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How flipped learning works in (and out of) the classroom

How flipped learning works in (and out of) the classroom
Flipped learning is more than just having students do homework during the school day. It’s more than just putting the onus on students to teach themselves. In fact, it’s neither of those things. Don’t be fooled by simple explanations of flipped classrooms that simplify a highly complex undertaking. Flipped learning is a hot trend in most stages of education right now – and for good reason. See Also: 10 barriers to creating flipped classroom video content … and how to overcome them Since some teachers are already incorporating the flipped model but many others are still unsure about the specifics, it might be a good time to research the basics. The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. The PDF (linked above) walks through the pros and cons of flipping so be sure to review it prior to getting started on your journey. Flipped Learning Enables: Flipped Learning in the Classroom: Flipped Learning with Homework: Related:  Flipped Classroom/ Classe inversée

Dynamisez votre présentiel avec la classe inversée Comment définir ce concept ? La classe inversée est une stratégie pédagogique qui mixe à la fois l’apprentissage en présentiel et l’enseignement à distance. En pratique comment cela fonctionne-t-il ? L’enseignant met en ligne des ressources pédagogiques sur une plate-forme LMS, des vidéos, podcast et quizz. Ces ressources sont les notions de base que l’apprenant devra acquérir. Chez lui, l’apprenant consulte ces documents à son rythme et répond aux quiz proposés. De retour en classe, l’enseignant fait un débriefe sur la vidéo visionnée par les apprenants. En classe l’enseignant remédie aux difficultés de l’apprenant, l’accompagne dans son apprentissage et dans le développement de ses compétences. Si on résume A distance l’élève vit son apprentissage à son rythme, il va lui-même chercher le savoir. Pour aller plus loin dans cette compréhension de la classe inversée j’ai réalisé une carte mentale qui est une synthèse de plusieurs conférences de Marcel Lebrun. Accès à la carte mentale

Project Based Learning Connects To Flip Learning… Plus Hundreds of Resources | 21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning Welcome a post that is a companion to my PBL Flipped Learning Presentation. You will see that Flipped Learning really does connect with PBL plus find 100’s of resources. Those at my presentation will even learn more! First, to ensure you do not miss a valuable post or other resources covering PBL, Digital Curriculum, Web 2.0, STEM, 21st century learning, and technology integration, please sign up for 21centuryedtech by email or RSS. As always, I invite you to follow me on twitter (@mjgormans). Booking Info – Time to think about your school or conference needs. Project Based Learning and Flipped Classrooms: There Really is a Connection – Mike Gorman ( Have you ever considered flipping your classroom and engaging students in Project Based Learning at the same time? As we look at the process of PBL and Flipped Learning we can begin to see how the two together can promote Bloom’s higher order learning. Now… Discover Links to Hundreds of Resources Books

Padlet, la aplicación de colaboración de contenido, al detalle Padlet es una de las plataformas de trabajo en equipo más usadas en la actualidad, especialmente diseñada para permitir que varias personas puedan crear muros, pizarras con contenido variado que podrán editar al mismo tiempo. En cada padlet podemos arrastrar y soltar cajas de texto, enlaces, imágenes, música y videos, y cada panel de contenido tendrá un link único para que sea posible compartirlo en redes sociales o incluso en un sitio web. Esta pizarra colaborativa, disponible en en varios idiomas, comienza como un tablero en blanco, con fondo personalizado y posibilidad de estructurar el contenido de varias formas diferentes. – Podemos copiar el padlet de otra persona para usarlo como punto inicial en nuestro trabajo. – Es posible personalizar bastante cada panel, añadiendo tí­tulos y descripciones en cada uno de los elementos incluidos, añadiendo imágenes de fondo, seleccionando un formato especí­fico, configurando cómo los otros usuarios pueden reaccionar a él y mucho más.

La condescendance pyramidale (ou comment les profs passent leur temps à se juger de haut en bas) De l’extérieur, les personnes étrangères à l’éducation nationale ne voient, le plus souvent, dans les 860.000 profs de ce pays, qu’une corporation soudée, unie envers et contre tout. « Les profs » seraient une masse indivisible, facilement catégorisable, aisément étiquetable, reconnaissable à ces réflexes grégaires, à cette logique corporatiste raillée et honnie par le reste de la population. Bien entendu, dans les faits, il n’en est rien. Pour être exact, disons qu’il existe dans la catégorie socioprofessionnelle « prof » de nombreuses possibilités de sous-catégories. Prenons le critère du niveau d’enseignement. Quoi de commun entre un instit de maternelle et un prof de fac, au fond ? Qu’ont dit, qu’ont pensé les profs de secondaire ou du supérieur quand la réforme des rythmes scolaires a été mise en place dans le primaire ? Qu’ont dit, qu’ont pensé les profs de primaire quand la réforme du collège a été mise en place ?

