Livro Expressões Regulares - Uma Abordagem Divertida :: Ficha Conquistas Resenha As Expressões Regulares podem ser utilizadas em diversos aplicativos, como editores de textos, leitores de e-mail e linguagens de programação, no UNIX, Linux, Windows e Mac. Qualquer usuário de computador pode usufruir dos seus benefícios. Profissionais que manipulam texto e dados economizarão horas de serviço braçal: escritores, revisores, tradutores, programadores e administradores de sistema. Em uma abordagem incomum de encontrar em livros técnicos, as explicações didáticas e divertidas tornam prazerosa a leitura de um tema tão árido e abstrato. $ diff -u guia livro Formato novo O antigo formato "de bolso" (10,5x23 cm) é prático para carregar, mas torna a leitura cansativa, pois as folhas são estreitas e o texto tem que ficar espremido, usando letras pequenas e pouco espaçamento. Conteúdo solto Com o espaço ampliado, agora o conteúdo pôde se expandir e ficar mais à vontade. Cara de livro Ilustrações! Conteúdo reorganizado Seções novas Conteúdo atualizado Conteúdo novo
Swap Dieser Artikel wurde für die folgenden Ubuntu-Versionen getestet: Dieser Artikel ist größtenteils für alle Ubuntu-Versionen gültig. Zum Verständnis dieses Artikels sind folgende Seiten hilfreich: Linux (wie auch so gut wie alle anderen Betriebssysteme) versucht, die Betriebssystemkomponenten, aktuell benötigte Programmdaten etc. möglichst komplett im RAM (Arbeitsspeicher) zu halten, da der Zugriff auf das RAM deutlich schneller ist als auf Datenträger wie Festplatte, CD, USB-Stick usw. Nun kann es aber vorkommen, dass das komplette RAM voll ist, weil z.B. Nutzt ein System den Swap intensiv, so wird das System durch die häufigen Plattenzugriffe deutlich langsamer und fühlt sich „zäh“ an. Swapgröße Auf modernen Computern mit mehreren Gigabyte RAM oder mehr lagern die Systeme kaum mehr aus (es sei denn, man bearbeitet sehr große Audiodateien, mehrere große Bilder mit GIMP oder hat andere extrem große Dokumente geöffnet etc.). Swap anlegen Swap-Partition nachträglich erstellen Achtung! ausführen.
Awk - A Tutorial and Introduction - by Bruce Barnett Your browser does not have Javascript enabled. I use Javascript for analytics, and to show ads which pay for the maintenance Last modified: Thu Apr 23 16:37:47 EDT 2015 Part of the Unix tutorials And then there's My blog Table of Contents Copyright 1994,1995 Bruce Barnett and General Electric Company Copyright 2001, 2004, 2013, 2014 Bruce Barnett All rights reserved You are allowed to print copies of this tutorial for your personal use, and link to this page, but you are not allowed to make electronic copies, or redistribute this tutorial in any form without permission. Original version written in 1994 and published in the Sun Observer Awk is an extremely versatile programming language for working on files. The examples given below have the extensions of the executing script as part of the filename. Why learn AWK? In the past I have covered grep and sed. AWK - the (very old) original from AT&T NAWK - A newer, improved version from AT&T GAWK - The Free Software foundation's version Basic Structure
MacPorts 13. Classes and objects — How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 2nd Edition documentation 13.1. Object-oriented programming Python is an object-oriented programming language, which means that it provides features that support object-oriented programming ( OOP). Object-oriented programming has its roots in the 1960s, but it wasn’t until the mid 1980s that it became the main programming paradigm used in the creation of new software. It was developed as a way to handle the rapidly increasing size and complexity of software systems, and to make it easier to modify these large and complex systems over time. Up to now we have been writing programs using a procedural programming paradigm. 13.2. A class in essence defines a new data type. Consider the concept of a mathematical point. A natural way to represent a point in Python is with two numeric values. An alternative is to define a new user-defined compound type, also called a class. A class definition looks like this: This definition creates a new class called Point. class Point: "Point class for storing mathematical points." 13.3.
