electricfoxy Table of mathematical symbols When reading the list, it is important to recognize that a mathematical concept is independent of the symbol chosen to represent it. For many of the symbols below, the symbol is usually synonymous with the corresponding concept (ultimately an arbitrary choice made as a result of the cumulative history of mathematics), but in some situations a different convention may be used. For example, depending on context, the triple bar "≡" may represent congruence or a definition. Further, in mathematical logic, numerical equality is sometimes represented by "≡" instead of "=", with the latter representing equality of well-formed formulas. In short, convention dictates the meaning. Each symbol is shown both in HTML, whose display depends on the browser's access to an appropriate font installed on the particular device, and in TeX, as an image. Guide[edit] This list is organized by symbol type and is intended to facilitate finding an unfamiliar symbol by its visual appearance. Basic symbols[edit]
Áreas Sectoriales Life long experimenter - It can be done Componentes y Circuitos Electrónicos (2009) En esta asigantura se estudian, el principio de funcionamiento, modelos y aplicaciones de componentes electrónicos básicos semiconductores, los conceptos relacionados con la amplificación en etapas electrónicas analógicas, las características de los amplificadores operacionales y, finalmente, algunas de las aplicaciones más importantes con AO, tanto lineales como no lineales. Imagen cortesía de la UC3M 21 Horas de Clases Magistrales, 24 Horas de Clases de Grupo, 6 Horas de Trabajo en Laboratorio. 135 Horas Totales de Aprendizaje. Conocimientos de Teoría de Circuitos y Sistemas Lineales. Se estudian, por un lado, el principio de funcionamiento, modelos y aplicaciones de componentes electrónicos básicos semiconductores (diodos, transistores bipolares y transistores de efecto de campo), incluyendo los circuitos de polarización. Introducción: nociones previas de señales y circuitos electrónicos. El material docente está compartimentado en sesiones monográficas:
Q&A: Open Source Electronics Pioneer Limor Fried on the DIY Revolution | Magazine Limor Fried— building the DIY revolution one resistor at a time. Photo: Andrew Tingle Limor Fried is a maker’s maker. Sure, she’s got prime geek credentials: She earned an electrical engineering degree from MIT, invented several delightfully nerdy things to do with Altoid tins, and reverse-engineered the legendary Roland TB-303 synthesizer. Now she runs Adafruit Industries, a New York City company that makes open source electronics kits and components for the growing tide of DIYers who are inventing the future. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. At Adafruit's New York headquarters, where accelerometers and tiny OLED displays count as office supplies, even plastic cups are put to inventive use.Photo: Andrew Tingle Chris Anderson: We’ve had the notion of garages, workshops, sheds, and DIY tinkering for a long time. Limor Fried: One of the things about doing projects is that documenting them and sharing them with people used to be really difficult. Limor Fried: Exactly! 3-D Printers
Circuit Simulator Applet This is an electronic circuit simulator. When the applet starts up you will see an animated schematic of a simple LRC circuit. The green color indicates positive voltage. The gray color indicates ground. A red color indicates negative voltage. To turn a switch on or off, just click on it. The "Circuits" menu contains a lot of sample circuits for you to try. Full Screen version. Directions. Standalone (offline) versions. Index of Circuit Examples.
Lesson 1 OK01 The OK01 lesson contains an explanation about how to get started and teaches how to enable the 'OK' or 'ACT' LED on the Raspberry Pi board near the RCA and USB ports. This light was originally labelled OK but has been renamed to ACT on the revision 2 Raspberry Pi boards. 1 Getting Started I am assuming at this point that you have already visited the Downloads page, and got the necessary GNU Toolchain. Also on the downloads page is a file called OS Template. 2 The Beginning The '.s' file extension is commonly used for all forms of assembly code, it is up to us to remember this is ARMv6. Now that you have extracted the template, create a new file in the 'source' directory called 'main.s'. build/ (empty) source/ main.s kernel.ld LICENSE Makefile Open 'main.s' in a text editor so that we can begin typing assembly code. Copy in these first commands. .section .init .globl _start _start: In assembly code, you may skip lines, and put spaces before and after commands to aid readability. 7 Pi Time
M.C.S. home page - Мозилин фајерфокс (Mozilla Firefox) Quick-R: Home Page Cornfield Electronics :: Cornfield Electronics - Maker Faire Page by Mitch Altman, and friends. You Can Make Cool Things With Microcontrollers! The projects on this page were all created for total beginners, with no experience, to complete successfully at my workshops, or at home, or anywhere! All you need is a desire, a handful of parts, a soldering iron (with stand and sponge), a wire-cutter, a wire-stripper, solder, and an afternoon. Soldering! Soldering is fun! I taught Andie Nordgren to solder, and she enjoyed it so much she now teaches others! Click the image for a larger version, or download the PDF in English, in French, in Czech, in Romanian, in Portuguese, in German, in Spanish in Italian, or Morse Code! Soldering Is Easy! Me and Andie Nordgren and Jeff "mightyohm" Keyzer have created a complete comic book to teach people who know nothing how to solder: Please click on the above graphic to download your free copy of our complete "Soldering Is Easy!" MiniPOV! Many of the projects on this website are made by hacking the MiniPOV! Ordering Parts