Advantages of using Atomic Design at Open Social | Open Social
Read time: 4 minutes. Interesting for (UX) designers and front-end developers. In this blog I will talk about the benefits of using Atomic Design for Open Social. What is Atomic Design? The terminology Atomic Design is an analogy from biochemistry. It’s all about “Atoms”, “Molecules” and “Organisms”. Atoms The first step is building atoms. Molecules “Molecules are a group of atoms that are put together”. Organisms For example an Activity Stream item on Open Social is a group of individual items that are put together to make sense. Templates With this step we’re leaving the biochemistry analogy. For example there can be a node template that will be used for an event and will be used for a topic. Pages These are the actual pages that we have been designing since the beginning of webdesign. One step further Our approach with Open Social goes a little further than just design with a specific method in mind. The goals for creating an Open Social style guide are: Summary
Musée Picasso Paris / Julien Lelièvre
Musée Picasso Paris, 2013 Concours pour l’identité visuelle Avec Emmanuel Labard & Jean-Baptiste Levée — Projet non retenu, 2e position — /Le contexte du projet Le musée Picasso Paris ouvrira de nouveau ses portes en mai 2014, après la rénovation complète de sa partie historique — l’Hôtel Salé — et la construction d’une extension côté jardin, conduites par l’architecte Jean-François Bodin dans le respect de l’histoire du lieu et de la transformation initiale de 1976 par Roland Simounet. De nouveaux espaces, une nouvelle configuration dédiée à la plus importante collection des œuvres de Pablo Picasso et aux passions qu’elle suscite, amènent aujourd’hui à une réflexion sur l’identité et les enjeux de ce lieu. En premier lieu, comment nommer une institution dont l’objet même, son principal sujet, est soumis à une si forte pression commerciale ; où l’utilisation du nom Picasso n’est pas sans contrainte et sans complexité dans notre société marchande comme la nôtre ?
Script Font Combinations
I Font You! Script Combos Lobster Museo Slab by David Vosburg Archer Mousse Script by Gedy Vladmir Script Book Antiqua by Benjamin Brown Bowfin Archer by Jeremy Rupers FFScala Caps Relay Black by Krystian F Cutoff Cezanne by Fuzz Bistro Script Atrament Ratatan font Blair by beppeartz Caviar Dreams Adios Script Pro by Gerard Lunchbox Origins by Alan Gilbertson Greatvibes Oswald by nyimalay Copperplate Light Caflisch Script by Rita Adobe Garamond Zaphino All the tools your team needs in one place. Top Fonts Top Styles IFontYou Copyright © 2010 – 2011.
18F Front End Guide
The purpose of the CSS coding styleguide is to create consistent CSS or preprocessor CSS code across 18F. The styleguide should be treated as a guide — rules can be modified according to project needs. The styleguide provides a method of linting Sass code to ensure it conforms to the rules in the styleguide. on GitHub with Houndlocally with rubylocally with node On GitHub with Hound Go to Hound.Sign in with GitHub.Activate the respository through Hound.Add the .scss-lint.yml file to the base of your repository. Locally with ruby Add the .scss-lint.yml file to the base of your repository.Install the scss-lint gem with gem install scss_lintRun scss-lint: scss-lint app/assets/stylesheets/ Locally with node (experimental!) Run npm install --save-dev @18f/stylelint-rules to download the package and save it to your package.jsonThe package provides both a gulp task and a cli interface. Shortcomings scss-lint stylelint PropertySpellingUnecessaryParentReference Rationale Spacing Property-value pairs Order
50 Perfect Font Combinations to Kickstart Your Next Design
When it comes to graphic design, fonts play an integral role. But if you’re not a designer, you might be asking yourself: “What fonts actually go well together?” Not to worry! In this post, we’ve laid out 50 perfect font combinations that you can use in your designs today. Now before we begin, let’s go over some quick terminology so you can better follow the different font combinations that we outline in this post. Serif: Serif typefaces are those in which a small line is attached at the end of the stroke in a letter or symbol. Sans-Serif: Sans serif typefaces are those that do not contain serifs at the end of strokes. Scripts: Script typefaces are those in which many characters have strokes that join them to other letters similar to cursive handwriting. Here’s a visual representation of the different types of fonts discussed in this post. With that out of the way, let’s move on to the 50 perfect font combinations to kickstart your next design. Sans-Serif / Serif Combinations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Des peintures rupestres préhistoriques à nos films modernes, l'art permet de raconter des histoires mais aussi de transmettre la relation de l'humanité avec son environnement. Il existe plusieurs sens possibles aux définitions des termes Art et Arts[N 1]. La première signification du mot art est la « manière de faire »[1]. Les arts sont également désignés comme regroupant toutes les activités créatives et imaginatives, sans inclure la science[N 2],[3],[4]. L'art est une activité globale dans laquelle est inclus un grand nombre de disciplines, comme : les beaux-arts, les arts libéraux, les arts visuels, les arts décoratifs, les arts appliqués, le design, l'artisanat, les arts du spectacle[3]... Il y a cependant beaucoup de divergences sur la définition des notions d'« art » et des « arts ». « La notion d’art, qu’il s’agisse de l’art nègre, de l’art crétois ou de l’art impressionniste, reste à la fois imprécise, ineffable et irritante. Les arts critiques comprennent :
Font Pairing For Designers 101, Plus 10 Free Font Pairing Tools
It’s often said that the best designs are the ones you don’t notice. Sometimes, though, effective design is distinctly visible — striking enough to cause pause and admiration, even. One simple way to boost the aesthetics of your next design project is to choose fonts that up the ante. Pairing fonts that complement one another is a lot trickier than it sounds, unfortunately. If you’re unfamiliar with the basics of font pairing, or are looking to brush up on your typography skills, this post is for you. You might also like: How to Use Web Fonts in Your Shopify Store. Glossary When I was new to the world of typography, the first thing I was struck by in my research was the language. Font type classifications Serif: A small line attached to the end of a stroke in a letter or symbol. Sans serif: A style of type without serifs. Slab serif: A serif typeface characterized by thick, block-like serifs. Decorative: Also known as ornamental or display types. Choose your design system 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
80+ Best jQuery Map plugin with Demo examples
Interactive 3D Mall Map with CSS & SVG Today we’d like to share a little 3D experiment with you. The idea is to show a mall map with all its floors in perspective. Vizicities : 3D City and Data Visualisation Platform ViziCities is a 3D city and data visualisation platform, powered by WebGL. ViziCities aims to combine data visualisation with a 3D representation of a city to provide a better understanding what’s going on. Mapbox.js : JavaScript Mapping libraries MapBox.js is now version 1.0 and we are joining forces with Leaflet, one of the most established and robust open source mapping libraries. Geojson : Simple Editor for Map Data We are trying to make it easier to draw, change, and publish maps. aims to fix that. Gs Google Maps Directions This is a light plugin that allows you to define maps, and gives you the option to display the directions between two points using Geolocation or a specific point. Animated Map Path for Interactive Storytelling Gmaps Animated Route