Flipping and Creating Video Presentations What is lesson flipping? Is it an effective technique for language learning? Thomas Healy, co-author of Smart Choice Second Edition, explains how he has used the concept of ‘flipping’ in his classroom ahead of his webinar on 17th or 19th February on the topic. Since I started teaching over twenty years ago, there is one challenge that I continue to obsess about: I have many students, but there is only one of me. To address this reality, I’ve tried over the years to do a better job of making use of group work, collaborative learning opportunities, as well as trying to help my learners develop independent learning skills. Dealing with the needs of individual learner’s needs, however, remains a major challenge. Flipping is a very simple notion. Fascinating, I thought, but would this work with language learners? Soon, it became apparent to me that I could not flip many elements of the class. When I went about this project, I was amazed at how simple the technology was. Step 1. Step 2.

e4education - What It Means To Be A Truly Effective Teacher At some point in our lives, every one of us will have experienced the transformative power of a truly effective teacher. But what is it that creates this significant influence and how can more teachers encompass these qualities in order to become resonant themselves? The influence of a teacher extends far beyond their classroom walls. The support teachers provide shapes how children learn, develop and grow throughout their daily lives. Many people have fond memories of teachers from their childhood and the lasting impressions they made on their lives. 18% said it was down to encouragement and support 15% valued having a caring teacher who had their best interests in mind 14% felt that it was when teachers showed investment - inside and outside the classroom 12% said that having teachers who challenged them and helped them along the way "Young people do what adults ask them when they have a sense that the adult cares for them." - Doctor Gale Macleod "My favourite teacher was Mr Dyer.

3 Ways to Flip the Classroom | 2016-01-08 I’ve always been tickled by our industry’s obsession with buzzwords and trends. There have been many in my 30-plus years in this industry. My one pet peeve with all this is that we often “brand” first and “define and refine” second. This has gotten us into trouble a few times. Setting expectations and boundaries for learning efforts too early can slow down adoption and inhibit growth. I’m seeing the same thing with the flipped classroom. The exciting potential of the flipped classroom is that, if done right, it can help free the classroom to do what it does best, which is to be a safe environment for experimentation, collaboration, remediation, failure, creative thinking and critical thinking, as well as help employees learn how to become independent self-directed learners. In my travels, having looked at many efforts to flip the classroom, I’ve seen three effective approaches emerge: Flipping before the classroom experience.

Mr. Salamanca's Math class Simple & Effective Speaking Rubric For Class Presentations Talented student teacher Kevin Inlay created this simple and effective speaking rubric that we used with class presentations in our ELL World History class. Reviewing it ahead of time and then using it made a tremendous difference in the how students spoke. He gave me permission to share it here, so feel free to download and modify. Let me know if you have other very simple rubrics you’ve successfully used for different classroom lessons and that you’d like to share! I’m adding it to The Best Sources Of Advice For Making Good Presentations. Related The Best Rubric Sites (And A Beginning Discussion About Their Use) This is sort of a strange "The Best..." list. September 18, 2010 In "best of the year" Most Popular Posts Of The Month As regular readers know, at the end of each week I share the five most popular posts from the previous seven days. February 24, 2017 In "most popular posts" Here's The Evaluation Form I Created For TOK Oral Presentations April 7, 2015 In "TOK"

12 Rules For Flipping Your Classroom So, you want to begin flipping your classroom. Here are 12 quick rules (tips, really) to help you get started. Below are 12 simple rules to follow when flipping your classroom: To flip or not flip… That is the question. Why do you want to flip a lesson? How will “flipping” benefit your learners? Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox. Flipping The Classroom (Reverse Instruction) The Minimalist’s Guide to Creating a Class or Course Web Site January 30, 2014 Have you wished you had a web site to share assignments, links, discussions, and more, but always thought it would be too difficult to create one? Read the full article → Flipped Classroom – The (1 Minute) Movie January 12, 2014 The Flipped Classroom was a Hot Topic in 2013, for Good Reason The Flipped Classroom got a lot of attention in the media during 2013, and this shows no sign of abating as we move into 2014. Read the full article →

Google Classroom: Turn in Group Work with a Google Form - Teacher Tech Yes, students should be collaborating. G Suite is designed around collaboration so this makes students working together a lot easier. Weirdly, Google Classroom is not designed for group work. So we have to hack it. Students can not turn in work they do not own. Reflection is an important part of the learning process. Sample Google Form Template Only Link to Form In Google Classroom when you link to a Google Form it will automatically “Mark as done” for the student…. If you click on that paper clip, drive icon, YouTube video, or link icon when creating the assignment (other than to add the Google Form) then the assignment will NOT automatically “Mark As Done” when the students fill out the form. Select Students Another way to handle group work is you COULD create an assignment for a select group of students and attach a file as “Students can edit file” which gives that group access to that document. Link in Private Comments Copy Docs Group Docs Maker
