Beginner Beginner English, Swedish classes 1-2, lesson periods in Sweden are normally 20-30 minutes once or twice a week. Some teachers just choose to take “English moments” now and then when time allows. recommends these periods/moments to consist of songs/rhymes, vocabulary and dialogues/stories either in themes or randomly. Click the category name and see the results listed below: Direct links to Christmas pages:
HELP Start Grundpaket- Nypon Engelskan är vårt främsta världsspråk men är samtidigt ett av världens mest komplicerade skriftspråk. Personer med dyslexi får ofta stora problem med skriven engelska. Därför behövs den speciella pedagogiken i HELP Start. Materialet har en tydlig lektionsplan, använder multisensoriska tekniker och innehåller varierade övningar i böcker och datorprogram. HELP Start utgår från modern forskning om dyslexi och tar hänsyn till både det som brukar vara problematiskt just för svenska elever i mötet med engelskan och de svårigheter som dyslexi ofta innebär. Grundpaketet innehåller: datorprogram, lärarhandledning och instruktionsfilm (webbåtkomst)6 textböcker A-F, en för varje nivå6 arbetsböcker A-F, en för varje nivå296 st kort för användning på magnettavla Professor Ingvar Lundberg har sagt så här om HELP Start: ”Malin Holmberg har lyckats med konststycket att förena nödvändig överinlärning och lustfyllt lärande. Malin Holmberg har tagit fram materialet HELP Start. Cecilia Lundh
Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Activities Using Flashcards With Young Learners | The Super Simple Learning Resource Center When introducing vocabulary to young learners, it’s great to use real items that capture children’s attention. However, it’s not always possible or realistic for teachers to use real items in the classroom. Flashcards can be a great way to introduce new vocabulary so that learners have a very clear understanding of the word or concept. When using flashcards or picture cards to introduce vocabulary in the classroom, try to create some suspense or mystery about the cards. Students are more receptive to learning when they are curious. Rather than just flipping through the cards and having students repeat the words, incorporate the cards into activities. Reinforce the vocabulary words in other parts of your lesson, such as in a storytime book, a worksheet or a song. Here are a few simple ideas for introducing and reviewing language using flashcards. Mystery Box One of the simplest ways to engage students’ interest is to introduce new items with a Mystery Box. What’s Missing, Teacher?
Curriculum for the compulsory school, preschool class and the recreation centre, 2011 The wording of the Curriculum for the compulsory school system,the preschool class and the recreation centre (Lgr11) is based on the Ordinanceon the Compulsory School System announced in the Code of Statutes (SKOLFS) of the National Agency for Education (SKOLFS 2010:37). The wording of the knowledge requirements for subjects in the compulsory school is based on the Provision on the Compulsory School System announced in the Code of Statutes (SKOLFS) of the National Agency for Education (SKOLFS 2011:19).During school year 2011/12, the knowledge requirements for grade E at the end of school year 6 apply as acceptable knowledge at the end of school year 6. All knowledge requirements for year 6 will be applied the first time starting in school year 2012/13. Ladda ner som PDF (5215 KB)