First Day of Class The first day of class is your opportunity to present your vision of the class to prospective students. It is helpful if you can introduce yourself as a scholar and educator and provide insight into how you will teach the class and what you will expect them to contribute to the learning process. Consider that several of your students may be “shopping” for a schedule the first week of classes. Welcoming: How to Create an Inviting Classroom “Professors who established a special trust with their students often displayed the kind of openness in which they might, from time to time, talk about their intellectual journey, its ambitions, triumphs, frustrations, and failures, and encourage students to be similarly reflective and candid.” –From the chapter “How Do They Treat Their Students” in Ken Bain’s What the Best Colleage Teachers Do (Harvard Press, 2004), available in the CFT Library Introduce Yourself Allow the Students to Introduce Themselves Discuss and Evaluate the Room Environment Together
How To Get People To Like You: 7 Ways From An FBI Behavior Expert Before we commence with the festivities, I wanted to thank everyone for helping my first book become a Wall Street Journal bestseller. To check it out, click here. Meeting new people can be awkward. What should you say? How can you make a good impression? How do you keep a conversation going? Research shows relationships are vital to happiness and networking is the key to getting jobs and building a fulfilling career. But what’s the best way to build rapport and create trust? Robin Dreeke can. Robin was head of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Program and has studied interpersonal relations for over 27 years. Robin is the author of the excellent book, It’s Not All About “Me”: The Top Ten Techniques for Building Quick Rapport with Anyone. I gave him a call to get some answers. You’re going to learn: And a lot more. 1) The Most Important Thing To Do With Anyone You Meet Robin’s #1 piece of advice: “Seek someone else’s thoughts and opinions without judging them.” Ask questions. Here’s Robin: Sum Up
Michel de Montaigne Biografía[editar] Montaigne nació cerca de Burdeos en un château propiedad de su familia paterna, el 28 de febrero de 1533. Su familia materna, de ascendencia judía española, provenía de judeoconversos aragoneses, los López de Villanueva, documentados en la judería de Calatayud, tres de los cuales fueron quemados por la Inquisición española, incluido su bisabuelo Pablo López en 1491.[2] La familia paterna de Michel (los Eyquem) gozaba de una buena posición social y económica y él estudió en el prestigioso Collège de Guyenne de Burdeos. Infancia[editar] Recibió de su padre, Pierre Eyquem, alcalde de Burdeos, una educación a la vez liberal y humanista: recién nacido fue enviado a vivir con los campesinos de una de las aldeas de su propiedad para que conociera la pobreza. Trabajo como magistrado[editar] Entonces se le envió a la escuela de Burdeos y allí completó en sólo siete años los doce años escolares. Humanista y escéptico: los Ensayos[editar] Guerras de religión[editar] «¿Qué sé yo?»
Indiana University Teaching Handbook: Preparing to Teach: The First Day of Class Handbook Table of Contents > Preparing to Teach > The First Day of Class The First Day of Class Adapted with permission from Northeastern University, 1986 The first day of class can be an anxious experience for your students. Is the class going to meet my needs? To this list we should add: Will I be able to succeed? Keep in mind that the first day of class sets the tone for the whole course. Avoid bold de-motivating statements such as, “Half of you might not finish the course,” or “Only one student made an A in this course last semester.” It is essential to go over the syllabus carefully with the students. Treat the first day as a substantive meeting, not merely an administrative house keeping day. One excellent exercise on the first day is to administer a “pre-test” or “knowledge survey” on topics you will be covering during the semester.
17 APPS PARA MAESTROS 3.0 Comparto "ConTICgo" otras 17 aplicaciones que he utilizado con mi alumnado en diferentes áreas. No nos olvidemos de que utilizar estas Apps puede resultar muy interesante y aumentar la motivación de los estudiantes; pero tampoco nos olvidemos de que no conviene saturar, ni llenar nuestras aulas de pirotecnia. Quien tiene que marcar la pauta en educación debe ser siempre la pedagogía, nunca la tecnología. La tecnología es un gran tren que siempre debe circular por las vías de la pedagogía. 1. * Disponible para iOS y Android. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Está pensada para los alumnos de Primaria, padres y profesores, ya que ellos con esta app pueden trabajar y ver los vídeos las veces que lo necesiten, rebobinar y parar para comprender mejor los contenidos. 14. 15. 16. 17. * Disponible para iOS y Chrome.Puedes ver el resto de Apps que he utilizado aquí: Apps para maestros 3.0. En un mundo en digitalización constante hace falta una humanización mayor.
