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Book Of Art January 18th, 2011 Books of Art by Isaac Salazar, a simple idea well executed. found at ffffound Ten largest North American anime conventions of 2009 - AnimeCons News News Report January 12, 2010 Ten largest North American anime conventions of 2009 by Patrick Delahanty, Senior Editor Looking back on 2009, there seem to be two black clouds hanging over the anime convention world: the economy and the swine flu scare. While they may have been a concern for those attending anime conventions, the anime convention industry still saw some growth throughout the year, even if that growth wasn't as rapid as it had been several years ago.

Overview - SIT Study Abroad “The program gave us a unique opportunity to learn about renewable energy and sustainability through our coursework while simultaneously exposing us to an environment where our knowledge was overwhelmingly applicable. There is nowhere else in the world that allows for such open exploration of renewable energy practices both in and outside of the classroom." -- Evan Blom, program alum

This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids This December, in a surprisingly simple yet ridiculously amazing installation for the Queensland Gallery of Modern Ar, artist Yayoi Kusama constructed a large domestic environment, painting every wall, chair, table, piano, and household decoration a brilliant white, effectively serving as a giant white canvas. Over the course of two weeks, the museum’s smallest visitors were given thousands upon thousands of colored dot stickers and were invited to collaborate in the transformation of the space, turning the house into a vibrantly mottled explosion of color. How great is this? Given the opportunity my son could probably cover the entire piano alone in about fifteen minutes. The installation, entitled The Obliteration Room, is part of Kusama’s Look Now, See Forever exhibition that runs through March 12.

Urban Painting Art: Some Fascinating Murals Graffiti has deeply settled in our current surrounding having turned blank city walls into real works of art. Today we’ll pay tribute to an amazing graffiti painting showing you fine wall creations related to urban murals. These are a few of the cooler wall paintings we’ve seen lately that cannot be regarded as unsightly damage or unwanted vandalism. sidewalk chalk guy sidewalk chalk guy «« back to all material copyrighted by its original creator | Shift_JIS art An example of American Shift_JIS art. Giko Neko(ギコネコ, gikoneko?) Posted on the BBSHONTEN(HIRU NO BU)(本店(昼の部), honten(hirunobu)?) in 1998. 泥だんご Japanese German by Kayo, Fumio ・・・・2002/3(Japanese version) 2003/12(English version) translated by MES mystery tomato miracle [Items you must have]

Carved Book Landscapes by Guy Laramee (click images for detail) For the better part of three decades multidisciplinary artist Guy Laramee has worked as a stage writer, director, composer, a fabricator of musical instruments, a singer, sculptor, painter and writer. Among his sculptural works are two incredible series of carved book landscapes and structures entitled Biblios and The Great Wall, where the dense pages of old books are excavated to reveal serene mountains, plateaus, and ancient structures. Before I Die & Candy Chang What matters most to you Interactive public art project that invites people to share their personal aspirations in public. After losing someone she loved and falling into depression, Chang created this experiment on an abandoned house in her neighborhood to create an anonymous place to help restore perspective and share intimately with her neighbors. The project gained global attention and thanks to passionate people around the world, over 1000 Before I Die walls have now been created in over 70 countries, including Kazakhstan, Iraq, Haiti, China, Ukraine, Portugal, Japan, Denmark, Argentina, and South Africa. The walls are an honest mess of the longing, pain, joy, insecurity, gratitude, fear, and wonder you find in every community, and they reimagine public spaces that nurture honesty, vulnerability, trust and understanding. The Before I Die book is a celebration of these walls and the stories behind them.

106 of the most beloved Street Art Photos - Year 2010 More info. More info. More Banksy on Street Art Utopia. More info.

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