ContentChecker for Email | Lyris Reaching the inbox isn’t enough anymore. Customers today demand – and respond to – highly personalized engagement. And email marketers are struggling to deliver. Aurea Email Marketing changes that. We make it easy to truly reach and connect with your audience again and again, so you’re not just sending them emails — you’re driving conversions. With Aurea Email Marketing, you can: Engage with your customers through powerful email automation, sending truly dynamic, personalized communications based on their real-time behavior. Prefer the flexibility of a cloud-based solution? Listen and understand your audience Gain a rich picture of each individual customer, from Web, mobile, and social behavior to purchase and interaction history. Create and send more personalized, engaging marketing programs Engage customers with highly relevant, targeted, and timely messages as they interact with your marketing programs and website.
Les bienfaits du service client par email - Blog de Capitaine Train Ou pourquoi nous n’avons pas (encore ?) de numéro de téléphone. Si vous avez suivi l’aventure Capitaine Train, vous savez sans doute que nous nous intéressons beaucoup à l’expérience client de façon générale, et plus spécifiquement à la qualité de notre service client. La plupart de nos nouveaux clients nous découvrent suite à une recommandation d’un proche ; ayant lui-même eu une bonne expérience avec notre site ou notre service client. Avez-vous déjà essayé de nous contacter par téléphone ? Cela en surprendra certains, et pourtant nous sommes persuadés que c’est une bonne chose pour nos clients. Asynchrone FTW Toutes les études vous le diront : le temps de réponse est capital dans la satisfaction de ceux qui font appel à un service client. Dans notre cas, nous nous sommes vite rendus compte qu’il était très difficile de répondre sur-le-champ aux questions posées par nos clients. Chacun a sa propre expérience du train, chacun est confronté à des problèmes différents. Wait for it…
E-commerce: les fonctionnalités indispensables d'une fiche produit efficace La fiche produit d’un site e-commerce est la passerelle qui conduit un simple prospect à un prospect dit « chaud », qui deviendra par la suite un client. Ainsi, celle-ci se doit donc d’être optimisée afin d’inviter les internautes à cliquer sur le Saint Graal, le bouton « ajouter au panier », premier pas vers leur conversion… Optimiser la fiche produit d’un site de e-commerce est indispensable car vous pouvez avoir de super prix et un tunnel de conversion parfait, si vos fiches produits ne sont pas efficaces, vous ne vendrez pas ! Je vous propose de faire un focus sur les fonctionnalités qu’une fiche produit se doit d’avoir pour être efficace. Les fonctionnalités qui doivent apparaître au-dessus de la ligne de flottaison La zone au-dessus de la ligne de flottaison est la zone la plus importante d’une fiche produit car elle correspond aux premières informations que l’internaute va voir de votre produit. La ligne de flottaison expliquée par un schéma. Le visuel produit a un double rôle.
Emailing : deux méthodes pour tester son efficacité A/B testing ou tests à variables multiples ? Voici quelques éléments pour évaluer la méthode la plus adaptée à votre problématique. L’emailing et les newsletters restent des valeurs sûres du marketing digital. L’A/B testing Vous comparez deux versions (A et B) d’une variable pour identifier celle qui obtient le meilleur taux de conversion. Le test à variables multiples Vous comparez plus de deux variables : X sujets d’emails, l’emplacement des images, les call-to-action… Attention, il faut un nombre important de destinataires pour que les résultats soient significatifs. Quelques conseils pour réussir vos tests Concentrez-vous sur les variables qui comptent vraimentRestez cohérents (évitez de comparer un sujet de message et l’intitulé du Call-to-ActionTravaillez sur des objectifs mesurablesGagnez du temps en mesurant les résultats de campagnes passéesCadrez vos tests avec un test par variableFractionnez vos listes si nécessaireOptimisez les éléments testés Que tester en priorité Lire aussi
AWeber vs MailChimp: Which is Better Suited for Building Your List? | Elegant Themes Blog Search the web for information on AWeber or MailChimp and you’re likely to come up with two themes: firstly, advice suggesting that you must be using an email platform to build your email list; and secondly, a constant debate between bloggers on which of the two to use, including some who have switched between the two and back again! So what are my thoughts on this hot topic? Well, I agree that building a list of readers, followers, or customers – however you want to define them – is paramount to building your brand. Data is very powerful, since once you have somebody’s email address and their permission to contact them; you can send them tailored information direct to their inbox. This is relationship building and is the start of the sales funnel. You can start building your email address very easily by offering something in return, such as a free eBook download. So that’s the basics of why and how you should be collecting email addresses and sending out communications. And MailChimp?
