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What is Quantum Physics

What is Quantum Physics
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Quantum Physics, Spirituality And Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Emotions Quantum Physics, Spirituality And Your Life Experience : They're Not As Different Nor as Separate As You May Currently Think And Believe. Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Emotions Shape Your World. Now You'll FINALLY Understand Why in a Very Simplified Kind of Way!! Quantum Physics once understood not only can but will open your eyes to an unseen world few are aware of as well as enable and empower you to see the importance of consciously aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions with your heartfelt desires making the term Heaven on Earth more than just a nice thought or novel idea simply because, You CAN Quantum Physics Demystifies The Process Of Creation and Reveals The Simplicity of Conscious, Intentional and Purposeful as Well as Unconscious and Unintentional Manifestation What exactly is Quantum Physics? An on the surface look of a strictly intellectual nature of what Quantum Physics is and what quantum physicists do may, and perhaps does sound a bit ho hum or really complex. How so?

quantum and relativity Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color Sacred Texts Esoteric Index Previous Next p. 81 HARMONY is a state recognized by great philosophers as the immediate prerequisite of beauty. A compound is termed beautiful only when its parts are in harmonious combination. The world is called beautiful and its Creator is designated the Good because good perforce must act in conformity with its own nature; and good acting according to its own nature is harmony, because the good which it accomplishes is harmonious with the good which it is. Beauty, therefore, is harmony manifesting its own intrinsic nature in the world of form. The universe is made up of successive gradations of good, these gradations ascending from matter (which is the least degree of good) to spirit (which is the greatest degree of good). It is highly probable that the Greek initiates gained their knowledge of the philosophic and therapeutic aspects of music from the Egyptians, who, in turn, considered Hermes the founder of the art. From Fludd's De Musica Mundana. p. 82

'Time Crystals' Could Upend Physicists' Theory of Time | Wired Science Physicists plan to create a “time crystal” — a theoretical object that moves in a repeating pattern without using energy — inside a device called an ion trap. Image: Hartmut Häffner In February 2012, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek decided to go public with a strange and, he worried, somewhat embarrassing idea. Impossible as it seemed, Wilczek had developed an apparent proof of “time crystals” — physical structures that move in a repeating pattern, like minute hands rounding clocks, without expending energy or ever winding down. Unlike clocks or any other known objects, time crystals derive their movement not from stored energy but from a break in the symmetry of time, enabling a special form of perpetual motion. “Most research in physics is continuations of things that have gone before,” said Wilczek, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Wilczek’s idea met with a muted response from physicists. A Crazy Concept The Big Test

Harmony and Proportion: Pythagoras: Music and Space Pythagoras (6th century BC) observed that when the blacksmith struck his anvil, different notes were produced according to the weight of the hammer. Number (in this case amount of weight) seemed to govern musical tone... See if you can hear the sound in your imagination before it comes, by judging from the proportions of the string lengths. The first one's easy. Again, number (in this case amount of space) seemed to govern musical tone. Or does musical tone govern number? He also discovered that if the length of the two strings are in relation to each other 2:3, the difference in pitch is called a fifth: ...and if the length of the strings are in relation to each other 3:4, then the difference is called a fourth. Thus the musical notation of the Greeks, which we have inherited can be expressed mathematically as 1:2:3:4 All this above can be summarised in the following. This triangular figure of numbers in the shape of the Greek letter Lamda is the Tetrad of the Pythagorians.

Mediadesk - First glimpse into birth of the Milky Way News release, August 25, 2011 For almost 20 years astrophysicists have been trying to recreate the formation of spiral galaxies such as our Milky Way realistically. Now astrophysicists from the University of Zurich present the world’s first realistic simulation of the formation of our home galaxy together with astronomers from the University of California at Santa Cruz. The new results were partly calculated on the computer of the Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS) and show, for instance, that there have to be stars on the outer edge of the Milky Way. The aim of astrophysical simulations is to model reality in due consideration of the physical laws and processes. Removing standard matter central to formation of spiral galaxies For their study, the scientists developed a highly complex simulation in which a spiral galaxy similar to the Milky Way develops by itself without further intervention. Astronomical computing power Literature:

