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Revues francophones de recherche sur les TICE Revues et supports francophones à caractère scientifique liés aux TICE N.B. Toutes les indications à caractère quantitatif sont données au 22 mai 2013. De nouvelles revues paraissent assez souvent. Parmi les revues dans le champ des TICE, les plus actives que nous avons pu repérer sont : 1. Cette revue en ligne à comité de lecture, figurant dans le DOAJ, est publiée depuis 1998. 2. Le volume 1 a été publié dès 1986. 3. Cette revue, à l’initiative du Centre national de formation à distance et initialement nommée Distances et savoirs, a publié 9 volumes comptant chacun 4 numéros entre 2003 et 2011. 4. L’association EPI, fondée en 1971, a joué un rôle considérable dans le développement de l’informatique en éducation. 5. La revue scientifique francophone de l’ATIEF est une revue de référence du domaine des EIAH (Environnements Informatisés pour l’Apprentissage Humain). 6. 7. Cette revue est publiée depuis 2004 par la conférence des recteurs et principaux des universités du Québec (CREPUQ).

Dreamweaver Tutorial: How to Create a Website with Dreamweaver C Tutorial on How to Design Your Website Using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 by Christopher Heng, Adobe Dreamweaver Creative Suite 3 (CS3), formerly known as Macromedia Dreamweaver, is a fully-featured commercial web editor that allows you to create, build and manage complex websites. The editor is a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) web editor, which means that you can design your web page visually and whatever you see on the screen is what your visitors will see when they visit your website. This tutorial guides you through the steps of creating your first website using Dreamweaver. What You Will Need Dreamweaver CS3 You will need Dreamweaver CS3 (obviously). There are other things involved in getting your first web site up and running, such as getting your own domain name, making your website search engine friendly and promoting your web site. Overall Goals of the Dreamweaver Tutorial Goal of this Chapter Note that this is a hands-on tutorial. Start up Dreamweaver.

cours BD3 As of July 2012, Google Notebook has shut down and all Notebook data should now be in Google Docs. As previously announced, in most cases we were able to automatically export the Notebook data, so please visit Google Docs. Also please update any bookmarks or links to Notebook so that they point to Docs instead. Here are answers to some questions about this transition. We may add or update questions over time. Where is my auto-exported notebooks data? For auto-exported documents, you should see a new document in Google Docs for each notebook you had in Google Notebook. If you are having trouble finding the new docs, search for “Imported from Google Notebook” in the doc list. What happened to public notebooks? All public notebooks were unshared. What happened to bookmarks stored in Bookmarks data is not affected; you will still be able to access your bookmarks at I’ve never used Google Docs. What should I do if there’s a problem with my data?

2.0 - a PHP charting library You'll find on this page the public version of the pChart library. Only major version are published here. If you want to have access to the latest devel archive you'll need to be part of the early adopters community. After downloading the archive, if you feel lost, please go to the documentation portal by clicking on the top right "Documentation" link. Release Notes Updated drawPlotChart() to size the plot based on the serie weight. Added the drawXThreshold() function. Added the drawXThresholdArea() function. Added the AreaName param. to drawXThresholdArea() and drawThresholdArea(). Various visual enhancements. Fixed a bug in the drawPlotChart() function. Added shadow support for the Area charts. Added the BorderWidth parameter to the drawBubbleChart() function. Added the Shape parameter to the drawBubbleChart() function. Added the AXIS_FORMAT_CUSTOM for user callback handling. Rewritten the drawStackedAreaChart() function. Added support for labels on stacked charts. Added the EURO_SYMBOL constant.

Etude comparative Stratice : les LMS Open source - web-conférence du 12/03/13 Attention ! Places limitées ! Jean-Luc Peuvrier et Jean-Yves Loiget du cabinet Stratice, membre du FFFOD, présenteront leur étude comparative de 9 plateformes open-source (Chamilo, Claroline, Dokeos, Formagri, Ganesha, Moodle, Ilias, Olat, Spiral) lors de la web-conférence du FFFOD, le 12 mars 2013 de 14h à 15h.Jacques Fayet, consultant CEGOS, animera la séance. Ils ont adopté le point de vue du formateur pour explorer ces plateformes et se sont donc intéressés plus particulièrement aux fonctionnalités pédagogiques et d’administration des formations qui diffèrent selon les plateformes. Nous invitons les adhérents et les abonnés à la web-conférence. Notre partenaire Live Session vous adressera les liens nécessaires avant la conférence. Le calendrier 2013 Live Session et le FFFOD sont associés pour les web-conférences.

