Software de Mind Mapping - Crear Mind Maps en línea | MindMeister ClassIt : jeu éducatif pour apprendre les catégories dans l’App Store Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo Bitmoji Keyboard - Your Avatar Emoji on the App Store Digital Publishing Platform for Magazines, Catalogs, and more Fun Time Timer Printing Press The interactive Printing Press is designed to assist students in creating newspapers, brochures, and flyers. Teachers and students can choose from several templates to publish class newspapers, informational brochures, and flyers announcing class events. Text added to the templates can be modified using a simple WYSIWYG editor, which allows students to choose text features, such as font size and color. Documentation for the Printing Press includes instructions for using the tool. Customized versions of the tool, which include additional instructions and more focused choices, are included with some lessons. Grades 3 – 12 | Student Interactive | Writing & Publishing Prose Flip Book The Flip Book is designed to allow users to type and illustrate tabbed flip books up to ten pages long. Grades K – 12 | Student Interactive | Writing & Publishing Prose Stapleless Book Grades 1 – 12 | Calendar Activity | October 1 Get ready for National Bullying Prevention Month! Grades K – 12 | Strategy Guide
Autimo - Jeu éducatif sur les émotions dans l’App Store Cube Creator Summarizing information is an important postreading and prewriting activity that helps students synthesize what they have learned. The interactive Cube Creator offers four options: Bio Cube: This option allows students to develop an outline of a person whose biography or autobiography they have just read; it can also be used before students write their own autobiography. Specific prompts ask students to describe a person's significance, background, and personality. Mystery Cube: Use this option to help your students sort out the clues in their favorite mysteries or develop outlines for their own stories. Among its multiple applications, the Mystery Cube helps students identify mystery elements, practice using vocabulary from this popular genre, and sort and summarize information. Story Cube: In this cube option, students can summarize the key elements in a story, including character, setting, conflict, resolution, and theme. Create-Your-Own Cube: Working on a science unit? back to top
ASD Tools Trading Card Creator The Trading Card tool gives students an alternative way to demonstrate their literacy knowledge and skill when writing about popular culture texts or real world examples. This interactive allows students to create their own trading card about a real or fictional person, place, object, event, or abstract concept. These cards are can be used with any type of book students are reading or subjects that they are studying, and make for an excellent prewriting exercise for students who are writing narrative stories and need to consider characters, setting, and plot. Specific prompts guide student through the various types of cards, expanding students' thinking from the basic information and description of the topic to making personal connections to the subject. The save capability gives students a way to work on a draft of their card and come back to it to rework and revise as necessary, and to save their finished product to share with friends and family. back to top
Applications en adaptation scolaire Ipad , Ipod Ipod touch | Marie-Jacquard Handy Orthopédagogue Applications en adaptation scolaire pour iPad et iPod touch Conçu pour aider les personnes atteintes d’aphasie, de déficits cognitifs, de lésions cérébrales vasculaires cérébraux, l’application est également un outil précieux pour les enfants plus âgés ayant des besoins spéciaux, y compris l’autisme. L’application comprend trois modes: écouter, lire, et écouter et lire. L’application ajuste automatiquement la difficulté en fonction des performances. Plus de 500 noms, 100 verbes, adjectifs jumelés avec des photographies en couleurs. Sentence maker est un jeu interactif personnalisable qui permet aux élèves d’apprendre à faire et compléter leurs propres phrases. iRime, c’est l’outil pour composer des rimes. My first speeling (en français) va aider vos élèves à développer de bons reflexes moteurs, apprendre à reconnaitre et réunir les lettres, apprendre les sons que donnent les lettres, apprendre les noms que représentent les lettres et apprendre à prononcer les mots. Le sys TalkTablet
Animal Puzzle Free - Drag 'n' Drop Puzzles for Toddlers on the App Store