Pythagoras and Music of Life Pythagoras & Music of the Spheres There is geometry in the humming of the strings ... there is music in the spacing of the spheres. Pythagoras From Egypt we move across the Mediterranean Sea to the Greek island of Samos, the birthplace of Pythagoras, whose ideas dominate most of the material in this course. We'll look at the Pythagoreans' ideas about numbers, as a prelude to our next unit on number symbolism. Our main link between Egypt and Greece seems to be Thales c 640-550 BC, father of Greek mathematics, astronomy, and Philosophy, and was one of the Seven Sages of Greece. Raphael's School of Athens Slide 3-1: Raphael's School of Athens 1510-11. Janson, H. Pythagoras is shown in this famous painting, done by Raphael in 1510-11, which also shows most of the Greek philosophers. Socrates sprawls on the steps at their feet, the hemlock cup nearby. His student Plato the idealist is on the left, pointing upwards to divine inspiration. Euclid is shown with compass, lower right. The Pythagoreans

Spooky Action-at-a-Distance Loophole Closed | Quantum Mechanics The weird way entangled particles stay connected even when separated by large distances — a phenomenon Albert Einstein called "spooky" — has been confirmed once again, this time with a key loophole in the experiment eliminated. The results from the new experiment confirm one of the wildest predictions of quantum mechanics: that a pair of "entangled" particles, once measured, can somehow instantly communicate with each other so that their states always match. "Quantum mechanics is a wonderful theory that scientists use very successfully," said study co-author Marissa Giustina, a physicist at the University of Vienna. But the new experiment goes further than past studies by eliminating one of the major loopholes in entanglement experiments. The findings were published April 14 in the journal Nature. Spooky phenomenon Since the 1930s, physicists have been troubled by some of the bizarre implications of quantum mechanics. Better detector

10 Things you didn't know about sound Shh! Make your life sound better Julian Treasure: Sounds we hear have an important effect on our lives and healthNoise can cause physical harm and sound can heal, he saysHe says headphone abuse is creating deaf kidsMore research needed to fully understand how what we hear affects our health, he says Editor's note: TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to "Ideas worth spreading," which it makes available through talks posted on its website. (CNN) -- Most of us have become so used to suppressing noise that we don't think much about what we're hearing, or about how we listen. 1.) 2.) 3.) Video: Julian Treasure: Making life sound better 4.) Women, by contrast, typically adopt an expansive listening position, enjoying the journey, going with the flow. Other listening positions include judgmental (or critical), active (or reflective), passive (or meditative) and so on. 5.) According to a 1999 U.S. Music is medicine, music is sanity Jose Abreu on kids transformed by music 6.)

icist Proposes Solution to Arrow-of-Time Paradox ( -- Entropy can decrease, according to a new proposal - but the process would destroy any evidence of its existence, and erase any memory an observer might have of it. It sounds like the plot to a weird sci-fi movie, but the idea has recently been suggested by theoretical physicist Lorenzo Maccone, currently a visiting scientist at MIT, in an attempt to solve a longstanding paradox in physics. The laws of physics, which describe everything from electricity to moving objects to energy conservation, are time-invariant. That is, the laws still hold if time is reversed. However, this time reversal symmetry is in direct contrast with everyday phenomena, where it’s obvious that time moves forward and not backward. For example, when milk is spilt, it can’t flow back up into the glass, and when pots are broken, their pieces can’t shatter back together. In his study, Maccone presents two thought experiments to illustrate this idea, followed by an analytical derivation.

Energy medicine Early reviews of the scientific literature on energy healing were equivocal and recommended further research,[9][10] but more recent reviews have concluded that there is no evidence supporting clinical efficacy.[11][12][13][14][15][16] The theoretical basis of healing has been criticised,[17][18][19][20] research and reviews supportive of energy medicine have been criticised for containing methodological flaws[21][22][23] and selection bias[21][22] and positive therapeutic results have been dismissed as the result of known psychological mechanisms.[21][22] Edzard Ernst, lately Professor of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the University of Exeter, has warned that "healing continues to be promoted despite the absence of biological plausibility or convincing clinical evidence ... that these methods work therapeutically and plenty to demonstrate that they do not. History[edit] Classification[edit] Polarity therapy[edit] Beliefs[edit] There are various schools of energy healing.
