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Starter: $10/mo Work smarter. - AffinityLive Awesome integration. No Real Gantt 61 Best Social Media Tools for Small Business 4.5K Flares 4.5K Flares × Banana Republic and Susan’s Neighborhood Shirt Shop could be using the same social networks—Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.—but their marketing plans and their marketing tools are likely quite different. Enterprise solutions are great for the big guys, but the rest of us are in the market for something more our size. Small businesses are eager to find valuable tools that take a lot of the time and trouble out of social media marketing and that do so without costing an arm and a leg. Well, I went searching for just this kind of simple, easy, cost-effective tool, and I came up with 61 that made the cut. Hopefully you find one or two here that you can use in your small scale marketing that can get you big results. Social Media Tools for Small Business Sixty-one is a lot of tools to browse through, so I thought I’d help out by categorizing all of them into a clickable table. Buffer Okay, now on with the lists… Dashboards / Management Tools SocialBro Tweetdeck

Quick, Intuitive, Great reports Great at Gantt .. some limitations Limited tool w/no dependencies
