DO-IN en pratique Qu'est-ce que le Do-in? Le Do-in est une pratique ancestrale au service de la santé. C'est un massage que l'on effectue sur soi-même, au travers des vêtements, pour améliorer le métabolisme, favoriser la conscience de soi et le bien-être. Pratiqué avec de légères pressions des doigts et de mouvements effectués dans le but de régulariser le flux d'énergie vitale qui passe dans l'esprit de l'apprenant, il permet de modérer ou de restaurer l'énergie qui circule dans le corps, mais aussi d'activer et d'augmenter les capacités d'apprentissage sur le plan intellectuel. L'avantage du Do-in repose dans le fait qu'il est pratiqué sur son propre corps, qu'il ne nécessite aucun accessoire extérieur, ni connaissance technique. Par des exercices, une série de pressions et étirements simples, le DO-IN procure la détente en régénérant les systèmes musculaire, nerveux et énergétique. Le DO-IN rend serein, joyeux et créatif. Les effets bénéfiques du Do-in Sur le plan physique : 1. facilite la respiration
4 exercises that can instantly relieve back pain : The Hearty Soul By Dr. Mercola If you have back pain or sciatic nerve pain, you’re not alone. Globally, one out of 10 people suffers from lower back pain, and back pain is also the number one cause of job disability worldwide. The problem appears to be particularly prevalent in the US. I was one of its victims because I failed to appreciate the dangers of excessive sitting and suffered with low back pain for many years. Sadly, opioid drugs are typically prescribed as a first line of treatment for back pain,1not exercise, and these drugs have now surpassed both heroin and cocaine as the leading cause of fatal drug overdoses in the US. If you have back pain and suffer depression or anxiety you’re at even greater risk for opioid abuse and addiction, according to recent research. Depression Combined with Back Pain Raises Risk of Drug Abuse As reported by Medical News Today,2 55 chronic lower back patients with symptoms of depression or anxiety participated in the study. Common Back Pain Triggers Joseph Mercola
Turmeric Smoothie Recipe: a Tasty and Powerful Antioxidant By Karen Foster Guest writer for Wake Up World If you wanted to create the perfect smoothie with anti-cancerous properties, potent anti-inflammatories, as well as anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal constituents, look no further than adding turmeric. Health Benefits of Turmeric Who needs medication when nature gave us turmeric? Powdered turmeric has been used for centuries to treat a host of illnesses. Curcumin, the natural pigment that gives the spice turmeric its yellow color, has increasingly come under the scientific spotlight in recent years, with studies investigating its potential health benefits. Turmeric has a slightly bitter taste, but by blending it with sweet fruit, you won’t even notice it in your smoothie. Ingredients: 1 cup hemp or coconut milk1/2 cup frozen pineapple or mango chunks1 fresh banana1 tablespoon coconut oil1/2 teaspoon turmeric (can be increased to 1 tsp)1/2 teaspoon cinnamon1/2 teaspoon ginger1 teaspoon chia seeds1 teaspoon maca (optional)
Les 10 huiles végétales pour la pousse des cheveux La pousse ! c'est la première chose que l'on demande à nos cheveux, mais c'est vrai ! avant de vouloir qu'ils soit moins secs ou moins abimés on recherche avant tout à les avoir plus long, n'est ce pas ?Ceux de Raiponce seraient trop demandé, mais bon ! Huile de ricin Appelé aussi huile de carapate, elle est une des plus connus pour stimuler la pousse. Huile de Sapote Mon préféré, du moins celui auquel j'ai remarqué une différence sur l'arrêt de la casse de mes cheveux et une aide à la pousse. Huile d'ail Oui l'ail ! Huile d'oignon Et maintenant l'oignon ! Huile de coco Très connu pour favoriser la pousse des cheveux, on entend souvent parler de cure de lait de coco pour une pousse rapide des cheveux. Huile de roquette Elle est moins connue en huile mais plus en salade, appelé aussi huile de cresson. Huile de moutarde Elle est très utilisé par les indiennes, cette huile chaude et piquante stimule la circulation sanguine. Huile amla ou macérât d'amla Huile de serpent Huile de gingembre
Tip: Eat These Foods to Beat Stress Bacteria That Makes You Fat or Lean By now you know that your body is crawling with bugs, namely friendly and not-so-friendly gut bacteria. You have about two pounds of these critters (gut flora or microbiota) in your GI tract and they pretty much control just about every aspect of your health and well-being. They're like the Illuminati of your body. For one thing, if the bad bugs start to overwhelm the good bugs, you get strong junk food cravings, can get fat much easier, and you generally feel like garbage. Scary stuff, and that's why probiotics and prebiotics are such a hot topic right now. Probiotics are live bacteria, the kind you get in good probiotic supplements and certain foods, like live-culture yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut. Gut Bacteria, Stress, and Sleep Now researchers are looking into the role that gut bacteria plays is how you handle stress. Scientists took a bunch of rats and divided them into groups. The result? Prebiotic Foods Related: Is Gut Bacteria Making You Fat?
