PhysMath Central Blog Regular visitors to the PhysMath Central site will have noticed that, following the pdf redesign at the start of this year, the online journal and article pages have also recently had an overhaul. See for yourself below and let us know what you think. The final stage of our redesign, the top level portal pages, will be happening later this summer. So I’m a bit late coming to this, but this is cool nonetheless. Peter Jacobs of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and the ALICE experiment at the the LHC at CERN, describes the real physics behind FlashFoward, the novel and TV series gripping nerds across the world! Hi all, We’ll be coming to the annual Biophysical Society meeting in San Francisco this weekend. We hope to see you there! Chris, Sally & HarpreetPhysMath Central The authors, Franck Laloë and Remy Mosseri, tackle some the assumptions made in the bibliometry game and come out with a few startling suggestions for how to maximize your own h-index. Read more Read more
BioMed Central Blog Thursday 10 April saw the publication of the Cochrane systematic review on oseltamivir and zanamivir, or Tamiflu (Roche) and Relenza (GlaxoSmithKline) to give them their better-known trade names. In short, the review found that Tamiflu doesn’t work quite as well as we thought; a finding that is the culmination of a four-and-a-half year battle for access to the raw data from the clinical trials. The authors – Jefferson, Heneghan and colleagues – uncovered what they characterized as ‘multisystem failure’, with poorly-defined endpoints and confusion as to the authorship and contribution of the clinical trials. They also found that all studies were conducted against placebo, rather than against current best practice. Read more Scientific journal publishing has undergone significant changes in the last couple of decades with the digital revolution and the rise of open access journals. John Bohannon’s sting published in Science, the rise in retractions and disillusionment with the … Read more
Free Education for All ? Open Education (aukee tabissa) Octaviuksen ajatuksia The Cellular Scale Sepponet Korjaamolla Teitkö itse vai menikö oikein? Automekaanikon leuka loksahti jarrupaloille Suomalainen autonomistaja on kekseliäs, viitseliäs ja oma-aloitteinen ihminen. Toisinaan nämä pellepelottoman luonteenpiirteet johtavat hengenvaarallisiin virityksiin. Korjaamoketju Autoasi kokosi mekaanikoiltaan kertomuksia asiakkaidensa huoltoon tuomista tapauksista. Hurjin case liittyi jarrulevyihin. - Erään auton toisen etujarrulevyn todettiin murtuneen navastaan irti, mutta asiakas ei halunnut sitä korjauttaa, vaan ajoi pois, ketjun nimetön mekaanikko kertoo. - Kuukausi myöhemmin mieli kuitenkin muuttui, ja asiakas tilasi autolleen huoltoajan. Mekaanikoita hämmästyttävät vuodesta toiseen tee-se-itse-miehet, jotka eivät uskalla myöntää korjanneensa ja epäonnistuneensa työssä pahasti.