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3D Human Visualization Platform for Anatomy and Disease

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problème obésité : Persuasive Games -Fatworld (laura philippe) Fatworld is a game about the politics of nutrition. It explores the relationships between obesity, nutrition, and socioeconomics in the contemporary U.S. Fit or Fat? In the last two decades, obesity has soared in the United States. Public and private organizations have mounted ongoing efforts to change Americans’ behavior toward nutrition and exercise. More importantly, these efforts assume that our obesity crisis is caused solely by lack of self-control: if only everyone would choose to eat right and exercise, the problem would go away. Fatworld is a videogame about the politics of nutrition. Existing approaches to nutrition advocacy fail to communicate the aggregate effect of everyday health practices. You can choose starting weights and health conditions, including predispositions towards ailments like diabetes, heart disease, or food allergies. Interested in politics?

ARKive - Discover the world's most endangered species Wildscreen's Arkive project was launched in 2003 and grew to become the world's biggest encyclopaedia of life on Earth. With the help of over 7,000 of the world’s best wildlife filmmakers and photographers, conservationists and scientists, featured multi-media fact-files for more than 16,000 endangered species. Freely accessible to everyone, over half a million people every month, from over 200 countries, used Arkive to learn and discover the wonders of the natural world. Since 2013 Wildscreen was unable to raise sufficient funds from trusts, foundations, corporates and individual donors to support the year-round costs of keeping Arkive online. Therefore, the charity had been using its reserves to keep the project online and was unable to fund any dedicated staff to maintain Arkive, let alone future-proof it, for over half a decade. Despite appeals for support, just 85 of our 5.6 million users in 2018 made a donation.

Pocket Heart on the App Store El sexo de la levadura Estas levaduras expresan espontáneamente (azarosamente) genes de proteínas fluorescentes de distintos colores, mostrando el efecto del ruido molecular sobre la expresión génica. La levadura vive como un hongo porque lo es, y contra lo que podría suponerse, su vida sexual resulta de lo más variada. En ocasiones desecha toda propuesta del sexo opuesto, por más estímulos que reciba. A pesar, de que sus pretendientes despidan al ambiente una irresistible feromona para seducirla, ella opta por reproducirse asexualmente, es decir, dividirse en dos. Pero, en sus células hijas, transmite la información de cómo aparearse. Ellas heredan esta memoria celular y, demostrarlo, fue un trabajo conjunto realizado por científicos de la Universidad de Stanford (Estados Unidos), de Tartu (Estonia), y de Buenos Aires (Argentina), que resultó publicado en la prestigiosa revista Cell. Cada segundo las células reciben estímulos y no siempre responden del mismo modo. (De izq. a der.)

A Serious Game on Biodiversity in Wheat Farming | KTM Advance April 28, 2014 A Serious Game on Biodiversity in Wheat Farming Lu, the leading French cookie manufacturer, further confirmed its desire to minimize the company’s impact on the environment by creating LU Harmony. This new wheat network, created in partnership with French farmers, favors biodiversity and guarantees quality wheat farming. In 2010, KTM Advance created a serious game to allow young players to learn about the sustainable development LU defends and dive into the wheat field ecosystem. They also learn how to grow quality wheat and maintain local biodiversity. The “Harmonyculteurs,” or “Harmony Farmers,” deals with complex information in a fun and accessible way.

Q4B Concept Inventories | Questions For Biology Listed below are the Concept Inventories that are being developed by various members of the Q4B team. For information regarding specific inventories, click on the links to read the rationale behind development, how many questions have been – or will be – developed, the anticipated development timeframe until the inventory is ready for use, and any other inventory-specific information such as important teaching notes/guides. We encourage interested instructors from tertiary institutions to get in touch with team members to obtain concept inventories for use in their classes; in all cases, we ask instructors to send messages to the individuals who have worked on the inventories in which they are interested. Messages can be sent via secure forms on the People page. Validated Concept Inventories (for which complete packages can be provided) 1: Biological Experimental Design Concept Inventory (BEDCI) 2: Meiosis 3: Population Dynamics 4: Speciation 6: Transcription and Translation 1: Adaptation

10 Buscadores académicos que quizás no conocías Esta lista de buscadores académicos te ayudará a tener mas alternativas, como estudiante o investigador a la hora de buscar contenido especializado en alguna rama del conocimiento. Actualmente Google es el motor de búsqueda número uno en el mundo. Sin embargo se ha convertido en algo más que un buscador por la cantidad de productos y ventas relacionadas que nos ofrece. Por ello de vez en cuando es recomendable tener más alternativas si lo que necesitas es encontrar información específica de una área del conocimiento determinada, de fuentes confiables o de artículos científicos y académicos. En este sentido, la lista de buscadores que a continuación se presenta pretende ser de ayuda para estudiantes, profesores e investigadores en la difícil tarea de hallar contenido con un enfoque más especializado. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Es la versión en español del portal para la búsqueda de información científica e investigación del gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América.

Serious Games To Learn About A Biologically Diverse Ecosystem Serious Games addressing biodiversity, ecosystems, and natural selection Related posts: TyrAnt, by Preloaded, is one of the three Serious Games nominated in 2014 for the Games for Change Best Gameplay award category. Preloaded has been working with Amplify to produce a series of games to be sold to schools across the United States, designed for the Amplify Tablet and a variety of other platforms including iOS. As part of their focus on Science they have developed TyrAnt, a light, Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game where the player seeks to protect and grow a colony of ants. Serious Game to experience how ants reproduce within a delicate and biologically diverse ecosystem Developed for Android and iOS platforms, the game allows players to discover the hidden world of ants through intuitive touchscreen controls and strategic mechanics. The lifeblood of the colony is fresh green leaves - the resource the player must gather in order to grow the colony and trigger the flying ant’s nuptial flight.