Sed History of sed[edit] GNU sed added several new features, of which the best-known is in-place editing of files. Super-sed is an extended version of sed that includes regular expressions compatible with Perl. Another variant of sed is minised, originally reverse-engineered from 4.1BSD sed by Eric S. Mode of operation[edit] sed is a line-oriented text processing utility: it reads text, line by line, from an input stream or file, into an internal buffer called the pattern space. The sed script can either be specified on the command line (-e option) or read from a separate file (-f option). 10q will print the first 10 lines of input, then stop. Usage[edit] Substitution command[edit] The following example shows a typical, and the most common, use of sed, for substitution; this usage was indeed the original motivation for sed:[3] sed 's/regexp/replacement/g' inputFileName > outputFileName In some versions of sed, the expression must be preceded by a -e to indicate that an expression follows.
Find & Replace across multiple files in linux | Rushi's Ramblings Here’s the post on my new blog – Below is an older version of the post: I was trying to find a solution todo a find & replace across multiple files which was purely command line based. There are plenty of scripts out there which will accomplish this but I needed a single line command. find . It looks a bit complicated but its quite simple. find . This pretty much covers the core of the find & replace command. Resources: Like this: Like Loading...
To SQL or NoSQL? That’s the database question Poke around the infrastructure of any startup website or mobile app these days, and you're bound to find something other than a relational database doing much of the heavy lifting. Take, for example, the Boston-based startup Wanderu. This bus- and train-focused travel deal site launched about three years ago. But why is that? Today, the database landscape continues to become increasingly complicated. The genesis of NoSQL In the beginning—about 12 years ago—there was structured data, and it was good. But that data was live, stored in operational systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) setups. SQL-based relational servers are built to handle the demands of financial transactions, designed around the tenets of ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. ACID, though, doesn't matter much when you're just reading data for analysis. How do you scale an Internet business to handle that? That setup is a little sloppy, and it wouldn't work for financial transactions. Hadoop
Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web How to Design Programs: An Introduction to Computing and Programming In the beginning, people thought of computers as number crunchers. And indeed, computers are very good at working with numbers. Since teachers start their first-graders on computing with numbers, we start with numbers, too. Once we know how computers deal with numbers, we can develop simple programs in no time; we just translate common sense into our programming notation. Still, even developing such simple programs requires discipline, and so we introduce the outline of the most fundamental design recipe and the basic programming guideline at the end of this section. 2.1 Numbers and Arithmetic Numbers come in many different flavors: positive and negative integers, fractions (also known as rationals), and reals are the most widely known classes of numbers: The first is an integer, the second one a negative integer, the next two are fractions, and the last one is an inexact representation of a real number. As in arithmetic or algebra, we can nest expressions: (sqrt 2) = #i1.4142135623731 but
SED - Portal brasileiro do Stream EDitor do UNIX #!/bin/sed -fn /^Bem-vind[oa]/!{ /E/s/ta é a /minha pá/g;/i/n;/a/ s/o//;b re; /o Se/d sed primeiro, dep;/oi/s o resto ;P } $!N Seja bem-vindo(a) ao portal do Sed. Acompanhe aqui vários artigos sobre o Sed, escritos em português. Lá no meu blog eu contei a minha história com o Sed, que começou em 1997 e mudou minha vida, culminando com a escrita de um livro sobre Expressões Regulares. Lista de discussão Você ainda não assina a sed-br? Your book is on the table? Documentação Em português Alfabeto do sed por Aurelio Marinho Jargas Uma cola rápida de todos os comandos do sed, em ordem alfabética. Sed HOWTO por Aurelio Marinho Jargas Este documento se propõe a ser um tutorial e um guia de consulta de Sed ao mesmo tempo. Dominando o Sed por Aurelio Marinho Jargas Um livro inacabado sobre Sed, disponível gratuitamente em PDF. Sed 1liners por Ricardo Sartori Comandos Sed de apenas 1 linha, prontos para copiar e colar. Só Sed por Thobias Salazar Trevisan Usando o sed para contar por Thobias Salazar Trevisan