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Sky Greens

Sky Greens
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VINCENT CALLEBAUT ARCHITECTE C.V. This Japanese Vertical Farming Company Wants to... Nuvege (also called “Green Green Earth”) is a hydroponic vertical farming company based out of Kyoto, Japan. Currently they only produce lettuces but they appear to be a well-established business. This is what they say about themselves and their technology: Nuvege’s innovative hydroponic technology is unlike any other conventional hydroponic system that exists today. Our unique Vertical Farming Environments utilize “vertical space” for our growth environments. Check out this video from their site (very basic but has some cool shots of their lab)

Caliber Biotherapeutics - Home Inside Urban Green IDEAS CITY 2015: The Collective NYC Biome Map | Genspace Petri-plates with bacteria modified with fluorescent protein under UV light, show parts of NYC grid map.(Photo credit Marta Molina Gomez and Ali Schachtschneider). Genspace citizen science biotech lab and scientist Christine Marizzi from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s DNA Learning Center worked together to create a map of NYCs collective microbiome, as part of the New Museum’s IDEAS CITY Festival 2015. Painting with bacteria on site at IDEAS CITY. The theme of IDEAS CITY Festival 2015 was The Invisible City, an homage to Italo Calvino’s literary masterpiece. Genspace approached this year’s theme of The Invisible City by making the invisible visible through offering the public access to NYCs collective microbiome! PathoMAP, SwabKIT. In the second part of the event, people joined Genspace and Christine to participate in a hands-on Bacteria Printing Workshop. The NYC map divided into a grid The bacteria prints reassembled into the map Close up of individual bacteria print

Pasona O2: Urban Underground Farming Two years ago we first covered Tokyo's underground farm; It is called Pasona O2 and was set up as a means of providing agricultural training to young people who are having trouble finding employment and middle-aged people in search of a second career. Of course, since we first posted the interest in local food has increased dramatically and there has been much more interest in urban farming. We also came upon some new information: The Pasona Group has a traditional farm in Ogata, but they want the "freeters" (Japanese slackers who hop between part time jobs) to get a taste, so to speak. "In the absence of sunlight, the plants are sustained by artificial light from light-emitting diodes, metal halide lamps, and high-pressure sodium vapor lamps. Room 1 Flower field. Room 3 Shelf rice field. Room 4 Fruit/vegetable field. Room 6 Seedling room. from ::Learning and Environment

MIT City Farm | As part of the City Science Initiative at the MIT Media Lab, ... Five Reasons Why Urban Farming is the Most Important Movement of our Time | Environment on GOOD I love suburbia not for what it is, but for what it could be. While most other houses on my street have grass lawns, my yard sprouts zucchinis, tomatoes, pomegranates, kale, spinach, apples, figs, guavas, almonds, garlic, onion, strawberries, and more. Over 500 plant species all in all. We grow more than 3000 pounds of food per year on a plot of land the size of a basketball court—enough fruits and vegetables to feed my family of four year-round. Our house is part of a growing global movement of people involved in urban farming. The simple act of planting a garden can shape issues like economics, health, and politics at the same time because food is an essential focal point of human activity. 1. In my own community, the urban farming movement has reinvigorated local commerce. 2. While industrial agriculture often maneuvers to avoid paying for environmental externalities, urban farmers directly bear the ecological costs of their actions. 3. 4. 5. The most important movement of our time.

ATELIERS TISSAGE A LOS ANGELES présenté par Julie.Robert The project Hello! Je suis Julie Robert, designer textile. Ma particularité est que j'utilise des matières haute couture dans mes tissages. Depuis quelques mois je donne des cours de tissage en France. Entre le 28 juin et le 5 juillet prochain je pars à LOS ANGELES donner des cours de tissage contemporain. Le but de ce voyage est de présenter mon travail en traversant l'océan seule avec mon sac à dos et mon métier à tisser. Echanger avec des créateurs locaux et diffuser ma "French Touch" là bas… Ce projet foufou a besoin d'un peu de soutien pour se réaliser convenablement. Why fund it? Se lancer à l'international a un coût et ce premier voyage me permettra d'en envisager d'autres. Chaque premier projet demande un investissement personnel. Mais j'ai besoin d'un coup de pouce pour le faire naître et perdurer. Pour ce premier évènement outre atlantique concentré sur Los Angeles j'ai besoin d'avancer 4450€ qui financeront l'intégralité du projet. Cette somme se découpe comme suit : 7 nuits : 600€ AGRITECTURE Future Growing® LLC KissKissBankBank — Let's free Creativity!
