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Social Media Case Studies SUPERLIST- 23 Extensive Lists of Organizations Using Social Media (UPDATED) Are you using content marketing as part of your digital strategy to grow your business? If so, you're not alone. According to the Content Marketing Institute, the lion's share of marketers (some 92%) report using content marketing. In the fast moving world of digital strategy, things are always changing. What should you expect in 2014 to change in the world of content marketing? Hana Abaza of Uberflip has put together an infographic detailing five key content marekting trends for the coming year. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Free PDF Search Engine

WorldWideScience 12 Steps To Hiring A Social Media Manager I think we can all agree by now that social media is here to stay. As such, the importance of formulating a social media strategy, executing on it, educating and aligning the whole organization, is paramount. This is why your social media manager / director is going to be a crucial hire. Someone asked me on Wednesday night at the SFAMA event: "How do I find someone good to lead social media and community building efforts? What are some success characteristics?" Support from the C-suite: Many social media initiatives fizzle before they are ever born, because the there's not enough buy-in from senior management. So what do you think? Photo credit: moionet Link to original article

Prose Before Hos - Economics, Snark, Politics, and Policy Five reasons corporations are failing at social media “It's not rocket surgery.” That malapropism became a bit of a mantra at last week's Inbound Marketing Summit. Social media isn't complicated. When you boil it down it's about listening to your customers, being helpful by offering your knowledge and giving them interesting content to share and thereby advocate for you. The IMS speakers shared several case studies (yes, too many of them mentioned Comcast and Zappos) on how organizations have embraced social media to connect with and built trust and affection among customers. None of the examples required hyper-specialized knowledge or technology for a company to connect with people. So why is it so difficult for so many companies to successfully integrate social media? 1. Chris Brogan shared how Citrix Online created the Workshifting community to address the rise of telecommuting and remote work. 2. If you're going to listen to your customers, you'd better be ready to do something about what you hear. 3. 4. 5. I could go on and on.

5 Must-Read Social Media Marketing Studies A lot is happening in the world of social media. Here’s a quick summary of recent major research findings: #1: By 2010, 26 Million (1 in 7) U.S. Adults Will Use Twitter Monthly A new study by eMarketer surpasses their previous estimates of Twitter usage. The study, conducted just last month, found the following: “In 2009, there will be 18 million U.S. adults who access Twitter on any platform at least monthly. Earlier this year, eMarketer reported more conservative usage numbers, stating that there were indications of large numbers of users abandoning the site shortly after signing up and many others only using it sporadically. Twitter is not the only social networking site to report record usage numbers. #2: Americans Spend 17% of Online Time on Social Media Sites As popular social media platforms continue to grow their numbers of users, it is logical to conclude that Americans are spending more time on social networking sites.

Lindsay Robertson 16 social media guidelines used by real companies | Blog In a post I wrote called the A-Z of social media for brands I decided that P stands for Policy. I'm not one for too many rules and regulations, but it is a good idea to define some clear guidelines to help staff (especially novices) to do the right thing. So let’s take a look at some real world social media policies and guidelines as used by companies. Zappos does a great job of summing it up in seven words, but the detail is also important and there are some fine suggestions here... Don't pick fights, be the first to correct your own mistakes, and don't alter previous posts without indicating that you have done so. Try to add value. Speak in the first person. With conversations, participate online. With moderation, only police where we have to. Tone of voice. Always pause and think before posting. Perception is reality. It's a conversation. Be external. Post frequently. Be careful when sharing information about yourself or others. Be engaged and be informed.

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