Windows Phone 7.5 - Manipulating camera stream In the previous article from this series I've introduced how to access the cameras of the phone and emulate a photo camera using the Windows Phone API. These API are really straightforward and almost everyone can take pictures easily for the purposes of the application. But for the most demanding, taking pictures does not suffice. As an example you can think to an application that needs to measure the light incoming from the lens or that is able to read a barcode without asking the user to click a button. These two samples, but also lot of other I can imagine, require the access to the raw stream coming from the camera. Only in this way the developer can examine the stream, detect shapes, perform calculations, and so on. Download the source code Accessing the raw stream For the purpose of demonstrating how to access the camera stream, I've created a simple histogram calculator app. 1: public Histogram() 3: InitializeComponent(); 5: // add here further initializations 14: else
Débuter avec une carte Arduino La famille Arduino est apparue en 2006 sous forme d’une carte programmable avec un port série. Puis de nouvelles versions sont apparues, toujours aussi simples, avec différents formats : petites, grandes, plus puissantes, plus économiques, avec USB, avec Ethernet, compatible Androïd, etc... On peut les utiliser pour récupérer les informations de capteurs, pour contrôler des moteurs, pour communiquer avec un ordinateur, avec un téléphone portable, pour envoyer et lire des messages sur Internet, pour éteindre des appareils électriques, pour piloter un robot mobile, pour servir de cerveau à un humanoïde, ou tout simplement pour apprendre l’électronique, et encore bien d’autres usages. Retrouvez grâce au lexique tous nos articles traitant de la carte Arduino. Arduino, c’est une grande famille et une solution reconnue avec des publications dédiées. Différents modèles, une même passion Présentation Voici ses caractéristiques principales pour le modèle le plus courant : hardware software Premiers pas
Interview Questions Open Database - GeekInterview HTML5 - Web developer guides HTML5 is the latest evolution of the standard that defines HTML. The term represents two different concepts. It is a new version of the language HTML, with new elements, attributes, and behaviors, and a larger set of technologies that allows the building of more diverse and powerful Web sites and applications. This set is sometimes called HTML5 & friends and often shortened to just HTML5. Designed to be usable by all Open Web developers, this reference page links to numerous resources about HTML5 technologies, classified into several groups based on their function. Semantics: allowing you to describe more precisely what your content is. Semantics Sections and outlines in HTML5 A look at the new outlining and sectioning elements in HTML5: <section>, <article>, <nav>, <header>, <footer> and <aside>. Using HTML5 audio and video The <audio> and <video> elements embed and allow the manipulation of new multimedia content. Forms improvements New semantic elements Improvement in <iframe> MathML WebRTC
FAZED - Until the weekend heals us Zalgo Text Generator Information Zalgo is a combination of 3 different character sets, Combining Diacritical Marks (U+0300 - U+036F), Greek and Coptic (U+0370 - U+3FF) and Cyrillic (U+0400 - U+04FF). It is also known as a "meme" on sites like but is also argued to be a "curroption instead. Encyclopedia Dramatica : "The Zalgo outbreak has since been brought to greater attention by user Evilscary, who created/discovered most of the Garfield and Ctrl-Alt-Del comics featuring Z҉A҉L҉G҉O. Zalgo Characters Reference Zalgo Character Code Reference
AStar32U4 library: Main Page Version: 1.0.4 Release date: 2016 Apr 06 Summary This is a C++ library for the Arduino IDE that helps access the on-board hardware of the A-Star 32U4 controllers, which is a family of programmable controllers from Pololu based on the ATmega32U4. display information on the LCDplay sounds and music on the buzzerread the battery voltage levelcontrol the three user LEDsuse the three user pushbuttonsuse the on-board motor drivers (Not all of these features are available on every A-Star 32U4. Installing the library If you are using version 1.6.2 or later of the Arduino software (IDE), you can use the Library Manager to install this library: In the Arduino IDE, open the "Sketch" menu, select "Include Library", then "Manage Libraries...".Search for "AStar32U4".Click the AStar32U4 entry in the list.Click "Install". If this does not work, you can manually install the library: Examples Several example sketches are available that show how to use the library. Classes and functions
Computer Glossary, Computer Terms - Technology Definitions and Cheat Sheets from - The Tech Dictionary and IT Encyclopedia Top Stories How to research enterprise tech purchases Conquering the tech buying landscape can be challenging. Pros and cons of facial recognition While facial recognition can offer many security and authentication benefits, flawed or misused facial recognition systems can put consumers at risk. 18 companies on stock exchange innovating in AI Keep an eye on the AI innovators as the turbulent AI industry evolves. 34 AI content generators to explore in 2024 Artificially generated media continues to progress. View All Learning Content Browse Definitions By Topic In-Depth Guides What is data governance and why does it matter? New & Updated Definitions Tech News Getty Images/iStockphoto Microsoft allies with OpenAI rival Mistral AI Broadcom to sell VMware EUC division to KKR for $3.8B Customers that pair VMware's hypervisor with Horizon and Workspace One desktops might feel licensing jitters, but the deal could lead to more ... New merger guidelines, crackdown affect business strategies Close
Native, HTML5, or Hybrid: Understanding Your Mobile Application Development Options Navigation: Developer Force | Salesforce Mobile Services | Native, HTML5 or Hybrid Screens are small, apps are big, and life as we know it is on its head again. In a world that's increasingly social and open, mobile apps play a vital role, and have changed the focus from what's on the Web, to the apps on our mobile device. Mobile apps are no longer an option, they're an imperative. You need a mobile app, but where do you start? Like Goldilocks, you may have to try a couple beds that are too soft or too hard, before you find the one that’s just right. While this article addresses mobile app development in general, it is specifically targeted at developers looking to create mobile applications that interact with,, or Native apps are specific to a given mobile platform (iOS or Android) using the development tools and language that the respective platform supports (e.g., Xcode and Objective-C with iOS, Eclipse and Java with Android).
Writing user defined functions for Excel in .NET - .NET4Office I've updated this article with some new guidance--for the details, see this post. Excel enables the creation of user defined functions that can be used in Excel formulas. A developer must create a special kind of DLL called an XLL. Fortunately, there is an easier way to create a user defined function that doesn’t require you to create an XLL dll. First, launch Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008 and create a new C# class library project called AutomationAddin for this example. Then, in your Class1.cs file, enter the code shown below. using System;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using Microsoft.Win32; namespace AutomationAddin{ // Replace the Guid below with your own guid that // you generate using Create GUID from the Tools menu [Guid("5268ABE2-9B09-439d-BE97-2EA60E103EF6")] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)] [ComVisible(true)] public class MyFunctions { public MyFunctions() { return result; } Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey( GetSubKeyName(type, "Programmable")); 1. 2.