Basic English expressions
In this section you will find our collection of easy-to-play card games created to make the learning process more fun. Each package includes game accessories and instructions.Being a part of the Wordies in Space series, our games are designed for practising and revising the new language material presented on the Reader and Reference Cards.They are easy to teach, fun to play in pairs or small groups, and lots of them can be adapted to play with any vocabulary or sentence patterns, so you can use them independently, in any way feeting your needs, as well as change or invent game rules. Enjoy! This is a game for 4 players adapted from the traditional game Go Fish! The object is to collect sets of four cards of the same rank, by asking other players for cards you think they may have. Whoever collects most sets wins.
Emotions - How To Understand, Identify and Release Your Emotions - M.K. Projects
What Are Emotions – Feelings? Different people define emotions in different ways. Some make a distinction between emotions and feelings saying that a feeling is the response part of the emotion and that an emotion includes the situation or experience, the interpretation, the perception, and the response or feeling related to the experience of a particular situation. For the purposes of this article, I use the terms interchangeably. John D. (Jack) Mayer says, “Emotions operate on many levels.
Bästa sajterna för att hitta högupplösta bilder
Du kan använda Compfight för att leta efter bilder som du snabbt behöver. Om du vill ha slumpmässiga bilder, klicka bara på "Show me what compfight can do?"-knappen. Du kan hitta gratis högupplösta bilder utan copyrightbegränsningar. Nya bilder läggs också upp varje vecka.
English Grammar
Welcome to our English grammar page! Here you can find links to our most popular grammar pages, and links to essential grammar (and grammar exercises) by level. Basic English Grammar Start here if you're a beginner, or if you need to refresh your knowledge of English. These pages give you the basic grammar rules, with explanations and exercises.
Paintings That Will Make You Question Everything Wrong in This World
Pawel Kuczynski is a Polish artist who specialises in images that make you think hard about the world we live in. While some of these may be hard to decipher, the message in all of them should be all too clear. These are some seriously intelligent and thought provoking works of art.
Google Classroom – ditt digitala klassrum
När du skapar ett Google Classroom så förflyttar du ditt klassrum ut i den digitala världen. Genom ditt digitala klassrum så kan du exempelvis dela ut läxor, uppgifter, flippar eller pedagogiska planeringar. Jag undervisar i två klasser.
B1 level English language practice tests
B1 is one of the CEFR levels described by the Council of Europe. The ability to express oneself in a limited way in familiar situations and to deal in a general way with nonroutine information. Examples:
25 maps that explain the English language
by Libby Nelson on March 3, 2015 English is the language of Shakespeare and the language of Chaucer. It's spoken in dozens of countries around the world, from the United States to a tiny island named Tristan da Cunha. It reflects the influences of centuries of international exchange, including conquest and colonization, from the Vikings through the 21st century. Here are 25 maps and charts that explain how English got started and evolved into the differently accented languages spoken today.
Idag tänkte jag ge ett konkret tips på ett roligt och användbart verktyg i undervisningen, nämligen Kahoot. Har du aldrig spelat Kahoot så kan man bäst förklara det genom att säga att det är en interaktiv frågesport, där du som lärare skapar frågor och svarsalternativ och där sedan eleverna kopplar upp sig mot spelet och spelar tillsammans. Kahoot kan t.ex användas för att kolla av vilken förförståelse eleverna har inför ett arbetsområde, det kan användas för att se om eleverna förstått flippen, genomgången eller texten de läst. Tyskläraren i mitt arbetslag sa direkt att detta är något som hon hade kunnat tänka sig att använda för att snabbt kolla glosor eller ha som mindre läxförhör. Så hur fungerar det då? Är det svårt?
Discussion topics for English language learners
Prepare for Discussion 28 topics-- for the Higher Intermediate & Advanced levels----START 01 Alternative Beliefs