Fairy Tales, in General – WebEnglish.se Related Topics: Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Cinderella Background This theme is different from the others in WebEnglish.se, as it mostly presents various fairy tale related materials to choose from and not a set of directly usable materials in order. There is both material on fairy tales in general and some of individual fairy tales that WebEnglish.se wishes to endorseWhat is a Fairlytale This page includes a list of characteristics of the genre (yr 6-7) Warm-up Fairy Tales A short e-book explaining what fairy tales are (yr 2-4)Reboot of Rapanzel A cartoonist smashes a sexist fairy tale trope in one hilarious swoop (yr 7-9) Songs Fairy Tales and Story Songs A playlist of songs telling the stories Vocabulary Fairytale/Fantasy Flashcards with sentences to print out and play withPictionary Pictures and names of the most famous fairytales (yr 3-8)Worksheets Several activities with fantasy vocabulary Lesson Plans Reading Listening Watching Writing Games Related
Alternativ läslogg Läsloggar är ett utmärkt arbetsverktyg i läsundervisningen har varit min åsikt till jag läste en liten artikel med rubriken Rethinking Reading Logs. Artikelförfattaren Sarah Davis upptäckte en dag att – ja, visst läste hennes elever och skrev sina läsloggar – men det fanns ett MEN, upptäckte Sarah. Eleverna såg på läsningen som en uppgift och inte på något de gjorde för nöjes skull. Inte heller när de faktiskt uppskattade boken de läste. I stället började Sarah prova olika modeller. Det hon fastnade för var att övervaka läsningen via en klasslista. Vi vet från senare tids forskning att tyst läsning i sig inte utvecklar våra elevers läsförmåga. Prova lässtrategin vi gick igenom.Uppmärksamma hur huvudpersonen agerar och vad som gör att hen agerar just så.Föreställ dig miljön som författaren beskriver så att du i vårt boksurr kan beskriva den.Leta efter en bra början.Lägg märke till ett kapitels tema.Använd sådant du kan för att lista ut vad nya ord betyder. Referenser:
SHORT STORY UNIT PLAN by Presto Plans This short story unit is perfect for any late middle or high school English classroom. The stories have been used in my class with great success, and the students especially love the surprising endings in each story! The product includes eye-catching presentations, discussions, videos, and creative assessments. All presentation files are in Powerpoint format. Links require the use of youtube.com. Feedback On This Resource: ♥ Great Plans!! ♥ AMAZING! ♥ Amazing Unit!! ♥ My only regret is not finding this sooner. INCLUDED IN YOUR PURCHASE(Click Titles For More Information): INTRODUCTION TO SHORT STORIES RESOURCES: • A Powerpoint presentation which reviews all of the literary devices (also includes some review questions for formative assessment). The presentation covers the following terms: → Plot Diagram (all elements covered) → Conflict (4 types) → Atmosphere → Tone → Point of View (First, Third & Omniscient) → Foreshadowing → Irony (3 types) → Setting → Theme. © Presto Plans
Realia möter digital läsförståelse - Mia Smith Vill du också veta hur du ska planera för och bedöma kunskapskravet för “realia” där eleven ska diskutera företeelser och jämföra med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper? Då jag och Annika Sjödahl började reflektera över hur olika fokus engelsklärare generellt la på bedömningen fick vi en tanke att skapa en planering som bygger på Skolverkets olika material. I de uppgifter vi sett bedöms ofta bara skrivuppgifterna och inte själva jämförelsen kring realian. livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används(Lgr11, engelska åk 9) Kunskapskravet som ska bedömas är detta: Eleven diskuterar översiktligt några företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används, och kan då också göra enkla jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper. Kunskapskravet går i stort ut på att öka insikten och förståelsen för andra människors livsvillkor och traditioner. Virtuell samplanering Vad innebär bedömningsaspekterna i kunskapskravet?
