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Blind Search How to Get a Professional Look With Color What makes a design look coordinated, planned and professional? The answer is: ‘color’. Not every project needs bland corporate blue to look professional. Planning color means creating a framework that describes which colors to use and how to use them. Color is the slipperiest design element. But color is vital to content. In this article we’ll review some techniques to achieve beautiful color palletes for your web designs. The best way to make a website look unplanned is to choose its colors at random. Even when visitors skim a website’s home page for the first time, the colors influence their attitude towards the content. Color affects how people interpret what they see as much as typography. Finding the right colors isn’t easy, but the process can be systematic. Good design strategy involves a color scheme (i.e. a range of colors selected to communicate a mood or message) and an arrangement of that scheme. Let’s say you’ve been asked to design a professional website. Go Grayscale Tips

50 Monochromatic Website Designs Color choice is a key element to the success of any design. It invokes an atmosphere and sets the mood. One method for using color is to use only shades of a color, which is known as a monochromatic color scheme. Of all the color schemes, the monochromatic is one of the easiest to pull off successfully. This reason for such ease is that one shade of a color will naturally almost always work with another shade of the same color. One of the most popular monochromatic color schemes is Blue. In this article, we feature 50 monochromatic website designs, categorized based on the predominant color that they use. Blues Purples Reds Oranges Browns Greens Blacks, Whites and Grayscale Compiled exclusively for WDD by Michael Shelton. Which color scheme is your favorite to use and why?

Applying Mathematics To Web Design - Smashing Magazine Advertisement “Mathematics is beautiful.” This may sound absurd to people who wince at numbers and equations. But some of the most beautiful things in nature and our universe exhibit mathematical properties, from the smallest seashell to the biggest whirlpool galaxies. In fact, one of the greatest ancient philosophers, Aristotle, said: “The mathematical sciences particularly exhibit order, symmetry and limitation; and these are the greatest forms of the beautiful.” Because of its beautiful nature, mathematics has been a part of art and architectural design for ages. Layouts featured in this post were created specifically for the purpose of this article. Golden Ratio and Golden Rectangle The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, is an irrational mathematical constant with a value of approximately 1.618033987. We already published a very detailed article “Applying Divine Proportion To Web Design” that explains how to use the golden ratio in Web design. Large view Large view Books

WordPress Hosting | WPWebHost Web Design - Website Designers 47 Amazing CSS3 Animation Demos Here is a compilation of 47 jaw-dropping CSS3 animation demos. They demonstrate the possibilities of the CSS3 transform and transition property. Some are very useful and can be used as Javascript alternatives. Most of them are simply to look cool. CSS3 Clock With jQuery Analogue Clock 3D Cube That Rotates Using Arrow Keys Multiple 3D Cubes (Slide In/Out) CSS3 Accordion Auto-Scrolling Parallax Isocube Image Gallery Matrix 7 Javascript-effect Alternatives Using CSS3 Image Hover Effects Turning Coke Can (Control With Scrollbar) 3D Meninas Polaroid Gallery Space Note: this one is graphic intense and takes a while to load, but the result is crazy! Mac Dock Drop-In Modals Sliding Vinyl Zooming Polaroids Animated Rocket Poster Circle Morphing Cubes Falling Leaves Animated Polaroid Gallery Spotlight Cast Shadow Colorful Clock Lightbox Gallery (Draggable) Elastic Thumbnail Menu Coverflow Snowflakes jQuery DJ Hero Dynamic Stacking Cards Another Image Gallery Snow Stack (Control With Arrow Keys) Animated Pricing Column

15 sites web developers and designers should know Creating a good website isn't an easy task, but there's a few tools that can definitely make your developer or designer life easier. In this article, I have compiled 15 extremely useful website that any web developer or web designer should have bookmarked. ColorCombos When designing a website, one of the firsts (and most important) steps of the process is to choose a color scheme. LIpsum Who doesn’t know the extremely popular Lorem Ipsum text? What the font? You just saw a logo or website using a particular font and you enjoyed it. ConvertIcon Favicons are a must have for any website, mostly because on modern browsers as such as Firefox, it is displayed along with the site name in tabs. BgPatterns background Patterns is definitely one of the current webdesign trends. HTML Encoder Do you display code on your website? Test Everything Sprite Generator CSS Sprites is definitely a great technique to use, mainly because it reduces the number of HTTP requests. Load Impact IconFinder TypeTester CSS Tidy

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