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The Total Picture of Creation - A Study of the Bhagavadgita - Chapter 4 Bhagavan Sri Krishna held the opinion that Arjuna was lacking sankhya, which means proper understanding, and I endeavoured to tell you that sankhya is the knowledge of the placement of a person in this universe. Unless you know where you are placed in this universe, your location in this setup of things, you will not be able to do anything. Work, activity – doing anything whatsoever, and any motion for that purpose – is guided by the circumstances prevailing at that given moment of time. ‘Circumstance’ means the knowledge of the location of the person at a given moment of time. Now, your location in this universe can be known only by a study of the whole process of creation. The process of creation is supposed to start with the emergence of the activity of Prakriti, which is the cosmic impulsion of this Universal Consciousness to delimit itself in a certain fashion for the projection of this cosmos. Sattva is all-pervadingness. Pure God, by Himself, creates nothing.
Geoff Freed Online - March 2011 Former forensic technician and scientific & medical researcher, lecturer, workshop leader and psychotherapist, Dr. Geoff Freed reports on what is happening energetically on the planet at this pivotal time in history. HELLO AND WELCOME. I probably sound like a Radio or TV presenter. Yes, welcome to the final stages of the saga and scenario unfolding in the evolutionary side of events. Explanation: Did you know that our Milky Way Galaxy has huge bubbles emitting gamma rays from the direction of the galactic center? See Also Gamma Rays and Love, deep meditation brain fires off tiny burst of gamma rays. Starting on 19 December 2004 at 01:42:18 UT, high-energy emission from a bright and very long duration gamma-ray burst, named GRB 041219a, was measured by both the IBIS (Imager on Board the INTEGRAL Satellite) detector of the INTEGRAL satellite7 and the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) of the Swift satellite8. Healing through consciousness.... Part 2
INTIMACY COACH FOR SUPREME SEXUAL HAPPINESS Celebrate The Healing Power of ART Nudity and the Roots of Compulsion | A Naturist's Lens I have to admit it, there is something that “pulls” at me when it comes to nudity. Yesterday’s post looked at how I entered into the world of naturism as a healing escape from a world that was closing in on me, pushing me into darkness, strangling the will to live at times. As I was reading last night before going to bed, I found these words. I knew immediately that these words would become part of today’s post. I read no further as I didn’t want to lose the power of these words through overloading my brain. “You have to make your own world, instead of succumbing to the one that presses on you.” My entering into the trees and removing my clothing was a deliberate act of making my own world, a private world in which I could feel the sun, feel freedom; a place that was private outside of my skin. For many years while I was involved with my career as teacher, principal and counsellor, and busy with raising a family; occasions of nudity were infrequent, more like stolen moments.
Change Default Sync Times of OmniFocus For Mac and iOS Change Default Sync Times of OmniFocus For Mac and iOS In my post about OmniFocus and flagged Mail.app messages, I wrote that there’s no way to tell the app to sync every few minutes. I was wrong. As reader Bill Pallmer told me, there are two settings to change the default sync behavior of OmniFocus for Mac. In Terminal, you can use these commands to change how often OmniFocus will start a new sync and sync after an edit, respectively: defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus MaximumTimeBetweenSync -float 30 defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus TimeFromFirstEditToSync -float 2 The numeric value after the -float flag indicates time in seconds. There are two hidden preferences which control the timing of automatic synchronization, MaximumTimeBetweenSync and TimeFromFirstEditToSync. If you have the Mac App Store version of OmniFocus, change the first part of the command to com.omnigroup.OmniFocus.MacAppStore. The great thing about these commands is that they also work on iOS in debug mode.
Naked Before God – Part 4 – Naked Prayer | All Things Rabyd If meditation can be done in the nude I think we can assume we might as well stay and pray in the nude. The two differ in this: meditation is about listening to God; prayer is about communicating with God. One is about listening; the other is about talking. One other way I have heard it explained is that meditation and petition are the two sides of prayer. Prayer is described in the Bible much like a subject in a kingdom coming into the throne room of the king and petitioning the king for favor and in return listening to what the king will grant and what he expects that subject to do if the king is going to grant that favor. In a very real way this is true of us and God. Before I get into those qualities, I want to make my case for the home prayer and meditation room. The spiritual qualities of a person who prays are far more important than the wording of the prayer or doing things in the right order. Nudity is starting to show itself as a spiritual discipline. Next: Naked Worship