Comment stocker et lire ses fichiers audio ? sur Son-Vidé Depuis quelques années, la tendance est à la dématérialisation de la musique. Exit le support optique, désormais inadapté aux nouvelles habitudes de consommation du son : la musique doit se contrôler au doigt et à l’œil, tablette ou smartphone en main. Outre une praticité indéniable, convertir ses CD-Audio en fichiers audio permet de les lire avec les DAC USB de dernière génération, offrant un niveau de qualité inédit. Fichiers FLAC, MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, Apple Lossless... Voici de quoi vous aider à choisir le format approprié à votre équipement. Avant toute chose, il est important de préciser que le CD-Audio contient jusqu'à 807 Mo de données, soit 80 minutes de musique numérique en stéréo. Pour extraire ces données numériques, il est nécessaire d'utiliser un ordinateur et un logiciel spécialisé. Par défaut, ces logiciels sont paramétrés pour extraire la musique de la meilleure des manières. Quel format de fichier audio choisir ? FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) Il n'a que des avantages.
To Err is Human: Typos in Literature on AbeBooks The Good Earth Pearl S. Buck The first through third printings contain an error on line 17 of page 100 - "flees" should read "fleas". Most readers find typographical errors to be one of life's little annoyances, like being stuck at a traffic light when in a hurry. Book collectors may also see typographical errors in a positive light, but for an entirely different reason. Most typos are of little consequence - adding or removing pluralization, causing non-agreement in tenses, or the like. Another doozy of a gaffe which had long-term consequences (at least for the publisher): in April 2010, it came to light that Penguin Australia, who put out a cookbook called The Pasta Bible had made the decision to pulp 7,000 copies after it went to print with an error in a recipe for tagliatelle with sardines and prosciutto - it called for "salt and freshly ground black people". Whoops. Anthony Adverse by Hervey Allen, 1933 Machine of Death edited by Ryan North, et al, 2010 The Great He Bible 1611
Jazz Music By the Decade Jazz has always had an undeniable impact on culture, yet a tumultuous relationship with popular music. At one point in the middle of the 20th century, the genre was at the forefront. It had pop stars. Miles Davis, with his constant, sometimes puzzling musical innovation and penchant for performing with his back to the crowd, was the genre’s Kanye West. Wynton Marsalis, with his cocksure commitment to “pure music,” was an analogue to Dave Grohl. Then, through the ’80s and ’90s, jazz seemed to lose direction, thanks in part to Kenny G, who let “jazz” mean music that’s more like bastardized adult contemporary pop-rock. 1930s “In the Mood” by the Glenn Miller Band Swing music bubbled up from the still-simmering Depression in the ’30s and skewed jazz closer than ever before to popular music. The song is buoyed by its unmistakable opening sax riff, meant to beckon jitterbuggers to the dance floor, and highlighted by a mid-song decrescendo fake-out (think “Shout” by the Isley Brothers). 1940s
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Poezija Frangiskana ta' D Mintoff Hija ligi tal-hajja taghna li ahna, il-hin kollu, niehdu xi haga. l-ghajxien taghna huwa msejjes fuq dak li taghtina n-natura. Is-sahha taghna trid l-arja tas-sema. Il-qamha ta' l-eghlieqi, l-ilma tal-widien. Ghalhekk ahna ma nistghu naghtu xejn hlief lilna nfusna. Rigal lejlet tieg flus lil tallab ktieb lil student ward lil marid... huma biss turija taghna nfusna. Naraw fis-socjetà l-qasma bejn dawk li 'ghandhom' u dawk li 'm'ghandhomx'. U nisimghu lil ta' l-ewwel jaghdbu ghax dawk li m'ghandhomx huma ngrati. Inhosshom mugugha bl-imgiba ta' dawk li 'm'ghandhomx'. U bejniethom jghidu: "tmajtu u libbistu - ara kif hallasni!" L-ingratitudni hija haga ta' min jistmerra. Turi kefrija ta' qalb. Imma l-bicca l-kbira ta' dawk li jgorru fuq l-ingratitudni ma jkunux taw lilhom infushom. Jahsbu li r-rigal, il-ward, il-ktieb jigbed il-hajr. Meta niehdu xi haga nifirhu Alla dejjem jaghtina, ghalhekk igibilna l-ferh U Alla huwa l-aktar qrib taghna waqt li naghtu lilna nfusna. Meta wiehed jiehu, jifrah. Jaghtih lilu nnifsu.
How Bob Dylan Made Rock History on 'Highway 61 Revisited' - Rolling Stone Bob Dylan's second album of 1965, Highway 61 Revisited, would be a historic break: For the first time, none of the tracks would feature just him and his guitar. On May 10th, Dylan finished the brief tour of England – eight all-acoustic shows – chronicled in D.A. Pennebaker's documentary Don't Look Back. By now, he was bored playing his old songs as he'd recorded them. "I was playing a lot of songs I didn't want to play," he'd say afterward. Before long, he would bring that fight to his audience – some of whom would fight back at first – making music that embraced chaos and inspired it. Everything was moving fast for Dylan – although he brought Joan Baez along on the U.K. tour, he was already living at New York's Chelsea Hotel with Sara Lownds, who he'd marry in a private (and in fact secret) ceremony in November 1965. Dylan would tell Michael Bloomfield more or less the same thing a month later. When they returned the next day, 21-year-old Al Kooper had bluffed his way into the session.
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