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Lesson 36: At the airport - English Basic Communication.

Lesson 36: At the airport - English Basic Communication.
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Travel English: Conversations in the Airport Are you ready to take a trip? We’re going to start a series of lessons on practical English for use while traveling. Today we’re going to go through the airport step by step, learning important vocabulary and useful phrases along the way. Download 500+ English Phrases Conversation #1 – At the Check-In Desk Dan is flying from New York to Los Angeles. Agent: Good afternoon! Dan: Los Angeles. Agent: May I have your passport, please? Dan: Here you go. Agent: Are you checking any bags? Dan: Just this one. Agent: OK, please place your bag on the scale. Dan: I have a stopover in Chicago – do I need to pick up my luggage there? Agent: No, it’ll go straight through to Los Angeles. Dan: Thanks. Conversation Vocabulary and Phrases Instead of “Where are you flying today?” Other Questions & Phrases for the Airport “Excuse me, where is the American Airlines check-in desk?” Extra questions in the U.S. On flights going to or inside the U.S., you might be asked some extra security questions before or during check-in.

All Safety Cards: Collection of aircraft safety cards and in-flight safety videosBMI Airbus A320 | All Safety Cards: Collection of aircraft safety cards and in-flight safety videos Front side: Back side: untitled Koepankki - Etusivu Suullisen kielitaidon arvioinnin koepankki ja lukiodiplomipalvelu Opetushallitus on perustanut lukion suullisen kielitaidon arviointia varten koepankin ja lukiodiplomipalvelun. Koepankki sisältää koetehtävät, kokeiden arviointiohjeet sekä yleiset ohjeet kokeiden järjestämisestä. Lukiodiplomipalvelu sisältää taito- ja taideaineissa suoritettavien lukiodiplomien sähköiset lukiodiplomitodistukset. Aineistot ovat lukioille maksuttomia. Miten käyttäjäksi? Lukiokoulutusta järjestävien oppilaitosten rehtorit saavat Opetushallitukselta tunnukset järjestelmään. Lyhyesti suullisen kielitaidon kokeesta Suullisen kielitaidon koe on osa valtakunnallisena syventävänä kurssina tarjottavaa suullisen kielitaidon kurssia. Kurssiin kuuluvan suullisen kielitaidon kokeen suoritus ja muut kurssin aikaiset näytöt arvioidaan asianomaisen kielen ja oppimäärän puhumiselle opetussuunnitelman perusteissa asetettuja tavoitteita vasten. Lyhyesti lukiodiplomista

learnenglish Organisation, organigrammes et prise de tête. Quand on se lance dans la rédaction d'un défi d'évasion ou plus simplement quand on pense à la tâche finale, on peut être déstabilisé par le nombre d'étapes à réaliser. Grâce au site ci-dessous, on peut trouver une solution. Colorier parfaitement ce QR code permettra d'accéder au site qui mène à la victoire. Astuce QR code. Pour une variation dans les escape games et pour ajouter une combinaison supplémentaire, on peut générer grâce à un site en allemand (une fois n’est pas coutume) un QR code auquel il manque le centre. Le site propose deux créations possibles de QR code : Des Qr codes traditionnels qui permettent d’ouvrir une page internet ou de lire un code en utilisant une application de type Inigma. Voilà la nouveauté. Ce qui est vraiment différent, c’est qu’on peut générer un mot code avec des lettres aussi. On peut choisir le niveau de difficulté selon le niveau des participants. Usages possibles : Ils sont multiples et ce n'est qu'un début.

Engineering Science with The World's Tallest Buildings Unit Study - StartsAtEight Ever wondered what the tallest building in the world was? How about the tallest building in your city? Through hands on activities, research, art and more we explored the world of engineering science using The World’s Tall Buildings Unit Study. We had the opportunity to change things up in science a bit. Engineering Science with The World’s Tallest Buildings Unit Study: The first thing I noticed and love about this engineering science unit study is that it is flexible and adaptable. The second thing I love is how it is broken down into bite sized sections. The 4 major sections: 1. This was a tough challenge! 2. This timeline was one of my favorites (next to the upcoming art project). Many modern cities like New York, Los Angeles, Dubai, Hong Kong, and Shanghai are recognized by their skyrises. 3. Building his own skyscraper, even with the added bonus of solid pieces (instead of just paper) proved to be harder than he thought! 4. Additional Resources:

narzedzia-2/jak-stworzyc-chmure-wyrazow/ Co to jest „chmura wyrazów”? Jest to ciekawa, graficzna wizualizacja wyrazów. Kopiujesz fragment tekstu, wpisujesz wybrane wyrazy lub podajesz linka do strony internetowej i tworzysz chmurę. W ten sposób przykuwasz uwagę oraz zwiększasz aktywność i zaangażowanie uczniów (więcej na ten temat na końcu). Wielkośc wyrazów prezentuje ich częstość występowania w tekście. Chmura utworzona ze strony za pomocą serwisu Tagxedo (opis poniżej). Programy do tworzenia chmur wyrazów Są bezpłatne, łatwe w użyciu, większość nie wymaga rejestracji. Wskazówka: Aby nie rozdzielać dwóch wyrazów użyj znaku ~ . Tagxedo Za pomocą tego serwisu stworzymy chmurę z wybranej strony internetowej, profilu na Twitterze czy Delicious (więcej na temat zakładek społecznościowych przeczytasz tutaj), wiadomości, wybranego zagadnienia, wiadomości RSS czy własnego, dowolnego tekstu. Uwaga. Wideo-tutorial Wordle Pierwszy serwis, który umożliwił tworzenie chmur wyrazów. Tagul Jako jedyny wymaga rejestracji.

Roar – Katy Perry – ESL lesson plan | Anna Edu The song “Roar” perfectly fits the topic of gender roles/stereotypes, feminism. Besides, it’s a great source of idioms, set expressions and phrasal verbs. That’s how I would use it in class. 1. Tell the students that we’re going to study 7 new expressions (slides 2-4). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. in ESL lesson plans by Anna Airport check-in In this lesson, students will listen to someone checking in at an airport. They will predict vocabulary, listen to the conversation and role-play the dialogue to practise their speaking skills. There are also suggestions for developing the theme of travel to practise specific areas of grammar. Aims: To practise listening skills To improve students’ vocabulary and speaking skills specifically related to airports Age group: Adults Level: CEF level A2-B1 Time: 30 minutes plus time for developing the theme Materials: The lesson plan, transcript and student worksheets can be downloaded in PDF format below Related resources you may like Travelling abroad: Students listen to the five airport announcements and work through a series exercises to practise and improve their listening skills.

Anglais Cycle 3 Une séquence de 6 séances pour (re)voir le lexique de la nourriture et des boissons + passer commande au restaurant, dont 1 séance d'évaluation (à venir) Enjoy! Séances: Apprendre à lire un menu Passer une commande dans un fast-food Rappel du vocabulaireRévisions de la séquenceJe passe commande au restaurantEvaluation et bilan de la séquence Projection du film « Super Size Me » Séquence + Docs : Flashcards "food and drinks" : mes-englishFilm "Supersize me":

ESL General Knowledge Quiz about the USA (Vera Mello General Knowledge Quiz about the USA Click the answer button to see the answer. What are the two major parties in the US?. Copyright 1999 by Vera Mello ( This quiz is part of the HTML-Only Self-Study Quizzes which is part of Activities for ESL Students, a project by The Internet TESL Journal.
