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The Mystery Casebook - Cryptids, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabra, Sea Monsters, Aliens, UFO News, Mysterious Places, Photos, Video

The Mystery Casebook - Cryptids, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabra, Sea Monsters, Aliens, UFO News, Mysterious Places, Photos, Video

Paranormal research investigation anomalous phenomena scientific ASSAP The World’s Most Stunning Crop Circles Of course there is also that well publicised event of 2 men (Doug Bower and Dave Chorley) from Southampton in England who confessed in 1991 that they created a few of them as a prank. Whatever your belief, crop circles are undoubtedly one of the most fascinating and stunningly beautiful patterns made without the stroke of a paint brush. Most of these circles are found in England, and the patterns are made by flattening crops like wheat, rapeseed, barley, corn and rye, but not to the point of breaking them entirely, thus the crops then go on to grow normally. Cambridgeshire, 2001 Wiltshire, 2004 The earliest crop circle seems to have been in the 17th century in England. This is a very unusual one found in Payerne in Switzerland in 2007. In the late 1980s the English countryside became alive with regular occurrences of crop circles. To date there have been more than 12,000 crop circles discovered around the world. Here is a fabulous, but rare one from Tennessee in America.

Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization 30 Odd Minutes - Paranormal Television Talk Show 6 days 6 hours 17 minutes until our next live show! Greetings from the Mother Ship! Join us each week as our Captain, your host, Jeff Belanger, and his crew of mad scientists and Oddballs explore the paranormal through witnesses and experts. There are no other paranormal talk shows like this one (thank God)! We need your video contributions! Click here for details. Watch the live Internet stream right here Tuesday nights at 8 PM, and join us in our live chat room so you can interact with the show, get your questions answered on the air, and communicate with other Oddballs. Mission 157 - Astral Projection with William Buhlman Attend 30 Odd Minutes LIVE at the following conferences/events:

Nessie on the Net! The Ultimate Loch Ness Monster Live Cam, Scotland Paranormal Zone X Amityville: The True Story In December 1975, George and Kathleen Lutz and their three children moved into 112 Ocean Avenue, a large Dutch Colonial house in Amityville. This was a suburban neighborhood which was located on the south shore of Long Island, New York. After 28 days, the Lutzes left the house, claiming to have been terrorized by paranormal spirits and poltergeist activity while living there.

Weird Encyclopedia - a Quick & Dirty Guide to All Things Strange The Jersey Devil The Jersey Devil, the supposed mythical creature of the New Jersey Pinelands, has haunted New Jersey and the surrounding areas for the past 260 years. This entity has been seen by over 2,000 witnesses over this period. It has terrorized towns and caused factories and schools to close down, yet many people believe that the Jersey Devil is a legend, a mythical beast, that originated from the folklore of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Others disagree with this point of view. The following text will show there is evidence to support the existence of an animal or supernatural bring known as the Jersey Devil. There are many different versions of the birth of the Jersey Devil. Another story placed the birth in Estelville, NJ. Burlington, NJ, also claims to be the birthplace of the Jersey Devil. There are many other versions of the legend. The first thing that ties the legends together is the name "Leeds". From the pre 1909 era, few documented records of sightings still exist. on them. Jack E.

Paranormal Network Spiricom Report 1 We present here the Original Report from George W. Meek edited for better use in the Internet. No content changes have been made. direct to Table of Contents Please paste this inside the front cover of the SPIRICOM TECHNICAL MANUAL in your possession. TO : Anyone Contemplating Developing Equipment to Converse with the " D e a d " : A Word of CAUTION Tens of thousands of hours spent over 25 years by hundreds of EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) researchers in Europe have clearly shown that some form of supplemental energy must be utilized to permit even individual words or short phrases to reach a level of audibility detectable even by a researcher with a highly acute sense of hearing.Eleven years of effort by 'Metascience researchers has established that the energies involved in the different levels of the worlds of spirit are not a part of the electromagnetic spectrum as science presently knows it. Page 1 andDR. Life's Energy Fields Vol. back to Top of Page Page 2 METASCIENCE FOUNDATION P.O.