Contact Form 7 Integrations Contact Form 7 Integrations | This plugin Integrates Contact Form 7 with a cloud-based contact management database, CRM Tools, form conversion analytics and 3rd party software integrations. Supported and maintained by This plugin extension is built for professional websites using Contact Form 7 and manages form submissions and leads generated from your Contact Form 7 forms. Map all of your Contact Form 7 form fields to’s free hosted contact management database.Use’s form submission analytics and communications tools.Post your Contact Form 7 submissions to popular third-party software such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, Zendesk, Google Docs and 20+ other software partners. We have a permanent free version and premium options. Getting Started with Contact Form 7 Integrations b) From this new module, you’ll map your form fields between Contact Form 7 and with a simple mapping tool. About
Ink: A Responsive Email Framework from ZURB We know building HTML emails is hard, especially responsive emails. That's why we created Foundation for Emails. Get away from complex table markup and inconsistent results. Use Foundation for Emails to spend less time coding emails, and more time on other things, like building amazing products. Email marketing is good for your business. Common UI Patterns to Build Faster You can use these UI patterns in your designs to quickly get your email into shape. Emails that work in all of the major clients, even Outlook There’s no need to worry about inconsistent spacing and odd rendering issues with your layouts. View our compatibility chart → The ZURB Email Stack will make you an email pro Upgrade your email workflow to save time be more efficient. Learn more about the ZURB Email Stack → Inlining CSS is was a pain It used to be that every time you had to make a change to your email, you had to copy the contents, open the inliner in your browser, paste it in and inline. Check out our web inliner →
Outil : trouver facilement les mails de contact d'une entreprise Que ce soit pour la recherche d’emploi ou pour des objectifs commerciaux, il peut être très utile de trouver le mail direct d’un contact identifié dans une entreprise. Un RH, un responsable d’activité, un chargé de communication ou de RP… Les objectifs peuvent être multiples. En se débrouillant bien, ce n’est généralement pas compliqué. On peut faire une recherche Google avec « mail nom de la personne », trouver la logique de construction de mails de la société et l’appliquer au contact souhaité (première lettre du prénom et nom attaché @ nom de la société .com par exemple), ou encore visiter le site corporate de l’entreprise en tentant de dénicher le mail. Et sinon, si vous ne souhaitez pas vous compliquer la vie, vous avez aussi la possibilité d’utiliser Email Hunter, un outil très pratique qui vous donnera des réponses en quelques secondes seulement.
Email Marketing Best Practices to Push ROI Through the Roof If you’re looking to acquire new customers or sell more effectively to your existing customers, you can’t go wrong with email marketing. After all, email is almost 40 times more effective in helping your business acquire new customers than Facebook or Twitter . But it is possible to go wrong with email marketing. 59% of marketers plan to increase their email marketing budgets in 2015 , and if you’re looking to get the highest return on your email marketing investment, it all starts at the very beginning. Subscriber Acquisition When a person visits your website or social media page, they examine your online presence before subscribing to your email list. 72% of consumers say they sign up for emails because they want to get discounts or coupons , and coupon codes or discounts are the best way to acquire new email subscribers. Customers who give you an email address in exchange for a free resource are trading their email for the resource. The Shotgun Approach Subscriber Segmentation Conclusion
Using Images in HTML Email This is a sample from my latest book, Professional Email Design, which teaches you the elements of great email design. Get a copy today. I love a good, all-text email. If you can pull off an elegant, interesting design using only type then I’ll buy you a beer. That’s just me, though. Most people like seeing a beautiful photograph or a quirky illustration in an email. Which formats work best? How many file formats are there for images? Fortunately for us, we only really need to concern ourselves with three image formats for everyday use. You may run into the occasional BMP, and more recently SVG files, but email designers have largely standardized on the three formats above. Let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks of each. JPEG (.jpg) The JPEG file format, which stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, is a great option when you need to include complex graphics like photographs or illustrations. They are perfect for pictures of people, product shots, and intricate illustrations.
10 design hacks for responsive emails that don’t suck Vivek Sharma is the co-founder and CEO of Movable Ink. Vivek is leading the charge to make email a more dynamic and relevant communication channel for marketers and consumers. With a background in both sales and product development, Vivek brings a potent combination of engineering talent and business savvy to his role as Movable Ink’s CEO. Creating responsive emails that look great on mobile devices isn’t a nice-to-have anymore – it’s a necessity. But according to Salesforce’s 2015 State of Marketing report, nearly half (42 percent) of marketers say that they rarely or never create responsive emails. The thing is, it’s not that hard to create responsive emails. Here are 10 quick design hacks that brands can use when they’re designing responsive emails: 1. Image credit: ivivva A lot of brands create regular email newsletters with multiple columns to split up content. On mobile, columns can be tricky to navigate. 2. Image credit: Carnival The font style should be considered as well. 3. 4. 5.
The ultimate guide to email design While a lot of online communication has moved to social media, email is still a very important part of any online marketing campaign. And when we think of marketing emails, what generally comes to mind is HTML email, rather than plain text. Designing for email is much like designing a simple webpage, but there are some key differences you need to take into consideration. You also need to keep in mind that email is a push, rather than pull, communication. People often get emails at an overwhelming rate, and not always when it’s convenient for them to look at them. That means you have mere fractions of a second to catch their attention before they move on to the next message in their inbox (unlike with a website, which they’ve chosen to visit at a particular time). But as long as you keep that in mind—that you have only an instant to catch your reader’s attention—you’ll have a much easier and smoother experience in designing effective emails. Mobile or bust Responsive design Newsletters Ink St.
Top Features To Look For In An Email Marketing Software | Elegant Themes Blog You don’t have to be an elderly veteran of the online business world to want an email marketing software with all the features and amenities. Let’s admit it: What better way to communicate with your contacts and prospects than through email? Compared to young and green marketing tools, email marketing has stood the test of time when it comes to generating leads, building customer relationships and increasing conversions. Here are some eye-opening stats about email marketing: Businesses using email to nurture leads enjoy 50 percent more sales-ready leads, which on average, result in a 20 percent increase in sales opportunities than non-nurtured leads. As email is a tried-and-true marketing tool, there is no shortage of software options that enable you to create custom email lists, send messages to thousands of contacts, and use pre-designed templates. But if you’re looking to do more with the software you have to dig deeper. So what is the best option? Visual Editor CRM Integration