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• Rojina
• Lily-Mai
Pencil Control Activities
How do I use these pencil control activities? These pencil control activities support your children as they practise pencil control in preparation for learning to write. Featuring 10 different worksheets, these pencil control activities provide preschoolers, kindergarteners and first-graders with plenty of practice tracing lines from top to bottom, left to right, round in a circle and generally moving the pencil in lots of different directions.
Money Master
How good are your money handling skills? How fast can you give change? Instructions: Drag the money onto or off the surface.
Top 10 french resources ideas and inspiration
I LOVE using centres with my students! My students love them, and will choose many of the centres to play during indoor recess instead of lego and other toys. It rained this week and one of my boys chose to build with magnets on cookie trays! Setting clear routines is the most important part. Take the time to teach the games to your students so that they understand how to play properly. If they haven't mastered the French vocab, then you will have behavioural and focus issues come up.
Petit cochon Peter
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Angry, Mean Autistics Invading Autism Groups, Upsetting Parents
Editor’s note: Heather is neurodivergent but not autistic; however, she is a fierce ally to autistics and a part of The Aspergian team. I’ve just read a third recently-released article written by parents of autistic children feeling hurt and saddened by what they were either “victims” of or how they were viewed on social media. The articles are written by well-meaning parents expressing something that happened in their life, where they are simply ranting or asking for advice regarding their autistic child. Instead of getting the anticipated support, some Autistic adults jump on their post, accusing them of being bad parents, doing something wrong, or simply appearing nasty. These people focus too much on the wording of the post rather than the intended objective.
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