Immigration: Stories of Yesterday and Today and Ellis Island World War II and the Postwar Period The United States entered World War II in 1942. During the war, immigration decreased. There was fighting in Europe, transportation was interrupted, and the American consulates weren't open. Fewer than 10 percent of the immigration quotas from Europe were used from 1942 to 1945.In many ways, the country was still fearful of the influence of foreign-born people. The United States was fighting Germany, Italy, and Japan (also known as the Axis Powers), and the U.S. government decided it would detain certain resident aliens of those countries. Also because of the war, the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed in 1943. I believe that the admission of these persons will add to the strength and energy of the Nation." Learn More
Two Billion Miles: interactive video story English language, culture, history… | Review, improve your English or simply participate ! Gap year WHAT IS A GAP YEAR ? : Watch the video on You tube and listen to the definition of a gap year given by the director of admissions from a company called ‘Up with people’: What are the reasons why young people can profit from a gap year ? As there is a vast range of opportunities to take a gap year, tell us about you: - where would you like to go, and why ? Merveille La Pensée…un trésor, un don précieux de la nature humaine, qui demeure et résonne au sein de tout notre être. The Iraqi Fall of Saigon? Jeffrey Kaplan, is Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Director of the Institute for the Study of Religion, Violence and Memory, at the University of Wisconsin in Oshkosh. This article was first published by Sightings, and the Martin Marty Center at the University of Chicago Divinity School and is reprinted with permission. Forty years ago Americans were stunned by images of North Vietnamese tanks rolling into the heart of Saigon. The Vietnam War had bitterly divided the nation and cost 58,220 American lives. Today, Americans are stunned by images of another anti-American force, this one on the move toward Baghdad, only recently vacated by American troops. Déjà vu all over again? As in Vietnam in 1975, when Saigon fell, the rapidly unfolding events in Iraq are beyond America’s capability to control. Once in power, the Shi’ite parties no longer felt beholden to keep their pledges to Sunni tribal leaders. Shi’ite fears are also quite real. Déjà vu? Resources: “The World Factbook.”
hughesDV's Channel Upload Tip the Teacher Subscription preferences Loading... Working... Keith Hughes HipHughes History 39,278 views 8 months ago Subscribe for FUN, FOCUSED and FREE history video lessons! Read more Current Events Play History doesn't have to be dead. Teaching Stuff HipHughes dives into the world of .edu U.S. United States History lectures brought to you by Mr. Government for Dummies Videos spanning across American Government and Political Science.AP Test, AP Exam, AP Government Exam, AP Gov Exam, AP US Gov Exam apgov apgov review apgov multiple ap test ap american government apgov help World History Video lectures designed for students studying for the NY State Global History Regents, may be applicable to other courses which cover World History at the high school level. The Constitution for Dummies Funky, fun and hip video lectures designed to give students and life long learners the basics to understanding the governing document of the United States of America, the US Constitution. Elections for Dummies
Fakebook Lesson Plan - Creating Facebook Profiles for Historical Figures I love to engage my middle school students by incorporating one of their favorite things: social media. And one of their all-time favorites is the Fakebook project. Here’s how it works: Students use their notes to create a Facebook-style social media profile for a historical figure. What I love most about this assignment is that it allows students to express their humor and creativity. A Fakebook lesson plan, step by step The directions, rubric, and examples here accompany my sixth grade world history unit on ancient Egypt. Directions Here’s a list of what I ask my students to include in their Fakebook profiles: A profile pictureFive Facebook-style statuses. Materials I encourage my students to create their Fakebook page using a small piece of poster board, construction paper, Google Docs (format: two columns), or Google Drawings to keep it simple. My more tech-savvy kids sometimes use other programs, if they are familiar with them. Rubric
COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL - L’ENSEIGNEMENT DE LA LITTÉRATURE AVEC LE NUMÉRIQUE | LMM Les recherches dans le champ des humanités numériques invitent le domaine de l’éducation, en l’occurrence celui de la didactique de la littérature, à tenir compte de la mutation des corpus, des textualités et des genres numériques/numérisés ainsi que des pratiques d’enseignement-apprentissage soutenues par les supports et outils technologiques. Ainsi les savoirs en didactique de la littérature sont appelés à contribuer à ce que Doueihi appelle l’évolution de l’humanisme numérique (2011)[1] Le numérique, dans l'enseignement de la littérature, permet de développer de nouvelles configurations des textes, des supports didactiques et des productions inédites (Chartier, 2012 ; Davallon, Desperet-Lonnet, Jeanneret, Le Marec & Souchier, 2003). Ces réflexions dressent des constats, étudient de nouveaux objets, et mesurent les enjeux de la mutation qu'induit le numérique dans le champ de l'enseignement. Axe 1. Axe 2. Axe 3.
