espaebook | epub gratis en español | libros gratis | ebooks gratis | libros para Kindle, Papyre, iPad, iPhone, Android, Nook, Sony Book Force | PDF, PRC, MOBI, EPUB, DOC eBook Free Download Descargar libros gratis en TomaLibros.NET The 100 "Best" Books on City-Making Ever Written? I usually don't associate happiness with things, "stuff," material goods, but I have to admit that there are few things that make me happier than my books. Ever since I was a kid, I've loved libraries and book stores, and when I saw that a childhood friend's home had a room full of floor-to-ceiling book shelves, I knew that one day I would have to have a room like that. It's unlikely that I'll ever embrace the growing trend of downloading books on tablets - for me, there's simply nothing quite like sitting in my “library” (the enclosed balcony in our downtown apartment), surrounded by my favourite books on city-making. I like to claim that I have the most extensive library of books on urbanism of any city-making practitioner - at least for any non-professor! Back in the early 2000's when I was Plan Canada's contributing editor for book reviews, I wrote a piece on the 10 most important urban design books ever written. Are these books really the "best" books in my library? Postscript
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