entre les jambes Grey's Anatomy Saison 2 TVrip Partie 1 et 2 AUDio : MP3 | BiT RaTe : 192kbps | CoDeC : XVID | FRaMe RaTe : 25 | ReSoLuTioN : 640x352 | French Grey's Anatomy se concentre sur la vie de ces jeunes luttant pour être médecins et surtout pour garder un peu d'humanité. Le mélange entre leur vie trépidante d'interne en chirurgie et leur vie privée qui n'est pas épargnée non plus, fait découvrir à ces tout nouveaux médecins que ni la médecine, ni les rapports humains ne sont tous noirs ou tous blancs mais bien teintés de gris... L'hôpital Grace de Seattle est un centre d'apprentissage de la médecine réputé, notamment pour son niveau particulièrement difficile et son rythme de travail effréné... Casting : Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd), Ellen Pompeo (Meredith Grey), Justin Chambers (Alex Karev), Katherine Heigl (Isobel "Izzie" Stevens), T.R. Knight (George O'Malley), Sandra Oh (Cristina Yang), James Pickens Jr.
Children’s Books for Secular and Progressive Families: Part One « Greater Than Lapsed Today, I came home to find one of my very favorite things: a box of books from Amazon. Last week, I ordered a few books that are going to be Christmas gifts for my daughter; they have arrived, and I am very pleased with all of them. To celebrate (and to distract myself from reading them all immediately), I thought I would make a list of some of my favorite children’s books for secular families. My daughter, Sylvia, turned 8 in April, and she’s reading far above her grade level now. This list includes titles suitable for several age groups, with what I hope is a good mix of fiction and non-fiction. Picture Books for Little Ones Older Than the Stars By Karen C. This book is simply lovely, and it plays off of Carl Sagan’s statement that “we are made of star stuff” while introducing children to the idea of the big bang. G is for GalaxyBy Janice Campbell and Cathy Collison Illustrated by Alan Stacy The Emperor’s New Clothes By Hans Christian Andersen Illustrated by Virginia Lee Burton
Crime Always Pays: On Psychological Thrillers And Catullian Verse Here’s a rather interesting prospect, as noted in the ‘Loose Leaves’ section of the Irish Times last Saturday. Simon Ashe-Browne won the 2011 Dundee International Book Prize with NOTHING HUMAN LEFT, a prize awarded to the best unpublished novel in the UK, and which scooped him £10,000. So who is this Simon Ashe-Browne? Simon Ashe-Browne is a writer and actor based in Dublin. Crikey, etc. Kids can be so cruel. So there you have it.
Children’s Books for Secular and Progressive Families: Part Two « Greater Than Lapsed I absolutely love that my daughter has finally developed a real love of reading. I was honestly worried when Sylvia was younger that she just wasn’t going to be much of a reader. She always read well, but (unlike me, when I was a child) she just never seemed terribly interested in the books I bought her, preferring instead to watch movies, ride her scooter, play board games, color, or do puzzles–all of which Sylvia is quite good at, but still. This year, I think she finally hit some critical mass of reading fluency, and she now reads much more than she used to. When I was worrying about it, I tried at first to encourage her verbally. Finally, still worried, I gave up–reassured by her love for math workbooks (seriously?) Books for Early Readers Maybe Yes, Maybe No By Dan Barker Illustrated by Brian Strassburgh This charming little book is a great introduction to skepticism for children. The Franny K. Franny K. Basher Science BooksVarious Authors Illustrated by Simon Basher Part One
La légende des immortels, tome 1 : Le Gardien de l'ombre La légende des immortels, tome 1Le Gardien de l'ombrede Maureen Child Editions : HarlequinCollection : NocturneA paraître le 1 septembre 2010 Présentation de l'éditeur :Premier volume de la trilogie : La légende des Immortels Sortant de l’ombre, l’homme s’approche de Julie et lui ordonne de s’enfermer dans sa chambre pour la nuit. Puis, comme poussé par une force irrésistible, il pose sur ses lèvres un baiser, bref, brûlant, avant de disparaître… La scène s’est déroulée si vite que Julie croit avoir rêvé.
