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Interactive Video - Adways Studio

Interactive Video - Adways Studio
Related:  vidéo

How to Make your YouTube Videos Interactive - The Ultimate Guide YouTube let’s you connect with people – 1 billion of them to be exact. That’s how many people visit YouTube every month. The site’s extreme popularity is why we’ve highlighted YouTube in the past with posts like How to Go Viral on YouTube and The Top 10 YouTube Channels. But we’ve never written about YouTube annotations – and how they can greatly improve your videos by adding an interactive element. This post is all about delving into interactivity on YouTube: why to do it, how to do it, and what you’re capable of doing once you master it. Why Make Your YouTube Videos Interactive? More Views to More of Your Videos The most basic reason of all — who doesn’t want more views? YouTube annotations allow you to create links from one video to another or to a playlist. Up-to-Date Messaging After you publish a blog post, you can return to it and edit it whenever you want. That’s a problem because the world keeps spinning and so too will your message. That’s where annotations come in. Videos Channels

PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative Flat Icon Maker - FlatIcons fnord software blog: WebM and Theora plug-ins for Premiere (beta) When people think about video in HTML5, they usually think H.264. But many browsers also support Theora (.ogv) and WebM, two video formats that have the advantage of being truly open, with no patent licensing feesrequired for the privilege of using them. Theora and WebM actually share a common heritage in the VPX codecs created by On2 Technologies. On2 gave their VP3 codec to the Xiph.Org Foundation in 2001, while Google got VP8 when it acquired On2 in 2010. Now both codecs, once proprietary, are open source and freely available, attempting to unseat H.264 as the preferred web video format. The only problem is that my favorite video editor, Adobe Premiere Pro, has no way of reading or writing these formats…until now. The Theora repository also has a plug-in for using Ogg/Vorbis, Opus, and FLAC audio files in Premiere. WebM is actively being developed by Google. Please download, experiment, and send feedback. Update: the WebM plug-in is now released!

Wiktionnaire Stereo3D Toolboxâ„¢ Plugin Suite FxFactory 4.0.1 or later Hardware Acceleration FxFactory uses the graphics card inside every Mac to provide accelerated previews and renders. Most dedicated graphics processors with at least 128MB of VRAM are supported. 512MB of VRAM is recommended. The Intel GMA 850 and X3100 are not supported. * Full on-screen control functionality requires Final Cut Pro 10.0.7 or Motion 5.0.6 or newer. Mac OS, Final Cut Pro and Final Cut are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Dictionnaires de Traduction Adobe Media Encoder (AME) Ogg WebM - fr32c blog L'encodage des vidéos pour le web ? La lointaine époque des vidéos encodées en flv pour Flash, qui résolvaient tous les problèmes de compatibilité, quel que soit votre navigateur ou système d'exploitation semble révolue. On lui préfère désormais le magique "HTML5" qui résout tous les problèmes et soigne tous les maux. Or, pour la vidéo, on serait plutôt revenu à 1995, une époque que les moins de 20 ans peuvent ne pas connaître, lorsque la page vidéo d'un site web vous demandait si vous aviez une bonne connexion (type LAN) ou une connexion RTC à 33,6ko, si vous étiez sur Mac ou sur PC, si votre player vidéo serait Quick Time ou Windows Media Video, voire même Real Video. On y revient. Encoder des vidéos depuis Adobe Media Encoder Si, comme moi, vous avez une installation standard de votre Creative Suite, vous risquez de devoir chercher un peu comment gérer ça à grands coups de recherche sur internet, de conseils divers et variés. Utiliser Adobe Media Encoder pour le Ogg et le WebM

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