Hydrogen Peroxide: practical, environmentally friendly & anti-bacterial Appalachia Rising Food Voices: Stories of the Food Sovereignty Movement From Around the World Discover the world's most endangered species Explore 15,000 of the world’s endangered species. With over 100,000 photos and videos, discover what these animals, plants and fungi look like, what makes them special and why we should protect them. Discover the world's species Invertebrates (Terrestrial) Don't know where to start? Please donate to ARKive today Help us share the wonders of the natural world. Most popular wildlife videos The Amur leopard is considered to be one of the world’s most Critically Endangered big cats. The magnificent king cobra is the longest of all living venomous snakes.Check out this family of badgers at a den site. Sign up to our newsletter Blog Monday 07 April Out on the Barren Isles: Part II - When the going gets tough! conservation, coral reefs, Guest blogs, In the Field, Madagascar Friday 04 April Endangered Species of the Week: Angel’s Madagascar frog amphibians, Endangered Species of the Week, frogs, Madagascar Wednesday 02 April ARKive Celebrates Dr. birthday, celebration, chimpanzee, Dr. Featured on ARKive
Food Empowerment Project | Because your food choices can change the world Organic Consumers Association U.S. Department of Agriculture Agencies and Offices A list of all Agencies and Offices within USDA Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Commodity, credit, conservation, disaster, emergency assistance programs... Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Dietary guidance, nutrition policy coordination, nutrition education... Food Safety Meat, poultry, and egg inspection, food recalls, food labeling, packaging... Marketing and Regulatory Programs Organic program, animal and plant health, grain inspection... Natural Resources and Environment Forestry, conservation, damage prevention, land management, sustainable land management... Research, Education and Economics U.S. food and fibers system, library, statistics, research, analysis, education... Rural Development Financial programs, water and sewer systems, housing, health clinics, economic development, loans, lending pools...
Darwin Online: Darwin's Publications British Entomology [←click finches for illustrations] 1829-1832. [Records of captured insects]. In Stephens, Illustrations of British entomology. Text PDF F1968 Letters on Geology [1835]. The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. 1838-1843. Part 1 Fossil Mammalia by R. Journal of Researches (or Voyage of the Beagle) The narrative of the voyages of H.M. King, P. 1839. Questions About the Breeding of Animals [1839]. Geology of The Voyage of The Beagle 1842. Letters on guanacos 1844. Brayley Testimonials 1845. Hooker Testimonials 1845. Discoveries in Australia 1846. Manual of Scientific Enquiry 1849. Living Cirripedia (Barnacles) A monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. 1851 [=1852]. Fossil Cirripedia 1851. Huxley Testimonials 1851. Letter on the bookselling question 1852. Testimonials of Adam White 1865. On the Origin of Species Online variorum edition 1859. Query to Army Surgeons 1862. Fertilisation of Orchids 1862. Memoir of Professor Henslow 1862. An appeal Climbing Plants 1865.
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