First Day of Class (Loosely based on Lyons et al. 2003) The first day of class always creates some nervousness, even for seasoned instructors. It helps to have a mental checklist of objectives to accomplish so that you and your students come away with the impression that the course is off to a good start. The first class meeting should serve at least two basic purposes: To clarify all reasonable questions students might have relative to the course objectives, as well as your expectations for their performance in class. As students leave the first meeting, they should believe in your competence to teach the course, be able to predict the nature of your instruction, and know what you will require of them.To give you an understanding of who is taking your course and what their expectations are. These two basic purposes expand into a set of eight concrete objectives: 1. First impressions can be long-lasting, and they are usually based on a thin slice of behavior. Your attire. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. References
100 frases para nunca dejar de aprender | HR Gurú Latinoamérica 1-Cuéntame y olvido. Enséñame y recuerdo. Involúcrame y aprendo. Benjamin Franklin. 2-Vive como si fueses a morir mañana. 3-Intenta aprender algo sobre todo y todo sobre algo. 4-Aprendiendo demasiado pronto nuestras limitaciones, nunca aprendemos nuestros poderes Mignon McLaughlin. 5-La gente olvidará lo que dijiste, la gente olvidará lo que hiciste, pero la gente nunca olvidará lo que les hiciste sentir. 6-Camina siempre por la vida como si tuvieses algo nuevo que aprender y lo harás. 7-Un hombre sabio puede aprender más de una cuestión necia que un necio de una cuestión sabia. 8-La vida es una experiencia de aprendizaje, solo si aprendes. 9-La educación es lo que permanece cuando uno ha olvidado lo que aprendió en la escuela. 10-Debemos aprender a vivir juntos como hermanos o perecer juntos como necios. 11-Mientras pensaba que estaba aprendiendo cómo vivir, he estado aprendiendo cómo morir. 12-La educación consiste principalmente en lo que hemos desaprendido. 49-Escucho y olvido.
The First Day of Class | Biggio Center The first day of class sets the tone for the rest of the semester. You want to convey to your students how the class will function, the ways in which you assess them, and what kind of instructor you are overall. Here are our tips: Get to know each other. It’s important that your students see you as someone other than an intimidating figure of authority. You want them to visit during office hours, right? Teach your students something the first day. Set expectations early. It is important that students are clear on your expectations regarding attendance, late work, homework completion, disruptive behavior, classroom culture, discussion etiquette, and general classroom practices. Have fun! If you keep all of these tips in mind, you and your students have a better chance of being a compatible fit for one another for the remainder of the semester. Resources about the first day of class from other universities
Multicultural Children's Books based on famous songs Music is my daughter’s biggest passion! Even as a baby she always got super excited when we put music on. As soon as she was able to clap her hands, she’d do so enthusiastically, especially to songs from Bob Marley (which is why the Marley family features heavily on this list…) These multicultural children’s books based on famous songs will have your little ones singing and dancing in no time! 15 Multicultural Children’s Books based on famous songs Babies & Toddlers This Little Light of Mine: A Collection of Joyful Songsby Tiger Tales This Little Light of Mine is a colourful collection of favourite songs and poems. Every Little Thingby Cedella Marley Based on her father’s song ‘Three Little Birds’, Cedella Marley wrote this upbeat picture book. One Loveby Cedella Marley Another one of Bob Marley’s most beloved songs adapted by his eldest daughter. I Love You Tooby Ziggy Marley Based on one of Ziggy Marley’s songs, I Love You Too is a sweet ode to parental love. Preschool Happy! Elementary School
It is very helpful, thanks Nathan! Everything is very well explained by mjauhar97 Jan 28
This video provides advice on "Vocal Executive Presence"- how to vary your tone, pitch and pace when you want to get a certain message and mood through to your audience. by nathanlepoopoo Jan 27