Ten Web Development Tips I Wish I’d Known Two Years Ago A couple of years ago I started doing more and more web development and web design, and less and less desktop development. Here's a few things I wish I'd known then: 1. Use a Reset StylesheetDifferent browsers are free to set default styles for font sizes, margins, and so forth. It's a silly part of the specification but there you go. Rather than trying to eliminate these differences on a case-by-case basis, many web developers now make use of a reset stylesheet to set all margins to zero, remove all borders, standardize all font sizes, and so forth.There's dispute over which particular features need to be reset; but to be honest having any one of them is going to be better than none. (Yes I know in theory you should be able to do that in CSS.

array The following function (similar to one above) will render an array as a series of HTML select options (i.e. "<option>...</option>"). The problem with the one before is that there was no way to handle <optgroup>, so this function solves that issue. function arrayToSelect($option, $selected = '', $optgroup = NULL) { $returnStatement = ''; if ($selected == '') { $returnStatement .= '<option value="" selected="selected">Select one... if (isset($optgroup)) { foreach ($optgroup as $optgroupKey => $optgroupValue) { $returnStatement .= '<optgroup label="' . foreach ($option[$optgroupKey] as $optionKey => $optionValue) { if ($optionKey == $selected) { $returnStatement .= '<option selected="selected" value="' . $returnStatement .= '</optgroup>'; } } else { foreach ($option as $key => $value) { if ($key == $selected) { $returnStatement .= '<option selected="selected" value="' . return $returnStatement; } Here's a further example: $countryList = array( 'CA' => 'Canada', 'US' => 'United States');

Ergonomie du web: critères ergonomiques de Scapin et Bastien Critères ergonomiques de Scapin et Bastien Les critères ergonomiques, qu'on les voit comme des règles ou des guides, sont à la base un des meilleurs outils que l'on puisse utiliser pour voir, comprendre et expliquer des problèmes ergonomiques. Ils permettent aussi d'orienter des choix de conception vers des pistes ergonomiquement solides, sans pour autant sacrifer l'aspect mercatique ou esthétique d'un site. Comme nous le disions plus tôt, ils contribuent à éviter les pièges de la subjectivité et des goûts personnels en donnant un cadre de travail neutre et efficace. Tel que souligné dans l'ouvrage de Scapin et Bastien, les critères ergonomiques ont trois caractéristiques qui les distinguent d'autres activités ergonomiques et en font un outil de choix: Ce résumé du travail de Dominic Scapin et de Christian Bastien trouve ses origines dans l'ouvrage suivant: Bastien, J.M.C., Scapin, D. (1993) Ergonomic Criteria for the Evaluation of Human-Computer interfaces. ShareThis 1. 1.1 Incitation 2.

YSlow: Yahoo&#039;s Problems Are Not Your Problem I first saw Yahoo's 13 Simple Rules for Speeding Up Your Web Site referenced in a post on Rich Skrenta's blog in May. It looks like there were originally 14 rules; one must have fallen off the list somewhere along the way. It's solid advice culled from the excellent Yahoo User Interface blog, which will soon be packaged into a similarly excellent book. It's also available as a powerpoint presentation delivered at the Web 2.0 conference. I've also covered similar ground in my post, Reducing Your Website's Bandwidth Usage. But before you run off and implement all of Yahoo's solid advice, consider the audience. To help others implement the rules, Yahoo created a FireBug plugin, YSlow. To understand the scoring, you have to dissect the weighting of the individual rules, as Simone Chiaretta did: My YSlow score of 73 is respectable, but I've already made some changes to accommodate its myriad demands. Google: A (99) Yahoo Developer Network blog : D (66) Yahoo! Configure ETags (Weight: 11)
