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Tiny Speck About I am the Founder of We Wire People, and this is where I blog. On Enterprise IT and Social mostly, but sometimes also on more personal items such as spirituality and what moves me in my personal life After almost 15 years of working for Global 100 customers via an employer, I decided to follow my heart and passion and become self-employed in order to do what I like to do best: connect people through technology in the broadest sense of the word. Across departments, companies, industries, entire countries or even continents. On this blog I share my ideas and opinions, welcoming comments and reactions: I believe in exchanging ideas and information and mutual enthusiasm in order to create new or better ways. Here's some history on my educations, my work, and my spiritual journey: that last bit is a big part of my life My educations 30 years ago I programmed my first game, in BASIC. My work After University, I joined Capgemini. I really, really love the work. My business goal?

Paul Irish Steve Blank Culture War: Classical Statistics vs. Machine Learning 'Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures' by L. Breiman (Statistical Science 2001, Vol. 16, No. 3, 199–231) is an interesting paper that is a must read for anyone traditionally trained in statistics, but new to the concept of machine learning. It gives perspective and context to anyone that may attempt to learn to use data mining software such as SAS Enterprise Miner or who may take a course in machine learning (like Dr. Ng's (Stanford) youtube lectures in machine learning .) From the article, two cultures are defined: "There are two cultures in the use of statistical modeling to reach conclusions from data. Classical Statistics/Stochastc Data Modeling Paradigm: " assumes that the data are generated by a given stochastic data model Algorithmic or Machine Learning Paradigm: "uses algorithmic models and treats the data mechanism as unknown." Classical Statistics: Focus is on hypothesis testing of causes and effects and interpretability of models. As Breiman states: The above article concluded:

Cloud Developer Tips: Practical tips for developers of cloud computing applications. — Shlomo Swidler semil's blog Mark Shuttleworth A Web Nerd's Approach to Building a Massively-Multiplayer Game: Stewart Butterfield is the president and co-founder of Tiny Speck, developer of the strongly-flavored web based massively multiplayer game, Glitch, to be released late 2010. Prior to Tiny Speck, Stewart co-founded Flickr and was the president of its parent company before Flickr’s acquisition by Yahoo! in the spring of 2005. In 15 years working on the web, Stewart has had a distinguished career as a designer, entrepreneur, and technologist, named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World by Time Magazine and one BusinessWeek’s Top 50 Leaders. Butterfield graduated from the Universities of Victoria and Cambridge, with degrees in philosophy and retains interests in cognitive science, the history and philosophy of science, and economics. Web site

Econometric Sense