Celery for High Blood Pressure - Just Naturally Healthy High blood pressure is a problem for many people; in fact, in America around 76.4 million adults suffer from high blood pressure, the American Heart Association notes. High blood pressure can greatly increase your risk for a life-threatening stroke or heart attack. So what do you do about it? Celery juice contains the compound 3-n-butylphtalide, or phthalide, which contributes to the vegetable’s taste and aroma. Celery Juice for high blood pressure Recommendations Using the recommended Oriental dosages to lower mild cases of high blood pressure, one would eat about four ounces of celery (about a cup of chopped celery) daily. Blood Pressure Lowering Juice Ingredients: – 2 Stalks of Celery – 1/2 beet – 2 Carrots – 1/2 green apple – lemon Directions: Juice all ingredients and enjoy! Some of the health benefits of celery juice: Acidity: The important minerals in this magical juice effectively balance the body’s blood pH, neutralizing acidity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. About the Author
Chemin de Vie La chasteté, une énergie spirituelle - Aimer autrement - Info-Jeunes Site C'est bien de la chasteté, et pas de l'abstinence ou de la continence que nous voulons parler. Se contenir, s'abstenir, c'est ne pas faire. En l'occurence, c'est ne pas avoir de relation sexuelle. La chasteté - le mot vient du latin, castus, pur -, c'est purifier nos relations sexuelles afin de les rendre véritablement humaines. Relations sexuelles qui, rappelons-nous, s'énoncent de multiples façons puisque la sexualité humaine ne se réduit pas, et ne peut pas se réduire à l'acte sexuel (si, du moins, elle veut être humaine). La chasteté consiste donc à purifier nos relations humaines. Les purifier de quoi ? Tout dépend de la relation dont nous parlons. S'il s'agit d'une relation d'amitié, la chasteté s'énoncera effectivement en termes négatifs d'abstention d'acte sexuel. La "négativité" de la chasteté (pas d'acte sexuel) est ainsi le garant d'une amitié vraie. Sans chasteté, nos relations humaines seraient bien vite réduites à du "tout sexuel", voire à du "tout génital".
Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus Forget the flu shot. A soup based on more than 50 cloves of garlic, onions, thyme and lemon will destroy almost any virus that enters its path including colds, flu and even norovirus. As we sneeze and cough our way through these dark months of contagious nasties, garlic is being hailed for its powers to halt viruses in their tracks. It has gained its reputation as a virus buster thanks to one of its chemical constituents, allicin. A recent and significant finding from Washington State University shows that garlic is 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics at fighting disease causing bacteria commonly responsible for foodborne illness. When the garlic is crushed, alliin becomes allicin. Compounds in this familiar bulb kill many organisms, including bacteria and viruses that cause earaches, flu and colds. Research indicates that garlic is also effective against digestive ailments and diarrhea. Indeed, scientists remain divided on garlic's ability to combat colds and flu.
Childhood Trauma: 8 Misconceptions About Traumatic Experience | Caregivers, Family & Friends What is trauma? If I were to quiz you on trauma would you know how to define it? You might say something like trauma is a negative experience that you cannot forget or move past. I would give you an A+ but also challenge you to consider different situations in which trauma occurs and the impact on the victim. For example, we all know that a child who has been abused and neglected or has seen something horrific would most likely be traumatized. As a therapist working with multiple families who have endured trauma, I have seen my fair share of traumatic experience and I’ve been challenged to treat kids who are unresponsive to or defensive in treatment. It’s important to remember that trauma is not just an event that is easy for an individual to get over. Both risk and protective factors have a lot to do with the impact that a traumatic experience will have on an individual. Many parents who see me for family therapy pose the following question: “why is this individual acting this way?
♣ LE SENS DES MALADIES Le sens des maladies est souvent la clef de la guérison, et est très rarement pris en compte ni part le médecin, ni par le malade. Le Dr Soulier milite pour y remédier. Nous sommes des êtres de symbole, car c'est le langage de notre inconscient et il a besoin d'exprimer nos émotions. Les SymbolesFormations sur les langages du corps.Par Olivier Soulier.Secrétariat : Site: www.lessymboles.com1 chemin des trois tilleuls59118 Wambrechies03 20 40 72 4606 25 83 12 87France. "Le sens des maladies" article absolument génial du Dr Olivier Soulier Les maladies ont un sens. Les maladies répondent à des codes qui étaient pressentis depuis la nuit des temps dans tous les grands mythes et les grandes symboliques. Attention ! La maladie, c'est positif Pendant longtemps, on nous a dit que les maladies n'avaient pas de sens. La richesse des symboles Les noms du corps La lumière de l'embryologie Les codes dits biologiques sont une des grandes découvertes de ces dernières années.
The Recipe That Destroys The Cancer Cells And Heals The Whole Body This recipe can heal the whole body. It can cleanse the blood cells, heal the heart, regenerate the immune system, the kidneys, secretion system, and liver and even can cleanse the digestive system from the pathogenic microflora. It straightens the memory and boosts the brain work, protects from heart attack and treats people who survive more heart attacks. It is also great anti-carcinoma agent. It is the best solution against inflammatory wrists, and even can regulate the body weight. Needed ingredients: 400g wheat grain 1 kg honey 15 lemons 12 garlic heads 400 g nuts Preparation: Put 400 g. wheat grain in a clean glass jar. Leave the cleaned wheat in a jar for 24 hours to sprout. Then grind the nuts, the cleaned garlic and the sprouted wheat all together. Dosage: Take 1 -2 soup spoons half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner and before going to bed. Take this medicine once a year for prevention. Source:
Golden Milk: The Simple Drink That Could Change Your Life Golden Milk is a wonderful beverage to have in the evening and the benefits are extraordinary. The main ingredient in this recipe is turmeric. Turmeric contains curcumin, the polyphenol identified as its primary active component and which exhibits over 150 potentially therapeutic activities, which include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Additional benefits: Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic,analgesic,.Boosts immunity.Anti-carcinogenic.Helps maintain cholesterol levels.Promotes digestive health.Liver detoxifier.Regulates metabolism and weight management.High blood pressure.Memory and brain function.Various skin conditions.Neurological disorders.Lowers Triglycerides Adding black pepper to turmeric or turmeric-spiced food enhances curcumin’s bioavailability by 1,000 times, due to black pepper’s hot property called piperine. Golden Milk Step 1: Turmeric Paste: Ingredients: 1/4 cup of turmeric powder1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper1/2 cup of filtered water