Children’s Books for Secular and Progressive Families: Part Three « Greater Than Lapsed I mentioned in a previous post how pleased I am that my daughter, Sylvia, is reading independently now. The best thing about having a kid who reads on her own is that it really does greatly expand our options as far as what books we can get for her. When looking at a new title, I no longer have to think about whether or not it’s a story that I feel like reading at bedtimes or if it’s something that will be too difficult or intimidating for Sylvia to read on her own, which is great. The downside to this, however, is that I think a lot more now about what she is learning from what she reads. In general, I’m pretty laissez-faire about what Sylvia reads. All that being said, I also try to make sure that I am providing her with access to books that I want her to read and that I think will be good for her. Books for Independent Readers A Young People’s History of the United States By Howard Zinn Adapted by Rebecca Stefoff The Magic of Reality By Richard Dawkins Illustrated by Dave McKean
Interview with Kelley York | The Readiacs Today, we sit down with Kelley York, author of HUSHED – an amazing YA thriller and unconventional romance. Within young adult, Kelley enjoys writing and reading a variety of genres from contemporary with a unique twist, psychological thrillers, paranormal/urban fantasy and horror. She loves stories where character development takes center stage. What inspired you to write Hushed? Archer. I love writing broken, damaged characters. Archer is a tortured soul and an interesting character, do you see him as the ‘bad guy’ or the ‘hero’? Neither. Which character profile came to you first, Archer, Viv or Evan? Archer. Was there any particular scene/chapter that was your favorite to write? I loved Evan and Archer’s ‘just bones’ scene, as well as Archer’s confrontation with his mother at the funeral. Would you want to write a sequel, perhaps explore Evan and Archer’s relationship? If I were to write a sequel, it wouldn’t at all be a thriller. Which books are you reading right now? Umm.
Resources for Atheist Parents Successful Parenting Is All About Tools Parenting starts out with figuring out the buckle configuration of an infant car seat without an engineering degree and knowing how to change the diaper of a floppy, mushy little creature who has absolutely zero interest in contributing to his/her own personal hygiene. It begins with learning how to fall asleep at your work computer without drooling, snoring or otherwise drawing the attention and ire of your peers or employers after feeding and rocking the floppy, mushy creature six times between 9pm and 6am. The skill set for parents of young babies is generally limited to meeting their survival needs. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a time of major angst, confusion and a million questions – most of which are leveled at Google sometime between midnight and 3am EVERY SINGLE NIGHT (apparently, in the first year, my daughters had scurvy, leukemia, rhinitis, pancreatitis, enlarged prostate and went through menopause and miraculously survived).
L'Oeil électrique #19 | Jim Carroll : Basketball Diaries 1962, 10/18 Traduit de l’américain par Thierry Marignac. Ukraine, hiver 1918. Le docteur Bomgard, après plusieurs mois passés à exercer dans un district isolé, est interne en pédiatrie au sein d'un hôpital de chef-lieu de canton. Hiver 65 Si on ne fait rien pour être vu… vraiment vu, repéré, le genre que les gens montrent du doigt, alors c'est qu'on mérite pas d'être vu. Divine Irony Là, ça décoiffe vraiment ! « Le Blog-Notes Souvent on distingue la vie réelle et ce qui se passe dans les romans. En particulier lorsqu’il s’agit de romans dits de "Science-Fiction". Je voudrais donc très sérieusement attirer votre attention sur "La Horde du Contrevent" d’Alain Damasio publié en 2004 aux éditions La Volte Et là, petit aparté, c’est la classification elle-même qu’il faut bousculer comme celle des genres musicaux (on en a beaucoup parlé sur ce blog) car sinon seuls les amateurs de SF (je ne traduis pas !) iront prendre sur les rayons cette oeuvre et pour beaucoup n’y trouveront pas ce qu’ils ont l’habitude de lire dans ce genre-là. Pourtant ce bouquin-là, "La Horde du Contrevent", est singulier. C’est une quête. La quête d’un groupe d’hommes et de femmes remontant une terre plate à la recherche de la source du vent, ce vent contre lequel ils luttent pour avancer et qui a forgé leur univers, leur culture, la forme de leurs maisons et de leurs chansons, leur langage et leur enfance. Like this: J'aime chargement…
I Do Not Speak Tumblr, Hey, pardon me if this is weird, but I noticed you seem to like magical realism - if you have time, do you have any good recommendations along those lines? I'm in the mood for reading some and I have no idea where to start. (I've al entre les jambes Grey's Anatomy Saison 2 TVrip Partie 1 et 2 AUDio : MP3 | BiT RaTe : 192kbps | CoDeC : XVID | FRaMe RaTe : 25 | ReSoLuTioN : 640x352 | French Grey's Anatomy se concentre sur la vie de ces jeunes luttant pour être médecins et surtout pour garder un peu d'humanité. Le mélange entre leur vie trépidante d'interne en chirurgie et leur vie privée qui n'est pas épargnée non plus, fait découvrir à ces tout nouveaux médecins que ni la médecine, ni les rapports humains ne sont tous noirs ou tous blancs mais bien teintés de gris... Casting : Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd), Ellen Pompeo (Meredith Grey), Justin Chambers (Alex Karev), Katherine Heigl (Isobel "Izzie" Stevens), T.R.