Artificial Intelligence for Humans, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms: Jeff Heaton: 9781493682225: Books Yup, That Exists Home - FOBO Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence Copyright and Disclaimer Although we try to keep this information accurate, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. The information on this website is for personal and/or educational use only and is provided in good faith without any express or implied warranty. All access and use is at the risk of the user. This site and the slides contain a variety of copyrighted material. This site and the slides provide hypertext links to a number of other web sites as a service to users of this webiste. Comments and suggestions are welcome. 1 Evolutionary Systems Natural and Artificial Evolution [ppt] [pdf] Evolutionary Electronics [ppt] [pdf] 2 Cellular Systems [ppt] [pdf] 3 Neural Systems Biological and Artificial Neural Networks [ppt] [pdf] Evolution of Artificial Neural Networks [ppt] [pdf] 4 Developmental Systems [ppt] [pdf] 5 Immune Systems [ppt] [pdf] 6 Behavioral Systems 7 Collective Systems Coevolution [ppt] [pdf] Swarm Intelligence [ppt] [pdf] Swarm Robotics [ppt] [pdf]
Handiii : un bras bionique qui se connecte au smartphone Movienr - We are watching The Superbook: Turn your smartphone into a laptop for $99 by Andromium Inc. Kickstarter Collections Projects We Love Trending Nearly Funded Just Launched Everything Categories On Our Radar Moodstone with Google: A Case Study - AQ Consider a weekend visit to the beach. As the sun sinks below the horizon, a companion folds up the blanket and scrapes the sand from between their toes. You take a last stroll along the shoreline, looking for a little souvenir to bring back to the city. You find a stone. Smooth, slightly flat, unremarkable in color, it fits just so in the palm of your hand. Over the coming hours, days, months or years, you find yourself reaching for it, holding it, and tracing its contours. Whatever this object is — perhaps it’s a twig, a coin or a button — imagine for a moment that feeling could travel in both directions and that it could connect with us in an empathetic way. At the beginning of 2013 we began to design this object. Our experiences were so unexpected, and the questions we were forced to ask ourselves along the way became so complex, that we decided to share our design challenges here. The Brief Tom Uglow Touch is an expressive form. Inspiring. Judith Moskowitz The Value in Noticing
Les robots humanoïdes Il y a les androïdes, des robots spécialisés pour remplacer l'homme dans une tâche précise et répétitive, les robots jouets que l'on peut programmer, et les robots expérimentaux pour remplacer l'homme dans des environnement dangereux ou inaccessibles. Ils prennent la forme humanoïdes pour être plus proches de nous. La plupart sont ou seront commercialisés et feront bientôt partie du paysage. HRP 4C ou Ucroa Le dernier modèle d'une lignée de robots humanoïdes crées par l'Institut National de Sciences et Technologies Industrielles Avancées du Japon. Elle pourrait avoir une apparence plus humaine, mais cela a été volontairement évité car certaines personnes sont gênées en présence d'humains mécanique. Atlas de Boston Dynamics Boston Dynamics, maintenant filiale d'Alphabet-Google, est déjà connue pour Big Dog, le robot de transport qui ne tombe jamais. Asimo HRP-3 Promet MK-II Manoi AT01 (Vidéo) Successeur de Kondo KHR-1, il mesure 40 cms et pèse 1,4 kg. Plen de Akasawa Pino et Nuvo de ZMP Nao Hubo
Echo - Official site - Request an invitation ZUS Kevlar Cable | nonda High Performance Fiber for Superior Strength Tired of splintering cables that only last for a few months? That's why we created the ZUS Cable with the strongest aramid fiber technology, often used in aerospace and military applications, to provide added protection against cord splintering and daily wear. Lab Tested by TÜV to Bend 15,188 Times The ZUS Cable can bend over 15,000 times, 50% more than the premium charging brand Belkin. Quality Guaranteed For Life Every ZUS Cable is covered by a lifetime warranty. If your cable breaks from normal wear and tear, we'll replace it. Tangle-Free The tough nylon braiding material keeps the ZUS Cable inherently tangle-free. Each cable also comes with a complementary velcro tie to keep things further organized. Perfect Pairing with the ZUS Car Charger The ZUS cable's 90 degree plug provides a slim fit in narrow spaces. Fast Charging Test The Cable Challenge We invited a select group of tech and video enthusiasts to test the USB-C cable.
Archives H+ Magazine #01 – Juillet / Août 2015 Contrairement aux idées reçues, les technologies émergentes ne déshumanisent nullement la société. Tout au contraire, elles rapprochent les humains en faisant profondément évoluer les rapports sociaux. Les robots compagnons participent eux-mêmes à cette redéfinition… Internet et les objets connectés bouleversent les habitudes et les makers bouleversent la donne avec l’émergence de communautés et surtout la mise en commun des fichiers « open source ». Autre exemple des progrès phénoménaux faits par les robots, cet incroyable concours lancé par la DARPA pour lequel se sont affrontés les meilleures équipes de roboticiens du monde entier. Disponible dans les meilleurs kiosques (France / Belgique / Suisse).
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