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Web 2.0: A New Wave of Innovation for Teaching and Learning? (EDUCAUSE Review The Web version of this article differs somewhat from the print edition, reflecting recent and fast developments in the Web 2.0 world. Nothing has been cut from the earlier, print version; instead, some content has been added as new projects emerged. © 2006 Bryan Alexander EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 41, no. 2 (March/April 2006): 32–44. Bryan Alexander Bryan Alexander is Director for Research at the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE). The term is audacious: Web 2.0. Many people—including, or perhaps especially, supporters—critique the “Web 2.0” moniker for definitional reasons. Concepts Social software has emerged as a major component of the Web 2.0 movement. These sections of the Web break away from the page metaphor. Like social software, microcontent has been around for a while. This openness is crucial to current Web 2.0 discussions. Why does this matter, and why do such projects not degenerate into multisubjective chaos? Projects and Practices

Create & Find Multimedia Lessons in Minutes | TES Blendspace Save time by using free lessons & activities created by educators worldwide! Be inspired! Combine digital content and your files to create a lesson Tes resources YouTube Links PDFs PowerPoint Word Doc Images Dropbox Google Drive Blendspace quick start resources Save time by using free lessons & activities created by educators worldwide! Combine digital content and your files to create a lesson Tes resources YouTube Links PDFs PowerPoint Word Doc Images Dropbox Google Drive Blendspace quick start resources

Blekko Rich Skrenta Rich has nearly two decades of industry experience. Rich was Founder and CEO of Topix and NewHoo (acquired by Netscape and renamed the Open Directory Project). Rich has held high-level positions at Sun Microsystems, AOL, Unix Systems Labs, and the Amiga UNIX Group at Commodore Business Machines. Rich holds a patent in network security and has authored many well-known pioneering software efforts, including some early multi-user online games. Rich graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in Computer Science. Michael Markson VP Marketing Michael has over 10 years of marketing and business development experience in the technology field. Greg Lindahl Greg Lindahl was Founder and Distinguished Engineer at PathScale, at which he was the architect of the InfiniPath low-latency InfiniBand HCA. Keith Peters Chief Architect Chuck McManis VP Engineering Chuck McManis is a respected technical leader who brings two decades of experience to the Blekko team. David Chang

Entreprise Numérique - La vision de Damien Philippon Entreprise Numérique, Web 2.0, Digital, Réseaux Sociaux d'Entreprise, Big Data, Internet des Objets, Géolocalisation, ... Ces mots résonnent frénétiquement autour de vous. De quoi parle-t-on ? Il est aujourd’hui entendu que la donnée au sens de l'information est le pétrole du 21ème siècle. Les Entreprises Numériques sont les entreprises qui partagent cette information, ce savoir, cette connaissance … mais beaucoup plus vite, de façon plus pertinente et contextualisée, ce savoir et cette connaissance étant plus fiables et plus complets. La fondation de l'Entreprise Numérique est l'Intelligence Collective. Google n'a à ce jour pas (encore ?) Magellan Consulting a compris très tôt 2 aspects fondamentaux de l’Entreprise Numérique :- Ce n'est pas une question d'outil mais d'usages et même de culture ! Aujourd’hui, l'Entreprise Numérique n'est plus un sujet pour les geeks mais un courant majeur dont la Direction de l'entreprise doit s'emparer comme d’un projet d'entreprise.

Storystreamlab By MSL GROUP Online Tools: Improve Your Productivity Sharebar There are so many online services, platforms, applications and tools, it can be difficult to wade through it all. So I’ve updated an older list of productivity tools for the coming year. These are some of the best tools I use or found through research and recommendations. Tools that help us become more efficient, organized and productive are important. That way we can accomplish more and stop work at noon every day, right? Why Online? When all of your important stuff is available online, you can access it from anywhere. With most of these tools you don’t have to download or install anything. Backing up your work online keeps you productive because they say to save everything in three places. Mozy is often recommended as the backup tool of choice. Dropbox has an understated and simply intuitive interface. Bookmarking and clipping the web keep you productive because you don’t have to do a deep search all around the web for that article you saw two months ago.

FRIT 7234 Blog “curadoria” de mídias sociais ~ Os Nós da Rede Você sabe o que faz um Curador de conteúdos? Ou… você sabe os significados que tem essa palavra? Buscando o significado na Wikipedia encontrei algumas definições como: organizador de exposições; neologismo derivado de "curator" do inglês; e tratador de doente. Para Dolors Reig, o curador de conteúdo é um intermediário crítico do conhecimento, ou seja, é uma pessoa que filtra informações/conhecimento. Bom, esse é um neologismo “novíssimo”(redundância à parte) para o termo curador.O certo é que com tanta informação na rede é natural precisarmos de filtragem. Pois, com o crescimento exponencial das redes sociais e blogs, o curador parece ser a solução para a filtragem de informações na internet. Como resultado, o ato de filtragem, seleção, análise e fornecimento de comentário com uma perspectiva sobre um artigo, ou uma coleção de artigos, tornaram-se cada vez mais importante. Então, ficou claro o que vem a ser curadoria de mídia social? Sites de curadoria No momento estou usando 2.

Désactiver le contrôle des signatures de pilotes Windows 8 Vous venez de passer sous Windows 8 et malheureusement vous n’arrivez pas à installer vos pilotes ? Vous tombez systématiquement sur le message d’erreur vous refusant l’installation de vos drivers car ces derniers ne sont pas valider par Windows 8 ? Nous avons la solution ! Positionner votre souris en bas à droite de votre bureau ou votre accueil Microsoft Windows 8. Cliquer sur Paramètres / Modifier les paramètres du PC/ Général / Démarrage avancé : cliquer sur Redémarrer maintenant, le PC ouvre l’écran suivant : Cliquez sur Dépannage/Options avancées/Paramètres (Changer le comportement de Windows au démarrage) : clic sur Redémarrer Voici le résultat : Après le redémarrage : A cette étape, presser la touche F7 : « Désactiver le contrôle obligatoire des signatures de pilotes » : le PC redémarre. Le contrôle obligatoire des signatures de pilotes sont ainsi désactivés. Un petit remerciement fait toujours plaisir !

Trapit Open University learning is a joy | Jules Horne He was a flying goth with rocker looks. I was a new Open University tutor researching a play. I ventured into the OU room in Second Life, and after a few introductions (He: F04 R08. AL? Call me strange, but I found this amazingly thrilling. A quick straw poll reveals quite a few of my friends are closet OU students – they just haven't mentioned it. Susanne Lockie, a full-time mother to three children, told me the mental stimulation has made it a lifesaver: "I need to keep my skills ticking over, but I couldn't study to a high level without that flexibility. Employers tend to be supportive of OU study, knowing that OU students are likely to be unusually determined and committed. And these days, you often find the OU logo at the end of some the BBC's finest factual programmes, including Springwatch and Coast. There's a great site full of available tasters on everything from Textiles in Ghana to Analysing skidmarks (disappointingly about mathematical modelling).

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