“Bokförlagen måste sluta tänka så mycket på böcker” Över 40 miljoner användare har hittat till startupbolaget Wattpads tjänst för socialt skrivande. På besök i Stockholm riktar innehållschefen Ashleigh Gardner en känga åt den traditionella förlagsbranschen. “Sluta tänka så mycket på böcker”, säger hon. När chefer ur den svenska bokbranschen träffas för att tala om utmaningar står ofta bokjätten Amazon högt på dagordningen. Likaså e-bokspriser och de svenska bibliotekens e-boksutlåning. Kanske borde de rikta uppmärksamheten åt ett annat håll. Wattpad är en plattform för socialt och kollaborativt historieberättande. Det är en plats där en svensk 17-årig tjej kan få ihop miljontals läsningar av sin berättelse utan att det upptäcks av de traditionella förlagen. Bolaget profilerar sig som en community för både läsare och författare, där berättelser ofta växer fram i samspel med publiken. Den största marknaden är USA, tätt följt av Filippinerna. “När vi lanserade i Filippinerna fanns egentligen ingen inhemskt e-boksmarknad.
Telling time in English Telling the time is something I have to teach every year. And to be honest I have not been very successful. Even gifted adults struggled. And this year I faced even bigger challenge. We started with the following mind map. Then I demonstrated telling the time in English using one of the PAST times. Telling time – classroom activities Of course it is nice to understand something but only practise makes masters. Telling the time – bingo cards The other activity is a pair work. Telling the time – pairwork Telling time – computer activities If you want to provide home practice for your students you can use the following activities. You can find another interesting game to practice language connected with time at British Council time. Do you like the activities?
20 Terrifying Two-Sentence Horror Stories. I Didn't Think It Was Possible Until #5... When The Hair On My Neck Stood Up March 5, 2014 Ever since I was a little kid I've loved sharing ghost stories around a campfire which is probably why I love watching horror movies. And every single time I finish watching one, well, a good one... I kick myself for not picking out a comedy instead. Someone on reddit asked the question, "What is the best horror story you can come up with in two sentences?" I honestly didn't think it was possible to give me chills from such a limited amount of words... Photo Credit: BHF Photography 1. 2. 3.Growing up with cats and dogs, I got used to the sounds of scratching at my door while I slept. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Enjoy sleeping with the lights on tonight... Source Share101K Tweet1K
40 Active Learning Strategies for Active Students Resources >> Browse Articles >> Curriculum & Instruction One of the most obvious ways to increase your classroom charisma is to increase the amount of active learning in your class. Not only will you find it easier to keep students engaged during one of the most difficult times of the year (the warm weather days of spring), but you will find that your students will retain information with greater ease and with more success. 1. Have students lead conferences with each other and with you. 2. 3. 4. o A scrambled list of events to put in order o A list of statements for students to agree or disagree with o A list of people and places to match with information about them o A cause-and-effect chart o Give students a set of questions that they will answer as they read the text. 5. Continue reading on the next page « Previous123456Next »
The Best Sites To Help Teach About 9/11 You might want to check-out my New York Times post that includes 9/11 teaching ideas and a student interactive quiz for English Language Learners. With the anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon coming-up in less than a month, I thought I would put together a “The Best…” list to highlight some relevant accessible sites for English Language Learners. Teachers of very young students probably want to review some of the video clips to determine if they would be too disturbing to watch. There are certainly plenty of resources around that cover many of the country and worldwide effects of the attack in the years since then (and I’ll probably be compiling a list of them soon). This list, though, is focused on sites that talk about the day itself. I do, however, include one or two resources that provide some historical perspective. Here are my picks for The Best Sites To Help Teach About 9/11 (not in any order of preference): One Day After at Ground Zero is from TIME.
BusyTeacher.org Mobile However, things are not as simple with teens. Most are very clever and insightful kids, but this is not exactly the most talkative age group. Have you ever faced a class full of blank stares where most of the replies you hear are “Yes”, “No”, or “It depends”? Have you ever felt frustrated by their lack of interest? Here are some strategies that should get your teens a bit more motivated. How To Motivate ESL Students Use as many references to pop culture as you can Consider your teens’ interests. Give them a little friendly competition Little kids like to compete, and teens are no different. Give them 60 seconds to write down as many words as they can related to a topic, like “clothes” or “foods”. Cater to their skills and exploit their talents Most teens are talented at one thing or another. Students who are artistically-inclined may draw pictures, sketches or cartoons of a story you read out loud to the class. Use pen pals to motivate writing Make reading age appropriate Have video lessons