Guide to Personal Productivity Productivity porn (or, for those really in the know, "productivity pr0n") consists of techniques, tactics, and tricks for maximizing personal productivity -- or, as they say, "getting things done". The techniques that follow work together as an integrated set for me, but they probably won't for you. Maybe you'll get one or two ideas -- probably out of the ideas I stole from other people. Let's start with a bang: don't keep a schedule. And that's it. Please feel free to nominate additions to the list! Turns out Robert Benchley wrote about structured procrastination back in 1949. The sharpest reaction has been to my theory of not keeping a schedule. First, it is certainly true that many people have jobs and responsibilities where they can't do that. But if your reaction is, "boy, I wish I could do that", then it may well be worth rethinking your approach to your career. Second, I do not recommend pursuing this approach in one's personal life :-).
Blog Cyber-defense What Hiring Managers Actually Want to Know About You 10 Laws of Productivity You might think that creatives as diverse as Internet entrepreneur Jack Dorsey, industrial design firm Studio 7.5, and bestselling Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami would have little in common. In fact, the tenets that guide how they – and exceptionally productive creatives across the board – make ideas happen are incredibly similar. Here are 10 laws of productivity we’ve consistently observed among serial idea executors: 1. Break the seal of hesitation. A bias toward action is the most common trait we’ve found across the hundreds of creative professionals and entrepreneurs we’ve interviewed. 2. When our ideas are still in our head, we tend to think big, blue sky concepts. 3. Trial and error is an essential part of any creative’s life. To avoid ‘blue sky paralysis,’ pare your idea down to a small, immediately executable concept. 4. When working on in-depth projects, we generate lots of new ideas along the way. 5. 6. 7. 8. Few activities are more of a productivity drain than meetings. 9.
amazon How to Organize Your Entire Life with Trello The Chokehold of Calendars Meetings may be toxic, but calendars are the superfund sites that allow that toxicity to thrive. All calendars suck. And they all suck in the same way. In my experience, most people don’t schedule their work. I’ve yet to see a résumé—and I hope I never do— that lists “attends meetings well” as a skill. The problem here is two-fold. Let’s start with the premise that you have a 40 hour week. People rarely schedule working time. Why are you letting other people put things on your calendar? Start saying no. Why do you feel like others have more of a right to your time than you do? The problem with calendars is that they are additive rather than subtractive. “I’m adding a meeting” should really be “I’m subtracting an hour from your life.” We need a goal-oriented calendar, but first we need to understand why a goal-oriented calendar is necessary. Imagine that rather than scheduling individual points in time, such as meetings, you were instead scheduling a goal.
Connaissez-vous les bons outils pour gérer vos listes de tâches? Si vous travaillez en mode projet, vous devez lister les tâches de vos projets, définir les tâches prioritaires et ordonnancer ces tâches. Afin de faciliter ce travail, faisons appel à des applications gestionnaires de tâches. L’offre est pléthorique. Voici une petite sélection de ces outils, découvrons-la … Faire la différence entre un gestionnaire de tâches collaboratif et un gestionnaire de tâches individuel Les outils présentés dans cet article ne sont pas collaboratifs mais sont à usage individuel. Ces outils ne permettent donc pas d’impliquer l’intervention de plusieurs ressources. Si vous recherchez un gestionnaire de tâches collaboratif, vous pouvez tester GroupCamp si vous travaillez avec des anglophones ou Taskii sur vous travaillez uniquement avec des francophones. Quelques gestionnaires de tâches efficaces Simple GTD Présentation de Simple GTD : c’est le plus simple à utiliser des gestionnaires de tâches anglophones à mon sens. Où le trouver? Remember the Milk Où le trouver?
How to Scale Yourself and Get More Done Than You Thought Possible The following is a detailed write-up of a popular productivity talk delivered by Scott Hanselman. Visit his blog,, for more productivity tips. "Don't worry, just drop the ball." This counterintuitive advice is one of a dozen-plus productivity practices preached by Scott Hanselman, a program manager at Microsoft, author and avid blogger and speaker. "Dropping the ball is sometimes the right answer," Hanselman says. Hanselman's not the person you'd to expect to hear encourage dropping the ball and discourage burning the midnight oil. How does he do it? "A lot of people say, 'Well, Scott, you're doing all this stuff. "It turns out," he continues, "the less that you do, the more of it that you can do. Scale Yourself In a 40-minute talk Hanselman originally delivered in 2012, and has since presented several times—most recently at South by Southwest Interactive earlier this month—he shares his productivity practices. Look for Danger Signs "Hope is not a plan," Hanselman says.