De bortglömdas berättelser En kartong med gamla brev från hennes morfars tid i interneringsläger i USA inspirerade japansk-amerikanska Julie Otsuka till debutromanen ”När kejsaren var gudomlig”. I den skildrar hon en bortglömd, mörk tid i amerikansk samtidshistoria. – Om läsare har sagt att de inte kände till det här innan de läste min bok? Många! I synnerhet unga, det nämns inte i historieböckerna ens nu. Men även de som levde då kan säga det. Vi ses på kaféet Hungarian pastry shop, som lockar till sig många författare på Upper west side i New York. Av sorlet att döma verkar många vid borden omkring oss lite uppsluppna denna påskdag, kanske är New Yorkborna lättade över att våren äntligen verkar vara här. Julie Otsuka håller varje dag till på samma plats, längst in i det här svagt upplysta högra hörnet, med en vit glaslampa som sällskap. I Sverige har Julie Otsukas romaner getts ut i omvänd ordning. Så, mot slutet, händer något. Julie Otsukas egen morfar var en av dem som skickades till läger. – Ja. english Donneur de voix : Ahikar | Durée : 2h 49min | Genre : Théâtre À la suite d’une bataille victorieuse, le valeureux Macbeth, sujet du roi Duncan d’Écosse, rencontre trois sorcières qui le désignent comme thane de Glamis, ce qu’il est effectivement, thane de Cawdor, et futur roi. Peu de temps après, Macbeth est informé que le roi, en récompense de son courage et de sa dévotion, le fait thane de Cawdor… Les spécialistes s’accordent pour fixer la date de composition de la pièce en 1606. Le sujet est tiré des Chroniques de Holinshed. Au fond, il rejoint entièrement un autre très grand poète, celui des Impératives, al-Maʿarrī qui écrit : « Ne prends pas pour vérité la prophétie, ce n’est qu’un mensonge couché par écrit. » Ces deux hommes-là sont frères intérieurement, al-Maʿarrī est aussi grand que Shakespeare, mais il est amusant de voir que le plus audacieux des deux n’est pas Shakespeare !
Andersonville | Historiebloggen Historia I filmen Den gode, den onde, den fule (1966) skildras bland annat livet i ett fångläger för sydstatare under amerikanska inbördeskriget. Att döma av filmen präglades livet av misshandel, tortyr och systematisk plundring av fångarna, vilket legitimeras av att nordstatsfångarna minsann inte har det mycket bättre i Andersonville. Vad var detta? Har det – till skillnad från det uppenbart fiktiva lägret i filmen – existerat? Ja, det har det, men till skillnad från vad man förleds att tro i filmen låg det inte i New Mexico (där Den gode, den onde, den fule utspelar sig) utan i Georgia, och det grundades först i februari 1864, två år efter filmens handling. Men om man är villig att överse med denna fadäs är likheten mellan filmens och verklighetens fångläger slående: det rörde sig om ett sannskyldigt helvete som för en 1900-talsmänniska leder tanken till andra världskrigets koncentrationsläger. Andersonville lades ned i maj 1865, sedan nordstatarna vunnit kriget.
History Is Elementary Women at war: the British sisters who nursed the French army (1915-1919) Marcia and Juliet weren’t flighty socialites when war broke out. Their first letters testify to their awareness and curiosity. Both regularly read the newspapers and had minds of their own. The young ladies inherited their political awareness from their mother Mildred ‘Mully’ Mansel, a militant suffragette who was briefly jailed at north London’s Holloway prison for women in November 1911 after she smashed two windows at the War Office during a rally in support of women’s right to vote. Mildred "Mully" Mansel and her mother, Mrs Guest© Mansel family archives Marcia was particularly devoted to the suffragettes’ cause. The Mansel sisters felt they had aged prematurely as a result of the war. | A growing estrangement Between 1915 and 1917, Juliet and Marcia still found time for their peacetime pursuits, particularly in Dieppe. The Mansel sisters’ exhaustion increased even as their leaves became few and far between. Juliet at her desk. Letter from Marcia, August 7, 1917 | Life after war
Gordon Hirabayashi Has Died; He Refused To Go To WWII Internment Camp : The Two-Way "This order for the mass evacuation of all persons of Japanese descent denies them the right to live," Seattle native Gordon Hirabayashi wrote in 1942. "I consider it my duty to maintain the democratic standards for which this nation lives. Therefore, I must refuse this order of evacuation." hide captionGordon Hirabayashi, center, in 1999 at the former prison camp in Arizona where he was held for about a year. The camp was later renamed for him. Sergey Shayevich/Arizona Daily Star/AP Gordon Hirabayashi, center, in 1999 at the former prison camp in Arizona where he was held for about a year. With that, Hirabayashi became one of just a handful of Japanese-Americans who defied the government's move to put more than 100,000 of them in detention camps following the attack on Pearl Harbor. It took four decades for Hirabayashi to be vindicated, with a U.S. By then, Hirabayashi had become a respected sociologist and a hero in the Japanese-American community. Monday, at the age of 93, he died.