Perl tricks by Neil Kandalgaonkar
Author: Neil KandalgaonkarFormatting: Laurent CAPRANI Look here for a nicer version of this page that Neil made. Contents Primality regex I found the actual one-liner Abigail originally used from How it works STATEMENT if COND Cool perl syntax, a statement may have 'modifiers' at the end like this. shift shift normally removes the first element of an array and returns that element, like popping from the beginning. 1 x shift x is the repetition operator. The logical negation of =~, will succeed if the regex does NOT match. The regular expression Example To see how it works let's consider the case of N = 9. So, you can see how this process is analogous to trying to divide a number by successively larger divisors, leaving no remainder. This vs. mine BTW: this also is much more efficient than the one I showed the group, with the addition of a single character! My regex always had to backtrack from the maximal match; since Abigail made the 11+?
Api ebay regex yahoo pipes et bibliophilie sont dans un bateau
Petit exercice de style pour extraire d'ebay-France les livres anciens antérieurs à 1800. Pour cela, j'ai utilisé un Yahoo Pipe appelé Ebay Search que j'ai modifié car il s'intéressait aux disques sur ebay US. Dans l'extrait ci-dessous j'ai surligné les champs modifiés : La version originale comprenait un filtrage sur un mot contenu dans le titre, en saisie facultative. Il a fallu ensuite rajouter autre un filtre permettant d'éviter les ouvrages postérieurs à 1799 et le tour était joué. Enfin, on peut diffuser le résultat entre autres sur une page personnalisée Google, sous l'appellation badge (google gadget) comme illustré ci-dessous :
Regular Expression
a free online quick reference by VisiBone I hope you find these excerpts of the VisiBone JavaScript references very useful. See also the JavaScript Card and Foldouts Here is the syntax for a very powerful and very cryptic string pattern matching scheme in the client-side JavaScript of web browsers. You can use it to validate form entry, parse URLs, and many other things. The information here forms a page of the JavaScript Card: and is one of the set of three JavaScript Foldouts: Feedback form below! or VisiBone also makes several printed web color references. Posters & Charts Laminated Cards that match the "VisiBone2" swatch collection in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Plus two varieties of Mouse Pads. And a chart with 1068 non-web-safe colors: Feedback welcome! Thank you, and good luck building!
The Regex Coach - interactive regular expressions
Abstract The Regex Coach is a graphical application for Windows which can be used to experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions interactively. It has the following features: It shows whether a regular expression matches a particular target string. It can also show which parts of the target string correspond to captured register groups or to arbitrary parts of the regular expression. It can "walk" through the target string one match at a time. Contents Download and installation The Regex Coach together with this documentation can be downloaded from You should use Windows 2000 or Windows XP with all updates and service packs installed. You also must have the Microsoft runtime library msvcr80.dll installed. If you have a previous version (0.8.5 or earlier) of The Regex Coach installed, uninstall it first before you install the new version! Older versions, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac There is no Mac version and I have no plans to release one. License
Five Habits for Successful R
Regular expressions are hard to write, hard to read, and hard to maintain. Plus, they are often wrong, matching unexpected text and missing valid text. The problem stems from the power and expressiveness of regular expressions. Each metacharacter packs power and nuance, making code impossible to decipher without resorting to mental gymnastics. Most implementations include features that make reading and writing regular expressions easier. This article uses Perl, PHP, and Python in the code examples, but the advice here is applicable to nearly any regex implementation. 1. Most programmers have no problem adding whitespace and indentation to the code surrounding a regular expression. The extended whitespace feature of most regex implementations allows programmers to extend their regular expressions over several lines, with comments at the end of each. The only trick to remember with extended whitespace is that the regex engine ignores whitespace. m/ foo | bar /x "/ foo | bar /x" \(? / \(? 2.
Finding Comments in Source Code Using Regu
Motivation Many text editors have advanced find (and replace) features. When I'm programming, I like to use an editor with regular expression search and replace. First Try When first attempting this problem, most people consider the regular expression:/\*.*\*/ This seems the natural way to do it. /\* finds the start of the comment (note that the literal * needs to be escaped because * has a special meaning in regular expressions), .* finds any number of any character, and \*/ finds the end of the expression. The first problem with this approach is that .* does not match new lines. /* First comment first comment—line two*//* Second comment */ Second Try This can be overcome easily by replacing the . with [^] (in some regular expression packages) or more generally with (. This reveals a second, more serious, problem—the expression matches too much. start_code(); /* First comment */ more_code(); /* Second comment */ end_code(); Third Try To fix this, the regular expression must accept less.