Listening 7-9 – Spread Inspiration via has opened a new link category for intermediate (yr 7-9) students. To start with, there are six links to amusing and inspiring talks that the site author has already successfully used in her classes this autumn. The idea is to watch, to discuss and write about the thoughts that… In "Teaching Matters" Travelling Old and New Style has compiled a Theme Page on Travelling for level 7-8. Salem Witch Hunt has added a reading chapter, activities and a relevant YouTube series about the Salem Witch Hunts in 1692 in Intermediate 7-9. absolutely true diary.pdf Free English Reading comprehension tests and exercises online Reading comprehension is also an important part when you take an English test. Reading comprehension test can help you to improve vocabulary, grammar, and logical thought ability. There are some tips for you to improve reading skills: - Practice reading every day. - Take note all new words and learn them. - Try to answer all the questions. - After answer all the questions. - Practice reading techniques - scanning, skimming, intensive and extensive reading. + Scanning: You try to find a particular piece of information. + Skimming: You try to gather the most important information as quickly as possible. + Intensive reading: You try to find the details of a specific information. + Extensive reading: You try to find general information of a passage. Elementary Reading Tests
Camden Scene 1 Stephen: Here we are in Camden Lock Market. It’s a great place to go shopping and we need to buy a birthday present for our Mum. What do you think we should get her, Ash? Ashlie: Well our Mum loves nice clothes and costume jewellery. Stephen: It's huge here, Ash. Ashlie: OK, I’ll see you back here in an hour, then. Stephen: Oh, Ash – can you lend me 50 quid? Ashlie: 50 quid, eh? Stephen: Don’t worry, you’ll get it back! Ashlie: That should do it. Stephen: Thank you. Ashlie: OK, I’ll see you back here later. Stephen: See you! Stephen: Wow, look at these! Shopkeeper: Five pound each. Ashlie: Excuse me. Stephen: Hiya – how’s it going? Shopkeeper: Hi, very well. Stephen: Good, thanks. Stephen: I like these, how much are they? Shopkeeper: Er, the leaf lights – they are £21.95. Stephen: Hmm, I’m not sure she’ll like them. Shopkeeper: What type of thing does she like? Stephen: Well, she’s quite stylish – modern, I suppose. Shopkeeper: Well, the yin yang’s really modern. Stephen: Hmm. Stephen: Oh.
Eng 8A, 9C You have read a chapter of the book: " The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Today we are going to read the text together and help each other writing an emotional poem. This is how you do it: 1. Write a Sensory Emotion Poem Work in pairs. When you read the text - what did you think of? Choose one emotion that you think describes the text best. Title (Emotion) (Line 1) (Emotion) is (color) (Line 2) What does the emotion taste like? (Line 3) What does the emotion smell like? (Line 4) What does the emotion feel like? (Line 5) What does the emotion sound like? (Line 6) What does the emotion look like? (Line 7) (Emotion) is _____________(include a metaphor) If you don't remember what a methapor is you can find help here: Metaphor 2. Save your poem and send it to me: A few years ago my pupils read The Hunger Games and then a girl wrote an emotional poem like this:
Modellsätze Die Modellsätze sollen Ihnen einen Eindruck von den Vergleichsarbeiten verschaffen. Sie dürfen zu Übungszwecken im Unterricht eingesetzt werden. Modellsatz Niveau A1 Modellsatz A1 (PDF, 195KB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei) Modellsatz Niveau A2 Modellsatz A2 (PDF, 160KB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei) Audiodateien: Hörverstehen Modellsatz A2, Teil 1 (wma, 7MB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei) Hörverstehen Modellsatz A2, Teil 2 (wma, 7MB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei) Hörverstehen Modellsatz A2, Teil 3 (wma, 19MB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei) Die Zentrale Deutschprüfung wird ab 2014 nicht mehr angeboten. Modellsatz 1 Modellsatz 1 ZDP (zip, 275KB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm) Hörverstehen ZDP Modellsatz 1, Teil 1 (zip, 3MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm) Hörverstehen ZDP Modellsatz 1, Teil 2 (zip, 6MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm) Hörverstehen ZDP Modellsatz 1, Teil 3 (zip, 6MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm) Modellsatz 2
100 Ways to Improve Your English — Podcasts - The English Blog If you’re not familiar with podcasts, here’s a definition : "a podcast is a digital audio recording, usually part of a themed series, that can be downloaded from a website to a media player or computer". I spend a lot of time listening to podcasts on my iPod when I’m at home doing the dishes, on the bus or train, or just out walking. My favourite podcasts would probably not be suitable for most learners of English (except those at a very advanced level), but the good news is that there are dozens of podcasts available specifically for learning English — and they’re a wonderful way to improve your listening skills. TIPSubscribe to you favourite podcasts using iTunes or another service to make sure you don't miss any episodes.
For ESL English Language Learners What is most notable about this funny, touching, memorable novel is the resounding accuracy with which the author captures the voice of a boy on the brink of adulthood. Charlie is a freshman. And while's he's not the biggest geek in the school, he is by no means popular. He's a wallflower--shy and introspective, and intelligent. We learn about Charlie through the letters he writes. I walk around the school hallways and look at the people. Listening Comprehension – Toilet Training the Cat – Stuart McLean – The Cansw... Last year, Canada lost a national treasure – Stuart McLean. He began his radio program The Vinyl Cafe in 1994, and to date has recorded more than 400 stories on CBC radio (Canadian Broadcast Company). It got to be so popular that he traveled throughout small town Canada with musical acts and shared his stories about Dave, Morley, Sam and Stephanie on the Vinyl Cafe with that old radio voice that captivated so many. Now, thanks to the wonder of Spotfiy – The Vinyl Cafe, I get to sit in my kitchen every Sunday morning with my coffee and become entranced once more… now it is even more special because sometimes my 8 year old daughter sits with me too. The Vinyl Cafe is perfect for higher level listening comprehension exercises. So here you go – Toilet Training the Cat .
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