The Unofficial Google Data Science Blog Open data An introductory overview of Linked Open Data in the context of cultural institutions. Clear labeling of the licensing terms is a key component of Open data, and icons like the one pictured here are being used for that purpose. Overview[edit] The concept of open data is not new; but a formalized definition is relatively new—the primary such formalization being that in the Open Definition which can be summarized in the statement that "A piece of data is open if anyone is free to use, reuse, and redistribute it — subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and/or share-alike Open data is often focused on non-textual material[citation needed] such as maps, genomes, connectomes, chemical compounds, mathematical and scientific formulae, medical data and practice, bioscience and biodiversity. A typical depiction of the need for open data: Creators of data often do not consider the need to state the conditions of ownership, licensing and re-use. I want my data back. Closed data[edit]
The goal of the W3C SWEO Linking Open Data community project is to extend the Web with a data commons by publishing various open datasets as RDF on the Web and by setting RDF links between data items from different data sources. Kjetil, I had the good fortune of seeing the site and when I saw an mage, titled "The origin of the world" I knew hackers would take down the site. There is a text on the temporary site" The Europeana site is temporarily not accessible due to overwhelming interest after its launch (10 million hits per hour), which smells of denial of service after a massive attack. The site is part of the Digital Library Project of the European Union. I recommend you check with Jonathan Purday ( go to" and look for semantic web programs and projects.
tentacle riot - About Me Personal Data Name Michael Bauer Titles Dr. med. Univ. Birthdate Phone eMail University Education Medical University Vienna, Graduation as MD with the thesis “Gender Differences in Post-MI Remodeling“ Research Experience Data Wrangler at the Open Knowledge Foundation Post-Doc at Brigham and Women's Hospital / Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (Ronglih Liao, PhD) Post-Doc at Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Cardiovascular Research (Univ. Student member of the ethics commission on animal experimentation of the Medical University Vienna Research fellow at Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Cardiovascular Research (Univ. Publications (Nineteen publications in peer reviewed journals - seven as first author). Isolation and Maintenance of Adult cardiac stem cells in Stem cell biology - basic concepts to frontiers P Di Nardo, D.K. Awards und Fellowships Post-Doc Fellowship of the American Heart Association Max-Kade Scholarship Other Reviewer for Technology Skills Programming:
Tres bases de datos gratuitas que cualquiera puede usar (Primera parte) Agenda del documento Introducción Unión Internacional de las Telecomunicaciones Internet World Statistics KAM Introducción La apropiación de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) juega un rol esencial en las sociedades contemporáneas de cara al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida. Creación de riqueza basada en el conocimiento, inversión en investigación y desarrollo, capacidad de innovación, estructura de la producción y de las exportaciones intensiva en intangibles asociados al conocimiento, rol de la inversión extranjera, calificación de la oferta laboral, son algunos de los aspectos relevantes que guardan relación con el grado de apropiación de las TIC. La Unión Internacional de las Telecomunicaciones (ITU: International Telecommunications Union), organización de Naciones Unidas, ofrece información gratuita en Fuente: Fuente:
L'open data est-il soluble dans la "big society" ? Début juillet paraissait dans la revue MyScienceWork un article, repris ensuite par La gazette des Communes, puis par Rue89 / Nouvel Observateur, intitulé “L’Open data est-il un leurre politique ?”. Cette interview d’Evelyne Ruppert, une sociologue britannique, notamment à l’origine du blog “Big data et society”, s'inspire de ses travaux sur la transparence britannique, qu’elle semble bien connaître, mais porte sur la démarche française, qu’elle semble moins connaître. Evelyne Ruppert y développe une analyse que l’on pourrait résumer comme suit : - la transparence absolue est un leurre, car les gouvernements choisissent toujours ce qu’ils communiquent, et ne partagent jamais les informations les plus importantes ; - la transparence, parce qu’elle ne peut jamais être complète, ne crée pas la confiance mais au contraire la défiance ; De nombreux amis me demandent ce que je pense ce ce papier. Je ne sais si ce raisonnement existe quelque part. Transparence, accountability, participation...
Data repositories From Open Access Directory This list is part of the Open Access Directory. This is a list of repositories and databases for open data. Please annotate the entries to indicate the hosting organization, scope, licensing, and usage restrictions (if any). If a repository is open in some respects but not others, please include it with an annotation rather than exclude it. Archaeology Also see Social sciences. Astronomy Also see Physics. Biology Also see BCO-DMO, Marine Biology data, listed with Marine Sciences repositories. Chemistry Also see BCO-DMO, Marine Biology data, listed with Marine Sciences repositories. Computer Science CiteSeerX provides its databases of nearly 2 million documents and the associated texts and pdfs for research. Energy DOE Data Explorer. Environmental sciences Also see BCO-DMO, Marine Biology data, listed with Marine Sciences repositories. Geology Also see PANGAEA, listed under Multidisciplinary repositories. Geosciences and geospatial data Linguistics Marine sciences Physics
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