the people. General of the Volscians. First conspirator, second conspirator, third conspirator. Son of Coriolanus. Friend of Virgilia. Citizen of Antium, two Volscian guards, Roman herald, Roman and Volscian senators, patricians, aediles (officials overseeing public buildings and roads, markets, sanitation facilities, and certain public events), lictors (assistants of magistrates), soldiers, citizens, messengers, servants of Aufidius, other attendants. ....... By Michael J. ....... ....... ....... .

Philosophy association board reaches out to victims of sexual assault and harassment It’s hard these days to talk about women in philosophy without talking about sexual harassment and assault and sexism in general. Whether conditions for women in the discipline are actually worse than they are in the humanities overall is up for debate and likely impossible to quantify, but philosophy has attracted much criticism in recent years for what some have called a systemic discrimination problem. From accounts on the blogs What Is It Like to Be a Woman in Philosophy? In perhaps its strongest statement on the matter yet, the association’s Board of Officers is releasing later Tuesday morning a letter acknowledging the suffering experienced by victims of sexual assault and harassment. The letter addresses familiar complaints by some victims that their harassers have been less than adequately punished for their actions, taking a leave of absence or a new job. The letter also potentially puts harassers on watch. Mixed Reaction So how can an association board serve members?

Overcoming Bias Search (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) 1–10 of 209 documents found thought on marriage. Philosophical debate concerning marriage extends to what marriage, fundamentally... 1. Defining Marriage 2. Understanding Marriage: Historical Orientation 3. Marriage and Morals ...Politics of Marriage 4.1 Marriage and Legal Contract 4.2 The Rationale of Marriage Law 4.3... Elizabeth Brake social purpose of marriage and that marriage equality threatens the capacity of marriage to serve that function...the central human goods provided by marriage in this way: marriage involves two individuals mutually and... argues that “gay marriage is a profound change to the meaning of the word ‘marriage’. . . . Andrew Altman bounds of marriage and which helped to further what he saw as the distinctive goods of marriage, mainly ...fulfillment’ of marriage, sterile marriages are thereby denigrated. Brent Pickett status” view of marriage that combines a commitment to the public importance of marriage as an institutions backed up by laws.

Democracy Web | The Consent of the Governed: History Athenian Democracy and the Roman Republic The first significant historical examples of rule by consent of the governed were the city-state of Athens in the fifth century BC and the Roman Republic from the fifth to first centuries BC. Each was the most successful economic and military power of its time and region. Athens is sometimes considered the first example of direct democracy. Unlike Athens, Rome was governed through layers of representative institutions and officials. Athens and republican Rome, while not democratic in today's sense and largely dependent on slavery for labor, remain models for direct and representative democracy. The British Experience Another important precedent for consensual government is found in the English civil wars (1642–60). John Locke and the Origins of the American Revolution The consent of the governed was championed in modern political thought by the British philosopher John Locke (1632–1704), whose ideas heavily influenced the framers of the U.S.

About - The UPDirectory Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy abduction (Igor Douven) Abelard [Abailard], Peter (Peter King) Abhidharma (Noa Ronkin) abilities (John Maier) Abner of Burgos (Shalom Sadik) Abrabanel, Judah (Aaron Hughes) abstract objects (Gideon Rosen) accidental properties — see essential vs. accidental properties action (George Wilson and Samuel Shpall) action-based theories of perception (Robert Briscoe and Rick Grush) action at a distance — see quantum mechanics: action at a distance in actualism (Christopher Menzel) adaptationism (Steven Hecht Orzack and Patrick Forber) Addams, Jane (Maurice Hamington) Adorno, Theodor W. (Lambert Zuidervaart) advance directives (Agnieszka Jaworska) Aegidius Romanus — see Giles of Rome Aenesidemus — see skepticism: ancient aesthetic, concept of the (James Shelley) aesthetics aesthetics of the everyday (Yuriko Saito) affirmative action (Robert Fullinwider) Africana Philosophy (Lucius T. Outlaw Jr.) B [jump to top] C [jump to top] D [jump to top] Damian, Peter (Toivo J.

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