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The Development Channel lets you test an experimental new version of this add-on before it's released to the general public. Once you install the development version, you will continue to get updates from this channel. To stop receiving development updates, reinstall the default version from the link above. Install development version Caution: Development versions of this add-on have not been reviewed by Mozilla. Version 2.0b1:

Top 18 Of The Best Firefox Privacy Addons For Avoiding Web Tracking and more Many privacy conscious users select a specific browser if it provides adequate privacy features. Although Firefox is quite secure, you can extend its privacy features by adding specific Firefox Addons you need. Since every user’s needs are different, we have listed some of the most popular Privacy addons for Firefox below. 1) Ad Hacker – Ad Hacker shows you which advertisers are Tracking you

150 extensions pour Firefox - Portail francophone d'informatique Ces extensions sont compatibles avec Firefox 2.0, il s'agit d'une sélection orientée performances, sécurité et fonctions. Vous pouvez diffuser cette liste sur votre site, de façon non-commerciale et en rappelant la paternité de l'article par un lien vers libellules. Cela inclut le droit à modification. Open Badges - Aurora Strange Days on Planet Earth Around the globe, experts are racing to solve a series of mysteries: how could a one-degree rise in average temperature have profound effects around the globe? How could crumbling houses in New Orleans be linked to voracious creatures from southern China? Hosted by actor-writer-director Edward Norton, this award-winning series uses state-of-the-art graphics and globe-spanning investigations to understand how our environment is changing and why?

Firefox, les plugins indispensables ! Firefox est de loin le meilleur navigateur web du monde. Ceci est bien évidemment mon avis personnel bien que tout le monde l’affirme (voir l’excellent comparatif sur info-du-net) ! Mais si ce dernier a pu s’imposer devant des rivaux de poids tel que IE7, Opéra et Safari, c’est grâce à ses plugins (extensions) ou encore add-ons. Ces petites perles -très nombreuses- nous rendent la vie facile et offrent des fonctionnalités très intéressantes. Ils sont pour tous les goûts et couvrent tous les besoins (développement, multimédia, esthétiques, sécurité, flux…). Pearltrees Mozilla webmaker - Aurora Google Body Browser Google has recently demoed an interesting WebGL application called Body Browser, which lets you explore the human body just like you can explore the world in Google Earth. Now you can try Google Body Browser before it's added to Google Labs, assuming that you have a WebGL-enabled browser: * WebGL is available, but not enabled by default in Chrome 8 (the latest stable version). Type about:flags in the address bar, click "Enable" next to "WebGL" and then click on "Restart now".

FireFTP Installer FireFTP Mime Čuvalo voir le site officiel . Video DownloadHelper Civilisation In 1966 BBC Television embarked on its most ambitious documentary series to date. The eminent art historian Lord Clark was commissioned to write and present an epic examination of Western European culture, defining what he considered to be the crucial phases of its development. Civilisation: A Personal View by Lord Clark would be more than two years in the making, with filming in over 100 locations across 13 countries. The lavish series was hailed as a masterpiece when it was first transmitted in 1969. From the fall of the Roman Empire to the Industrial Revolution and beyond, Clark's compelling narrative is accompanied by breathtaking color photography of Europe's greatest landmarks. This 'history of ideas as illustrated by art and music' remains the benchmark for the numerous programmes it inspired.

cookiepie-tab-firefox-extension / index Currently unsupported (mainly in new Firefox & Gmail versions). Working on a more stable Google Chrome contribution. Firefox Extension (also runs on Flock/GNU IceWeasel) [[[Authors: Sebastian Wain & Mauro Asprea.]]] [[[Contributors: Jeff Doozan, Danial Horton, bkenelly.]]] The Top 50 Web Development Icon Sets from 2009 The demand for development icons is huge, and thankfully this year has been a fairly productive year with new icon sets being freely released every other week. As you will see from the list below, they are all of high quality, some do have more flexibility than the others, and some do have limited numbers and options, but all are beautifully designed. Anyway, all of the icons I have listed below have been designed specifically for web design, web development, web applications and blogging. And I am sure you will agree, they are amazing. 108 Mono Icons: Huge Set of Minimal Icons This icon pack comes packaged with 108 gray icons that can be easily customized within Photoshop and Fireworks.

Select multiple form fields - finding a better solution for multiple selection Finding a better solution for multiple selection Most of the form fields available with HTML are straightforward and easy for people to understand and use. But there is one exception.

Firebug s’intègre en bas à droite de votre navigateur pour vous offrir une tonne d’outil de développement. Vous pouvez éditer, débugger, inspecter vos codes CSS, HTML, JavaScript. Vous pouvez également regarder surveiller le réseau, les envois de requêtes et j’en passe. L’édition du CSS en temps réel est un véritable plaisir pour les petits bugs d’affichage. by hayat Jun 10
