tout ce qui manque dans une visio conférence est un site qui permet de prendre des notes en visio conférence. Plutôt utile pour un travail collaboratif à distance, mais moi, je trouve que le site pourrait me servir à donner des cours en ligne, puisqu’il y a presque tout pour partager des informations à côté d’une bonne conversation sur skype. Le site permet de partager un tableau blanc (whiteboard),des documents en ligne (pas testé),des cartes géographiques,et des vidéos (un jour),un chat (bien sûr). J’avais déjà parlé d’outils comme qui permettent de taper un texte et de se le faire corriger par la personne à l’autre bout du monde. Ce n’est pas encore la panacée, je n’ai pas pu parler par skype avec mes correspondants (bug?) Voilà pendant l’essai de la visio conférence ce qui j’ai pu capturer. partages de photo à partir de google, mais au partir du PC Edition de croquis en ligne partage de cartes partage de photo Merci à toutes les personnes qui m’ont rejoint pendant le test.
Técnicas de trabajo colaborativo. Técnicas centradas en el trabajo en grupo a partir de estructuras comunicativas de colaboración. Las metas son compartidas por el grupo, requieren de la participación activa de todos los miembros, primero en una fase cooperativa para continuar en el intercambio para la construcción de conocimiento a partir del intercambio con los demás. El profesor interviene aportando normas, estructura de la actividad y realizando el seguimiento y valoración de las actividades. Algunas de las principales técnicas que favorecen el trabajo colaborativo són: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Entre las principales ventajas del estudio de casos destacan: la motivación, aplicación inmediata de las actividades, habilidades en la búsqueda y localización de información, contacto con expertos, síntesis, creación de un producto, informe. Social: El profesor debe intentar crear y mantener un clima social favorable al aprendizaje.
A Community Where Developers & Designers Improve Their Craft CSS Query (I've been out of practice) James Robert Gardiner Hi guys, I've been majorly out of practice with website development, and I'm currently developing a website for a friend of mine. Essentially he wants a scrolling website with anchor links, which is fine. Basically I have whipped up a pretty awesome background for him, and have even got it to fit to the page using background size to "cover".. BigBlueButton -- Open Source Web Conferencing | Le 33 competenze digitali... Project management software, online collaboration: Basecamp Google+ : les Vidéo-bulles deviennent un outil collaboratif très puissant | Descary Mise à jour importante du côté de chez Google+. Les Vidéo-bulles (Hangouts) évoluent et deviennent un outil collaboratif qui pourrait à terme être extrêmement utile en entreprise. Les Vidéo-bulles ou Hangouts sont en fait des visioconférences qui permettent d’accueillir un maximum de 10 participants. Le concept des vidéo-Bulles évolue. Plusieurs nouvelles fonctionnalités apparaîtront au cours des prochaines semaines: Il sera possible de diffuser une bulle à un nombre illimité de participants.Des fonctionnalités de partage d’écran seront offertes.Une intégration avec Google Documents permettra de collaborer sur un document à l’intérieur d’une bulle.Il sera possible d’utiliser un tableau blanc collaboratif intégré à une bulle.Les Vidéo-bulles seront accessibles en mobilité. Diffuser une bulle à un nombre illimité de participants Les visioconférences permettront toujours d’accueillir un maximum de 10 participants. Benoit Descary Créez une Vidéo-bulles avec les extras
Visual thinking Visual thinking is a way to organize your thoughts and improve your ability to think and communicate. It’s a way to expand your range and capacity by going beyond the linear world of the written word, list and spreadsheet, and entering the non-linear world of complex spacial relationships, networks, maps and diagrams. It’s also about using tools — like pen and paper, index cards and software tools — to externalize your internal thinking processes, making them more clear, explicit and actionable. Why is visual thinking important? There’s more information at your fingertips than ever before, and yet people are overwhelmed by it. We think in pictures. Think you can’t draw? Squiggle birds (I learned squiggle birds from my friend Chris Glynn). So why is visual thinking important? The whirl. Visualization is increasingly used in business and science to simplify complexity: a picture is worth a thousand words. Drawing is a natural process for thinking, exploring ideas and learning. 1. 2. 3. 4.
17 Tools For Making Awesome Client Presentations Ask five designers how they handle client design presentations and you’ll get five different answers. Some like to do their presentations in person, accompanying their designs with printouts detailing specific highlights. Others prefer utilizing an online screen sharing experience and talking their clients through their design in real time. Discover how to use the best web design tools on the market plus increase your income to $125+ per hour. Calls and Screen Sharing It’s simple, easy, and free. Skype Skype has over 600 million users, so chances are high that even your client will have an account that he/she can hop on to at any time. GotoMeeting GotoMeeting is a familiar business go-to for conference calls and screen shares. Google Video Chat You probably already have your Gmail inbox open, so why not hop on a video or audio call with your clients within the same workspace? Presenting: Information Architecture and Prototypes Presenting: Designs Feedback and Collaboration Tools 5 BYOD Education Issues To Consider 5 BYOD Education Issues To Consider Posted by Derrick Rowe on Fri, Jun 21, 2013 @ 01:39 PM Another school year finally comes to its end. Soon, if not already, schools are beginning to plan for what is in store for the following year. Some main areas to focus on when looking to prepare your school wireless network for BYOD implementation are: Network CapabilitiesSecurityManagementPolicyRole Based Access Control Network Capabilities The growth of BYOD in education means more mobile devices. Security BYOD security is important in any industry, and education is no exception. Management While your wireless network grows to a more complex system to support the growth of BYOD, it is best to have a centralized management system. Also as mentioned above, MDM (mobile device management) is essential to maintaining tight security. Role Based Access Control Role based access control is also another aid in security. Policy Having a thorough, well thought out BYOD policy is extremely important.
Notable - Better Interfaces Through Faster Iterations Every Teacher’s Guide to Assessment It’s not a stretch to say that assessment is a hot button issue in education; however, you’d be hard pressed to find an educator who doesn’t see the value in measuring student progress. Assessments themselves have been vilified, when, in fact, it’s why assessments are given and how the data is used that is really the issue. The Glossary of Education Reform gives this great overview of what high-stakes testing is and how it impacts students, teachers, and schools. Basically, high-stakes testing has consequences for the test-takers and givers—sometimes in the form of a high school diploma, grade advancement, and even teachers’ salaries. But not all assessment is high-stakes, and when done thoughtfully, the right assessment can provide extremely useful information for all stakeholders—students, teachers, parents, schools, and policy-makers Let’s take a look at what assessment is, why it’s important, and how it can be delivered in the classroom in a useful manner. What is assessment? Scoring