GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid
European Commission decides to create a Support Group for UkraineThis Support Group will provide a focal point, structure, overview and guidance for the Commission's work to support Ukraine. More Mobile laboratory funded by EuropeAid to fight Ebola outbreak in GuineaAs part of the international response to the current Ebola outbreak in Guinea, WHO and its Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) have requested lab experts of the European Mobile Lab (EMLab) project to support the Ministry of Health of Guinea. Read more EU-Africa Summit - Nutrition side eventEU, World Food Programme and UNICEF address issue of malnutrition in Niger during EU-Africa Summit side event. Read the joint article European Year for Development 2015 - Parliament vote“I am delighted that the initiative to organise a European Year for Development in 2015 has received widespread inter-institutional support, as shown by yesterday's vote in the European Parliament."
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