Related: Tissus, laine... • Crochet 2DIY Fringe Scarf Everyone needs a go-to fringe scarf in their fashion repertoire. Here’s an easy way to make your own. What You Will Need: -Old T-Shirt -Good Scissors knot trivet last month i bought lauren a set of “the family creative workshop” books for her birthday. we’ve been having a blast learning all sorts of new things as we make our way through the incredible variety of projects collected in the volumes. one section we were particularly excited to explore was all about knots, which we’ve long admired both for their usefulness and their beauty. this project is based on a “carrick bend” and is great for creating trivets and placemats, but you could just as easily hang it on your wall to be admired for its decorative charm. have fun!derek & lauren
You Can Crochet Avec draps! - Création mère juive I don't know about you, but this is my perfect vision of summer! Well of course I'd like to be sitting next to a beautiful lake with an iced coffee, but for now I'm quite happy sitting next to our largish wading pool with a gorgeous mountain view beyond. You see, when you need to watch your kids in the pool, there's nothing better than a little (or a lot in my case) crocheting! In fact I'm probably the only mother begging her kids to get into the pool, so that I can have an excuse to relax with my current favorite craft! If you're wondering what ever happened to the crocheting with t-shirt yarn, well suffice it to say I ran out of yarn, and my little rug turned out to be so lopsided that I had to tear about 1/3 of it out.
Amigurumi Teddy Ornaments This was our first year setting up our Christmas tree in our new house. We bought our tree last year at Walmart after Christmas when all the prices were heavily reduced, so we had to wait almost one whole year before we could set it up! As we assembled our tree and placed the lights and ornaments upon the branches, Ryan and I thought how it’d be so adorable if we could somehow incorporate our love of amigurumi onto our tree. I had been wanting to make some sort of Christmas-themed amigurumi, so we came up with the perfect solution: make amigurumi ornaments!
Toilet Paper Roll Wall Art Well that’s a mouthful! So the time has come, it’s Pinterest Challenge time again! Every season Sherry from YHL and Katie from Bower Power throw a little link party to get people to stop pinning things and actually start making. This couldn’t have come at a better time because I have wanted to start this project forever and once Miss Kelly made her way into my kitchen I knew it was time to start it.
knotted jersey headband tutorial hey there LOVE STITCHED PEEPS!! it’s LESLIE from LITTLE MOOKIE back again with another fun tutorial, and while i’m a sewing contributor here, sometimes the best sewing tutes are the ones that involve ZERO SEWING! am i right? (tell me i’m right, mkay?) i’ve always wanted to learn how to tie celtic-ish style knots and this one was super cute so i started searching around for a tutorial and found this one. she used long crochet chains but i don’t crochet. so i figured, why not UPCYCLE something? one of my best friends lost 55lbs last year and she gave me all of her clothes (yay for free fabric, eh?!) Crochet T-shirt Rug I’ve seen a lot of crocheted and woven and braided rugs out on the internet; it was even one of the first things I pinned to Pinterest, but I never got around to trying one of my own until now. I always thought it was going to be difficult, but actually, it’s really quite easy, and no fancy instructions needed! Here’s how I made my own crochet rug from repurposed t-shirts! Step 1.
inspiration et réalisation: Bricolage Mode + Accueil: bracelets DIY corde faciles these bracelets are easy, fast to make...and just lovely I made these with silky satin ropes, but sure the possibilities are endless: cords of leather, cotton, jute, and ribbons, beads... and more. * scissors & fabric glue * flat nose pliers *masking tape * 2 ribbon crimp ends Crafty Tutorial: Super-Chunky Crocheted Infinity Scarf [Giveaway!] By popular demand, you can now download the PDF for this pattern here!!! I got a bunch of emails, comments, and tweets asking me to do a tutorial for the giant bulky infinity scarves I’ve been crocheting. Usually, when I get a request for something, even if it’s just one of you, I’ll go for it… So, this is my infinity scarf that I made for myself, though I haven’t worn it yet.