6 Steps to Successful Co-Teaching By Natalie Marston, elementary special educator, Charles County, Maryland Found In: teaching strategies Are you wondering how you can co-teach effectively and make it a successful year for both teachers and students? As co-teachers - a regular and a special education teacher - you will plan lessons and teach a subject together to a class of special and regular education students. Co-teaching can be a wonderful experience when planning and communication are in place beginning day one. 1. The first step that you (the regular classroom teacher and the special education teacher) need to take is to establish a relationship -- even before the students enter the building. When the two of you have a comfortable relationship and rapport with each other, the children feel more comfortable in the classroom. 2. Are you a hands-on teacher who loves doing experiments and using manipulatives, never to open a textbook? How do you manage behaviors? 3. 4. 5. 6. Enjoy! About the Author
DOGO News - Kids news articles! Kids current events; plus kids news on science, sports, and more! Teaching Students with Special Needs: Advice for Teachers Page 1 of 2 It is inevitable that you will have the opportunity (and pleasure) of working with special needs students in your classroom. You may need to make accommodations for some and modifications for others. Providing for the needs of special education students will certainly be one of your greatest challenges as a professional educator. Consider these tips and strategies. Jabberwocky When working with special needs students, two terms you are sure to encounter are accommodation and modification. Students with Learning Disabilities Learning disabled students are those who demonstrate a significant discrepancy, which is not the result of some other handicap, between academic achievement and intellectual abilities in one or more of the areas of oral expression, listening comprehension, written expression, basic reading skills, reading comprehension, mathematical calculation, mathematics reasoning, or spelling. Has poor auditory memory—both short term and long term. It's Elementary
Special Education: Promoting More Inclusion at Your School | Edutopia It is all too rare for discussions of school culture and climate and SEL to focus explicitly on students with disabilities. A shining exception is the Inclusive Schools Climate Initiative (ISCI), a pilot project at Rutgers University, developed through a partnership with the Office of Special Education Programs at the NJ Department of Education. Eighteen schools are involved in the pilot project, and each one carries out an inclusion-focused assessment of school climate, the formulation of an ISCI leadership team, and the development and implementation of a School Climate Improvement Plan (SCIP). SCIP's are unique to each school and include goals and a range of activities that are designed to promote changes or to sustain aspects of school climate that best support inclusion. Maurice Elias: Why was it important to develop inclusive schools? Dr. How has the ISCI pilot addressed school climate, specifically to support inclusion? A key part of improving school climate is to assess.
Deeper Learning: Why Cross-Curricular Teaching is Essential It is time that teachers and administrators realize that public education has reached a dam in the river. We have gone about as far as we can go with isolated instruction and learning. While it may have served the purpose for the older generations, it does not meet the deeper learning needs of students today and tomorrow. Deep learning is like taking a long drought from a well of knowledge as opposed to only sipping from many different wells. Requirements Undaunted, educators are committed to providing students full access to the well of deep-learning knowledge that will unlock their potential. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In order for all this to happen in a sustainable way in our schools, deeper learning requires that groups of teachers pool their talents, resources, time, and efforts to maximize coherence, relevance, and connections among the content areas. Cross-Curricular Teams There are three general phases of teacher collaboration and interdisciplinary teaching: Aligned Cooperative Conceptual
Three Ways Student Data Can Inform Your Teaching The job of a teacher is to be faithful to authentic student learning. Currently, our profession is fixated on results from one test, from one day, given near the end of the school year. And, yes, that is data that can be useful, however, we teachers spend the entire year collecting all sorts of immediate and valuable information about students that informs and influences how we teach, as well as where and what we review, re-adjust, and re-teach. So when we speak about student data, here's how teachers collect it and some of the ways we use it. #1 From the Classroom Formative Assessments Checking for understanding with low-stakes assessments are really the most important and useful of student data. Observations The beauty of having a constructivist, student-directed classroom? Projects, Essays, Exams Summative assessments, such as a literary analysis essay or an end-of-unit science exam, allow us to measure the growth of individual and whole-group learning. #2 From Cumulative Files
Math Practice Standards - Debbie Waggoner Standards for Mathematical Practices Math Practice Standards Posters Secondary full page posters for each of the K-12 math practice standards written in language for secondary grades from the Jordan School district in Utah Math Practice Standards Posters grade 6 full page posters for each of the K-12 math practice standards written in language for grade 6 from the Jordan School district in Utah Math Practice Standards Posters grades 4-5 full page posters for each of the K-12 math practice standards written in language for 4th & 5th grades - from the Jordan School district in Utah Math Practice Standards Posters grades 2-3 full page posters for each of the K-12 math practice standards written in language for 2nd & 3rd grades - from the Jordan School district in Utah Math Practice Standards Posters grades K-1 full page posters for each of the K-12 math practice standards written in language for Kindergarten & 1st grade - from the Jordan School district in Utah Math Practice standards Look fors...
PBS Teachers (pbsteachers) 6 Scaffolding Strategies to Use With Your Students What’s the opposite of scaffolding a lesson? Saying to students, “Read this nine-page science article, write a detailed essay on the topic it explores, and turn it in by Wednesday.” Yikes! No safety net, no parachute—they’re just left to their own devices. Let’s start by agreeing that scaffolding a lesson and differentiating instruction are two different things. Simply put, scaffolding is what you do first with kids. Scaffolding and differentiation do have something in common, though. So let’s get to some scaffolding strategies you may or may not have tried yet. 1. How many of us say that we learn best by seeing something rather than hearing about it? Try a fishbowl activity, where a small group in the center is circled by the rest of the class; the group in the middle, or fishbowl, engages in an activity, modeling how it’s done for the larger group.Always show students the outcome or product before they do it. 2. 3. All learners need time to process new ideas and information. 4. 5. 6.
The Digital Divide: Resource Roundup Digital Access and Equity Is Your School #FutureReady? by Suzie Boss (2014) Two recent events have the potential to help schools nationwide get up to speed when it comes to internet access and equity. How Teachers Use Technology: The Latest Research, by Mary Beth Hertz (2013) Hertz considers the implications of a study by Pew Research about how teachers are using technology at home and in their classrooms and what it can tell us about the digital divide. Also consider reading her earlier post from 2011, "A New Understanding of the Digital Divide," for a discussion of earlier studies and what they said about differences in types of access among groups of students. Back to Top Supporting All Digital Learners Why Reading Mattters: An Interview With a School Leader, by Bob Lenz (2014) An instructional development director from a charter schools network in the San Francisco area shares his plan for acquiring 300 donated digital reading devices for students. International Comparisons
Strategies for Successful Co-Teaching All Things Considered Other topics to discuss with your co-teacher before the first school bell rings: • When is our common planning time? • Should we set aside other time (early-morning coffee, lunchtime walks) for additional planning? • What are your pet peeves? • How will we introduce ourselves to the students? • How will we arrange the classroom for flexible grouping? • What is our grading policy? • How will we evaluate our own co-teaching practice? Fill in the blank: The marriage between co-teachers is like ______. For the past 20 years, I have worked with schools on their co-teaching initiatives. No matter co-teachers’ respective expertise, some relationships work smoothly, while others are rocky. Choose a Model Early The beginning of the school year, or even prior to the start of school, is the key time to decide which co-teaching models you want to use. The Lead and Support Model works well when a specialist is assigned to co-teach with multiple classroom teachers.
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