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Fictional Culture

Fictional Culture
The way I build worlds is by collecting cool stuff from the history, myth and people around me. I blend these details with my own imagination, and create my own cultures. Culture is a vital part to realistic worldbuilding. Normally there are a few particular cultures that interest me at a given time. In the long term, there is nothing more inspiring and challenging than visiting foreign cultures yourself (especially if you can get far beyond your comfort zone to do it). But reading (non-fiction, myth/legend/fairytales, as well as the classics like Dune and Lord of the Rings) and watching documentaries/films can get you a long way toward filling up on your inspiration tank. It’s important to remember: Culture in fiction isn’t a rod to get a point across. What is the most important ideal to this culture as a whole? Like this: Like Loading... Related:  dianemarycowan2How To

Things Writers Forget When Writing Fight Scenes Recently, I attended VCON, a science fiction and fantasy conference in Surrey (part of Metro Vancouver) and attended a session called “Writing About Fighting.” The panel consisted of writers and experts who were disciplined in multiple martial arts, including authors Lorna Suzuki and T.G. Shepherd, and Devon Boorman, the swordmaster of Academie Duello in Vancouver. (I lost my program, so if you remember who else was there, please leave it in the comments, below) For me, this talk was so fascinating, it was worth the cost of admission to VCON. In fact, I spent days thinking about the topics discussed and tried to incorporate them into The Watcher Saga. 1. First of all, if you’re not technical and don’t know the details of fighting, you shouldn’t try to write about them. Moreover, if you don’t feel comfortable or knowledgeable about fighting, don’t make your main character an expert on the subject. Some authors who write fight scenes well are: 2. 3. Battle scenes are truly disgusting. 4.

Truths About Fiction The following essay was previewed in the class that Stephen Graham Jones taught for LitReactor, Your Life Story Is Five Pages Long. 1. The reader should never have to work to figure out the basics of your story. Who’s whose wife or husband, what the time period is if that matters, why these people have broken into this house, and on and on, just the basic, ground-level facts about your story. 2. Meaning you don’t have to lay every last detail of every last thing out. The best writers are the ones who can cover the most distance with the fewest words. 3. It can be as simple as if the story opens with what feels like a dramatic frame—two people sitting by a fireplace, talking over brandy—then we already expect the story to circle back to that fireplace. 4. You open with a hook, of course—the title—then you hook with the first line, then, usually at the end of the first paragraph, you set that hook. 5. They’re not reading so you can render for them their already quotidian lives. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Creativity The Subplot - Not Second Place, but Side by Side There is one element in plotting our story that we sometimes forget or neglect—the subplot. The subplot is what rounds out a novel or screenplay, informing it with another shade of emotional colour to deliver a satisfying and entertaining experience. It is the parallel narrative that allows the writer to explore theme, deepen characterisation, add tension or allow some relief. Love and other pursuits. A great subplot should help you sustain your plot and illuminate the central characters. Start writing your book with our Writers Write - how to write a book - course. by Anthony Ehlers Anthony has facilitated courses for Writers Write since 2007.

Online Etymology Dictionary - Comodo IceDragon 20 Tips For Writing a Captivating Short Story (Part 1) by Mindy Halleck Today, as I edit, trim, cut, and otherwise obliterate a short story I wrote that ended up to be 8,000 words, but needs to be 5,000 words, I am reminded of this quote: “Not that the story need be long, but it will take a long while to make it short.” Wise man. I thought I’d share some editing tips this morning, not so much for you as for me. I will share these tips in three concurring post over the next two weeks. Anyway . . . drum roll . . . . Writing short stories is a great way to investigate diverse genres, characters, settings, and voices. Here are some editing tips that hopefully will keep you from banging your head on the editing desk. Watch your word count. Check out part 2 for the rest of the tips! Mindy Halleck is an award winning author who lives in the Pacific Northwest. Like this: Like Loading...

18 фантастических романов лета Look At Me продолжает рассказывать о главных летних событиях в мире технологий и гик-культуры. В новом выпуске мы собрали лучшие научно-фантастические и фэнтези-романы сезона. Некоторые из них — переводные и выходят на русском языке, некоторые издаются на английском. На русском языке «Свет» Автор: М. Издательство: «Азбука-Аттикус» Дата выхода: июнь fbvkpn М. «Периферийные устройства» Автор: Уильям Гибсон Книга, изданная достаточно быстро для фантастики в России: на английском она появилась всего в октябре. «Императрица Солнца» Автор: Йен Макдональд Издательство: «Эксмо» Йен Макдональд — один из лучших современных британских авторов, исследующий киберпанковские темы: постгуманизм, нанотехнологии, влияние технологий на общество. «Вековой дождь» Автор: Аластер Рейнолдс Дата выхода: август Самостоятельный (в смысле не входящий ни в какой цикл, которых у Рейнольдса несколько) роман любимого в России валлийского автора. «Кровавый поход» Автор: Брайан Макклеллан «Полмира» Автор: Джо Аберкромби «Голос Земли»

the basic plots in literature Example Questions That Can Be Answered Using This FAQ I’ve heard there are only 7 (or 5, 20, 36…) basic plots (or themes) in all of literature. What are they? People often say that there are only a certain number of basic plots in all of literature, and that any story is really just a variation on these plots. Depending on how detailed they want to make a "basic" plot, different writers have offered a variety of solutions. 1 Plot | 3 Plots | 7 Plots | 20 Plots | 36 Plots 1 Plot: Attempts to find the number of basic plots in literature cannot be resolved any more tightly than to describe a single basic plot. 3 Plots: Foster-Harris. "’Type A, happy ending’"; Foster-Harris argues that the "Type A" pattern results when the central character (which he calls the "I-nitial" character) makes a sacrifice (a decision that seems logically "wrong") for the sake of another 7 Plots 7 basic plots as remembered from second grade by IPL volunteer librarian Jessamyn West: [wo]man vs. nature [wo]man vs.