Sérotoninomimétiques indirects – Pharmacorama Les sérotoninomimétiques indirects agissent par l’intermédiaire de la sérotonine endogène en augmentant sa synthèse, ou en inhibant sa recapture ou son catabolisme. Par augmentation de la synthèse Le L-tryptophane et le L-5-hydroxytryptophane sont les précurseurs de la sérotonine utilisés comme régulateurs du sommeil et antidépresseurs. Ils réduisent de plus l’appétit pour les glucides. Une alimentation pauvre ou dépourvue de tryptophane accélère et aggrave les rechutes dépressives et augmente l’agressivité ; on peut penser qu’une alimentation riche en tryptophane aurait l’effet inverse. Le L-tryptophane a été utilisé pendant plusieurs années surtout comme régulateur du sommeil sans entraîner d’effets secondaires notables. Le L-5-hydroxytryptophane, appelé oxitriptan, reste disponible en France pour le traitement d’un certain type de myoclonies postanoxiques. Par inhibition de la recapture : antidépresseurs La fluoxétine est l’antidépresseur de type ISRS qui a été le plus utilisé.
Working remotely & Getting things done 4) Keep on Learning “You need to read this book!…” If Warren Buffet can still make time to read, I figure I can do that too, especially when engaging in those longer commutes. My colleagues love to read, they always have great recommendations, When I find something interesting, I go ahead and YouTube proof it: Do I enjoy this topic enough to spend 5–10 hours reading about it? Speed-watching a video (2x speed) on the topic helps me find out, Ok, that’s my kind of book! Kindle reading is awesome! Equally awesome, I recently got addicted to Most audio books I found are 6 to 9-hour long, You can listen to them at 3x speed… Going through an entire book through a flight, or a single afternoon: Be advised that 3x listening requires your full attention… 5) Concentration flow How long should you spend on any given task? “Timeboxing allocates a fixed time period to each planned activity” Also, I love to listen to music when I’m working. “focus@will is a new neuroscience based music service”
Attractions de Zhangjiajie, Voyages Zhangjiajie - Voyages Chine Mise à jour par Jacqueline Lv le 2016/02/08 Zhangjiajie doit sa renommée à ses sites touristiques uniques qui intègrent des colonnes rocheuses aux formes étranges, des vallées profondes, des nuages de mer et un large éventail de vastes grottes calcaires. Elle compte parmi les zones pittoresques de Chine qui méritent absolument le détour. Aire panoramique de Wulingyuan Classée en 1992 au Patrimoine Mondial de la Culture, l’aire panoramique de Wulingyuan à Zhangjiajie se compose de nombreux petits parcs et zones pittoresques comme, notamment, le parc forestier national de Zhangjiajie et la réserve naturelle de Suoxiyu (lac Baofeng, et la grotte du Dragon Jaune) qui s’étend, sur une superficie totale de 369 kilomètres carrés. Des gigantesques mesas de grès, des forêts denses et des ravins profonds constituent le magnifique décor naturel de l’aire panoramique de Wulingyuan. Parc forestier national de Zhangjiajie Montagne Tianmen Lac de Baofeng Grotte du Dragon Jaune Visiter à Zhangjiajie?
The Rule of 3 The rule of 3 is a very simple way to get results. Rather than get overwhelmed by your tasks, you bite off 3 things you can accomplish. This puts you in control. If nothing else, it gives you a very simple frame for the day. 3 is the Magic Number When I explain parts of my new book to my friends, they seem to really latch on to this rule of 3. The Rule of 3 AppliedHere’s how the rule of 3 applies to time: 3 outcomes for the day3 outcomes for the week3 outcomes for month3 outcomes for the year The outcomes at each level support each other and help guide your results. The Forest from the Trees Having 3 outcomes at each level (day, week, month, year) helps you see the forest from the trees. Outcomes Over ActivitiesDon’t confuse activities with results. Yearly Goals If you find you get lost in your goals or if your goals are too complex, try the rule of 3. get to my fighting weighttake an epic adventureship my productivity book Start your day with the rule of 3. My Related Posts
Découverte de Hunan Particularité du circuit Hunan - le lieu de naissance du président Mao peut être peu connu par de nombreuses personnes mais il est en attente d'être explorée et appréciée. Il possède de beaux paysages naturels et des village ancien. venez ici pour découvrir son culture cachés, son charme et son 'histoire. Jour 1 Ville et Transport: Arrivée à Changsha, Vol non-inclusProgramme d’aujourd’hui: accueillir à l’aéroport (Changsha) Jour 2 Ville et Transport: Changsha à Zhangjiajie, China Southern Airlines CZ3984 Dep 18:45 - Arr 19:30Programme d’aujourd’hui: Musée provincial du Hunan, Académie de Yuelu, Pavillon Aiwanting, Transport de l’hotel à l’aéroport (Changsha), accueillir à l’aéroport (Zhangjiajie)repas: petit-déjeuner, déjeuner à Restaurant Haoshishang - Musée provincial du Hunan : District Kaifu, la ville de Changsha, au côté nord du parc mémorable du Hunan. Jour 3 - Parc forestier national de Zhangjiajie: Situé dans le Nord-Ouest de Wulingyuan. Jour 4 Jour 5 Jour 6