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maverick News Release Firefly Light Helps Destroy Cancer Cells; Researchers Find That The Bioluminescence Effects Of Firef London (April 15th) -- Could the gentle firefly turn out to be a potent weapon against cancer? In a new study, researchers from London inserted the firefly gene that activates bioluminescent light into modified cancer cells, hoping to set off a chain of events that has a proven track record at fighting the disease. This light source, known as Luciferin, caused the modified cancer cells to glow much like it does with the firefly. When a photosensitizing agent was added, the combination proved lethal. "The cells produced enough light to trigger their own death," said Dr. This firefly technique (BioLuminescence Activated Destruction of cancer, or BLADe) may add a further layer of depth to photodynamic therapy, an effective treatment that uses bursts of light to attack tumors that sit near the skin's surface or on the lining of internal organs. External light sources, however, can only pass through a small amount of tissue to get to the tumor.

List of "diseases" of black slaves, including the one that makes them want to escape. So diseased, those blacks. DRAPETOMANIA, OR THE DISEASE CAUSING NEGROES TO RUN AWAY. It is unknown to our medical authorities, although its diagnostic symptom, the absconding from service, is well known to our planters and overseers... In noticing a disease not heretofore classed among the long list of maladies that man is subject to, it was necessary to have a new term to express it. The cause in the most of cases, that induces the negro to run away from service, is as much a disease of the mind as any other species of mental alienation, and much more curable, as a general rule. According to my experience, the "genu flexit"--the awe and reverence, must be exacted from them, or they will despise their masters, become rude and ungovernable, and run away. Dysaesthesia Aethiopica is a disease peculiar to negroes, affecting both mind and body in a manner as well expressed by dysaesthesia, the name I have given it, as could be by a single term. back

Midwestern US 16k Years Ago This mural by R.G. Larson in the Illinois State By 16,000 years ago the height of the last major glaciation The landscape of the Midwest was very different 16,000 years ago. Although glaciers were retreating, much of the midwestern U.S. was still under ice. Sixteen thousand years ago the climate was quite different in the area. Because of the cooler climate, many of the plants and animals that inhabited the area around 16,000 years ago were different than those found in the region today. The reconstruction shows several mastodons feeding in wetlands in a parkland dominated by spruce and balsam (poplar or aspen). Here ISM Curator of Geology Dr. Boney Spring is one of a series of spring deposits excavated by personnel from the Illinois State Museum, the University of Missouri, University of Arizona, and Southern Methodist University between 1965 and 1980.

Aeon Journal of Myth and Science Optical Camouflage [English / Japanese] What is Optical Camouflage? Optical camouflage is a kind of active camouflage. This idea is very simple.If you project background image onto the masked object, you can observe the masked object just as if it were virtually transparent. This shows the principle of the optical camouflage using X'tal Vision.You can select camouflaged object to cover with retroreflector.Moreover, to project a stereoscopic image, the observer looks at the masking object more transparent. Optical camouflage can be applied for a real scene.In the case of a real scene, a photograph of the scene is taken from the operatorfs viewpoint, and this photograph is projected to exactly the same place as the original.Actually, applying HMP-based optical camouflage to a real scene requires image-based rendering techniques. If you want to know the mechanism of this optical camouflage demonstration, please see the following brochure: M. And you can find more detailed information at the pulication section. S.

Little Salt Spring home page The Rosenstiel School’s Division of Marine Affairs manages an underwater archeological and ecological preserve at Little Salt Spring, in North Port, a site located in southern Sarasota County, Florida about 10 miles (16 km) from the Gulf of Mexico. Donated to the University in 1982, the spring is surrounded by undisturbed native hydric hammock containing several rare and endangered plant and animal species. During early prehistoric times (12,000–7,000 years ago) the sinkhole was an oasis in the peninsula that attracted seasonal hunters and gatherers. The unique anoxic water that fills most of the sinkhole (below 5 meters/16 feet depth) has preserved a great range of organic materials including wood, textile fragments, hair, skin and brain tissue dating back to the Late Paleoindian and Early Archaic stages of Florida’s prehistory, ca. 9,500 – 7,000 radiocarbon years ago. Photo by Curt Bowen Lightcraft Technology Incorporated What is a Lightcraft? A Lightcraft is a 1kg launch vehicle, made from high temperature ceramic materials, that flies into space on a megawatt laser beam. The Lightcraft, shown here in flight, is both a single-stage-to-orbit launch vehicle and a satellite. How does it work? A ground based laser is the power source that propels the Lightcraft into orbit. The back side of the craft is a large, highly polished parabolic mirror that is designed to capture the laser beam projected at it from the ground. History of Lightcraft 1987 Prof. Cosquer Cave by Jean Clottes, Jean Courtin, Luc Vanrell A few facts must be recalled before presenting our new discoveries. The Cosquer Cave (Marseille, France) was discovered in 1985 by a diver, Henri Cosquer, deep under the sea (the original entrance is about 115 feet below present-day sea level) but its paintings were not mentioned until 1991 after three divers died in the cave when they got lost. The gallery slopes up for about 360 feet under water before reaching a huge chamber that partly remained above the sea and where many prehistoric paintings and engravings are preserved on the walls, as well as remains on the ground (charcoal from fires and torches, a few flint tools). Photo Luc Vanrell Right from the start, it was obvious that the discovery of the Cosquer Cave was both an important and original art find. Despite the destructions due to the sea, Cosquer ranks among the few caves where more than 150 animal figures have been found. Photo Jean Clottes Only adult hand stencils have been found.

Meta Research (innovative astronomy research)
