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The name Baal: meaning, origin and etymology

The name Baal: meaning, origin and etymology

The Noosphere and the Internet The shaman seers of the Fourth World generally agree that those who tenaciously cling to the past will fall into mass insanity. The serpent power of the Aquarian Age is upon us. The Kundalini of Gaia is about to awaken. No one can avoid being affected. In 1938, a Jesuit priest wrote a book in which he postulated the existence of "a sphere of thought" enveloping the Earth. (2) This book, The Phenomenon of Man, wasn't published until the late 1950s, after its author, Teilhard de Chardin, had died. Teilhard believed that because of the spherical shape of the Earth, ideas will eventually encounter other ideas resulting in a cultural convergence of thought. As Sir Julian Huxley explained in his introduction to the first English translation of The Phenomenon of Man: [Teilhard was] deeply concerned with establishing a global unification of human awareness as a necessary prerequisite for any real future progress of mankind. Huxley goes on to say, What is the noosphere? What is the Noosphere?

symbol See the full graphic at the center of the poster. I made these details of the full poster as downloaded in PDF form from where there is a link to an explanatory article, "It's not a Biospheric Crisis but a Noospheric Emergency" at Ownership and copyright remains with that website. {Back to top of page} Send comments by clicking the ... link below: lich... {Wholeo Online} ~ {Trips} ~ {Wholeo} ~ {Symbol} Noophere and the Semantic Web For those of you interested in the next big thing in the Internet world, I'd like to share with you a little graphic I found linking Web 3.0 (the Semantic Web) with the Noosphere. Everyone knows by now about Web 2.0 and social networking, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, 4square, etc. Web 3.0 linking the data and the people together is upon us. There are already meetups all over the country on groups working to evangelize the next generation of the Internet. However, progress does not stop there. There is a move to go beyond Web 3.0 and include a consciousness known as the noosphere into the web. | Global + Collective + Intelligence Tower of God - ch 70 | Jump to content <div class='message error'><strong>Javascript Disabled Detected</strong><p>You currently have javascript disabled. Several functions may not work. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality.</p></div><br /> Tower of God The All The universe understood in relation to the All[edit] The following is commentary on possibilities about The All but not anything necessarily accepted by Hermeticists in general. According to The Kybalion, The All is a bit more complicated than simply being the sum total of the universe. Rather than The All being simply the physical universe, it is more correct to say that everything in the universe is within the mind of The All, since the ALL can be looked at as Mind itself.[3] In effect, the universe is partially existent on the Mental plane, and we may in fact all be parts of The All's psychological makeup, representing parts of The All in its dream or meditation. The Three Initiates (see The Kybalion) strongly caution that we restrain from simply declaring "I am God" for oversimplification purposes. Because of this view, some Hermetics also practice theurgy. Explaining why The All acts[edit] Questions as to why God acts or doesn't act is an ancient question with many divergent answers.

What comes next after the Noosphere? If I'm supposed to be serious about this, I'd go with the "Emotisphere"... which is the kind of emotional subtext to our lives, and/or maybe the collective emotional zeitgeist of any particular population, and which has a profound impact on the functioning of the noosphere. Like, for example, after 9/11, the emotisphere was polluted by panic and paranoia; which in turn dictated the functioning of other spheres, like the noosphere (like the discourse of politicians and pundits), and the technosphere (like the development of full body scanners for use in airport security). Having said that, I also want to propose something called the Thanatosphere; which isn't a system per se, but more of a piece of space-borne military equipment which resembles, but is not, a moon. It's a completely original idea, and I'd better not catch any upstart Hollywood auteurs stealing the idea for their movies about interstellar conflict.

QUELLE SCIENCE POUR DEMAIN Léon Raoul : A partir de cette dualité, nous allons découvrir le principe qui crée l'atome. Pour cela, nous n'allons pas prendre un aimant, mais deux aimants. Deux aimants qui se trouvent maintenant à grande distance séparés par du vide. Comment est-ce possible que les particules soient séparées par du vide puisque tout est rempli de cette force ? Eh bien à force de vouloir intégrer l'extérieur, la conscience a l'impression de grossir, de grossir, et les centres de volonté se concentrent. la conscience est d'abord + 5 - 5, + 100 - 100, + 100 000 - 100 000, et à force d'intégrer l'énergie qu'elle croit extérieure, sous forme de " grains ", elle finit par se trouver éloignée d'un autre centre de conscience où la même concentration s'opère. Frank : Il faut évidemment, pour comprendre cela, comprendre que l'esprit unique se croit partout, que le centre de la conscience est partout. Dans ces conditions, les deux pôles ne se freinent pas magnétiquement : ils se libèrent, ils se dégravitent.

ANATOMISK Grégomayannaise - angle de vision 360° - Intention du sujet que nous sommes en train de lire : Du pourquoi Anatomisk utilise un mélange de calendrier grégorien & Maya pour illustrer ses observation intégrale de l'évolution en cours. Sources : CJ Calleman : le calendrier Maya G Colombat : Bible et nombres Pascal Didier : la lettre chrétienne C. Piat : Socrate Pour une meilleure compréhension, à mettre en relation avec : --> Grégoire XIII --> 13:20 vs 12:60 --> 25*9*20 Du temps de la révolution française fomentée par les Illuminatis en 1776 + 13 = 1789, un nouveau calendrier avait été mis en place. A noter : - calendrier solaire (contemporain) 1 an = 365 1/4 jours - calendrier lunaire (musulman) 1 an = 354 1/3 jours - calendrier soli-lunaire (biblique) 1 an = 360 jours Néanmoins, 1583 devient la première date officielle du calendrier grégorien. Le calendrier Maya offre une autre vision du comptage du temps et par là-même, de notre perception de la réalité. Une roue Maya sur le 1 IMIX.

noosphere mycelium
